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Whitby Free Press, 25 Jul 1990, p. 5

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W~B~ R~F~PI~I~ ~p~SD4L ~lUL~L25# ~ ~ s rHaving vacation means having plenty of Urne to thlnk about the state of the universe, the compleity of the world and the comnprèssion ratio on 1.2-litre engine. It also means being perplexed by the night stars in the country sky, and wondering how many make up a akyful. (5,284) It is also seeing an orange object rise silently frorn the bush just beyond the adjacent pasture. "A UFO!" someone whispers. "'A flying saucer7' soreone else replies. "Get the binoculars. Oh, rrn so excited, I've neyer seen a UFO beforel" But while the major characters in this drama rumniage through. underwear drawers in search of binoculars, let us consider the plight of the world. (While a flying saucer invades the eastern pasture? Maybe they've core. .. ) But holci, friend. We've got six hundred and nineteen or so words te go in this piece. So while the strange luminous object rises ini the sky, and while two, maybe three people scurry about the kçitchen Iookmng for vision aid, let us talk pbilosophy. %To talk philosophy, of course, you need a philosopher. One just happened te accost me the other day, just about the sane ie re as the flying saucer attacked the eastern pasture. "Did you ever notice," the philosopher began, "hiow much the world has changed in the past ten years?' When philosophers asic such deep questions, one can only nod. Or sip. I sipped. "It's no coincidence," he continued. Philosophers neyer need permission ta talc. Corne ta think of it, neither do fools. "irst it started off with Star Wars." "The movie?" "No, durnry. The Strategic Defence Initiative. They're stili going ahead with that, by the way. Reagan announced the whole project while he was still president." "0f the U.S. of A.?" "What else, pray teli, was he president of? 0f course. President Reagan. Remember that the prqject was ta WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan protect us fron theevil empiire?" 'Teah. Keep those pesky Commies i their place." "'Right. Wée, then along cornes Gorbie. Kapeech7' "Yeah, okay. Gorbie defses the whole Cold War, single handed. Yeah, I rernember hirn. Hes still president of sornething, isn't he?" '"Wotta mernory. Okay. Now we've got peace breaking out ail through. Europe, the Soviet Union is beginning ta break up, they're getting dernocracy whether they want it or not. And ail courtesy ofOGorbie." "Wonderful man." "But wait a minute. Because of this sneak attack of peace, the Russians have caught the Arnericans napping. So they cant get ita the peace business fast enough, But the Ruskies have cornered the markcet on wIt fags. They're just Uke the Germans and the Japanese - they're going ta win the peace. They didn't ever hafta get defeated by the Americans first." "HMey, you otta be a philoselher," I said.. "HoWd ya ever think of stuff like that?' I amn a philosopher," he, replied. "You wrote me inta the beginning of this whole sldt. But what I want ta do now is to think of what al this means." "The white flags?" "The peace movement. Unified Germany. Democracy in the Soviet -Union. Peace in our time. The end of the cold car. Universal Peace." "AloTh Critink"l i? "I did." iVhitby coplehas troutble finding aso transporttion for disabled son By Mike Kowali A Whitby couple whose son suffers frorn Down's syndrome are havig dlfficuilty fanding transportation ta allow him, ta continue in a summer work pro- grami. Catherine Lee and Pat Doo- ley's 20-year-ald son Stephen is enîrolled in a. program offered by the Ajax-Pickering-Whitby Asso- ciation for Community Living. The prograrn enables hand- icapped people up ta the age of 21 ta work at a Job during the morning and take part in crafts, spotsand group outings in the aferan. There are 24 people enrolled in F b .,- this year's prograni and workiflg at localbusiness outlets. In Ste- en$@nscase he is erniýloed at the Mè uen n hi luy.. TDooleys now drive Ste- Cphen ta, Henry Street High chool in the morning and pick hlm up at the school ini the afternoon. 1During the day, program coun- dollars drive participants ta their jobs and pic? thern Up later for the afternoon activities. However, the Dooleys will have a problern later this suni- mer whfen: the family takes a two-week vacation. Rather than disrupt his work and camp schedule, the Dooleys will have Stephen stay at a I u home in Oshawa while the "aiyis away. But while they will have accommrodation for Stephen, the Dooleys must find someone ta drive hlm ta, Henry St. in the rnornlng and pick hlm up later in the dav A céeck with both Oshawa- Whitby Handi-Transit and Whitby Cornmunity Care proved futile or the Dooleys. Catherine Lee Dooley said Handi-Transit officiais tald her the servioe was fully booked and that physicallyhandicapped SEE PAGE 26 EACFI Plus appliCable tax. Buy a Summer Combo for $3.99 and get a CollecLible Cup free! There's a dillerent cup each week. CoIIect ail hree (while supplies Iast). WHITBY MAL un Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2 ,1990 McDonads Restaurants af Canada 1insted at Parhcpatinq Mc0anald's *620 mL servng of Coke Cassic or other arge solit dnnk. Bth Çaca-Cola andi Coke are regstereu trademarks wtsch ientIy anty the same produci af Caca-CaaMt ',e'~ ~ e ~ e ~* s e e Wooden Outdoor Furni ture CLI1MELm855 *Hexagonjs, Octagons, Benches, Chais etc. *Handifade, preasseinbled, sanded, ready to be stained *Solid Cedar construction I 1,. SHOULD I WAX MY NO WAX FLOORSR The other day a customner was tetling us that bier NQ Wax floor was losing its lustre. Is there anything 1 cari do to get the shine back?« she asked. Fortunately there is. What had happened is that the grit carried in on the bottomn of shoes had over a period of time gradually ground the protective coating off the floor. The resuit was a loss of shine, and dirt becoming imbedded in her floors which was flot reardily removed. The solution to the problem- lay in giving the floor a thorough scrubbing using AIRX 66 heavy duty cleaner, rinsing the floor wiith clear cold water, and coating the floor with a high grade polymer floor finish (we recommend Butchers Benchmark). The res.uits are spectacular ý- a durable wet-look shine with a minimum of effort. Should you wax your no wax floor? We think so. A thin protective coating of a high grade floor finish will flot only protect your floor against abuse but give you a constant shine that you can be proud of. Cpme in and see us lb our new CLEAN-T Centre.- Our trained friendI staff of cleaning e*perts will gladly hetp. you with your cleaning MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 "Solithal hs ec, h aethysi uidn Star Wars."i "Are they?" 'Yup."1 "Why7' 'That's the philosophical question. Theres no need for it. Unless omebody»'s holding back some information from us." "You mean beside the possibility that Gorbie mldght get dumye as'whatever he is over there?" "Tou mean .. . 'Thats; right. Invasion frorn outar space. And the army and air forces know it." And thats why Reagan ordered Star Wairs. And why the Cold War has ta end. Why peace and democracy .. ."l "Aint it wonderful? I just Wonder who they are." "1 just hope we ait their flavor." Well leave our philosopher there and return now ta the country kitchen. Two pair of binoculars have been harvested. Already they are being set at their focal points. %I it still there?" "Yes. lts still climbing. And ites big, cheez its big. And orange .. ." "1s it coniing dloser?" "Maybe. Ites just hovering, the other side of the woods, doesn't seem ta worry about us. Like its watching us." '¶.ke it has a mmnd of its own." 'Like it . .. " The first pair. of binoculars corne up. 'Làke its ..." 'The moon." Some silence. The mon rises higher. "l knew that," someone says, finally. "I knew that al along." Sure. Just rernember'the Star Wars theory. Next trne rnay be for real. Be ready.

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