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Whitby Free Press, 8 Aug 1990, p. 28

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L'AGE 28, WHTBYFPREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUT 8, 1990 I. 197 0 B UICK GS 455. New paint & body lob, Goodyears ail round, B & M sh ifter. $3,500 o.b.o. Aller 6 pan. cail Scott, 668- 7360. 1989 NISSAN KING cab- Many options, great condition, 24,000 kms. For viewing, cail 434-8296 or 668-5342. 1987 25 FT. TEMPEST 350 magnum with many options lncluded. For sale or trade on smaller boat, RV or land. $32,500. 668-7761 WHITBY. Furnishod rooms for rent, $85 and $90 woekly. Student or worker prof erred. Walk 10 amnenities. 666-3776.aller 6 p.m. ROOM FOR RENT - in very dlean south -Oshawa homoe. Evorything inciuded (cabie, phono, hydro). Non-smoker .p roterred. $95/week., Caîl 723-1952. Please beave message. BACHELOR AND -SINGLE furnished rooms in Pickering Vilage $90 and up. Bacholor $550/month. Utilities shared. Available September 1. 427-6811 OSHAWA: 1 BEDROOM basemont apartmenî - large kitchen' & living room, parking. $550 inclusive. Ilst & last. September 1. 433-8174. APARTMENT FOR RENT - New 2 bedroomn apartmont in Whitby, 1,000 sq. ft., 4 appliancos, $850/month. Only stops 10 GO train and 401. 668-8551 anylime. ROSSLAND/TAUNTON- renovated largor 1 bedroom apartment, carpet, drapes, fireplaco, kitchon, shower, sharo laundry. Non-smokor proforrod. $700 plus utilities per month. Cal 725-7474. OSHAWA - 2-STOREY, 3 PENNSYLVANIA -BUS TRIP BILYK, STEFAN - A MEMORIAL' ORVALMcLEAN AUC TIONS bedrooms, 1-VY2 baths, foncod with Prime Timo Tours. nAmish* SERVICE v{iII be held on August 9 SAT A UG. 18 - 10:-30 A.M yard, $825/month + utilities. 1ýt Countrynd October 22 - 26 4 at 3:30 p.m. at -St. John, the GIAK'T NEW ý&-USED BOAT and last. Immediate occupancy. igtsaccommodation, 7 meals. Evangelist Church, 903 Giffard St.,« AUCTION AT BAY MARINE ON 427-6811.Hershey Chocolato and Comin Whitby. HWY. 2, 1 Ml. EAST 0F Glass tours. Strasburg RR rd. __________ TRENTON (JUST EAST 0F AIR ________________ Lots more 'visits and tours: in FORCE BASE) Lancaster County, PA. Cancel- SN I~Dlation insurance for mod'cal About 70 new & used boats; frorr j A OO MO ATON reasons, Blue Cross, Hh; a PyON L 10 10 30 fI. imci. cruisers, .fishinc ____________________coach, escort. Picking up. i boats, runabouts, cuddy cabin, Whitby. $526 per porson twin._______________ paddle boats, canoes, usec WHITBY 1 ip orson to share q $100 deposit by August 15. outboard! motors, Irailers, 2-41 Iw1rnrmt.,YUnh1 -Q0 âk nn Information: 655-4652.- wheeleWs NEW boats manuv sie LMU I l II L'.PVIIIl I~U. VIL fl I other. 4 appliances, partialy furnished, use of ail facilities, close to GO. $415 per month. 668-9983 or 430-7408. RELIABLE COUPLE (pensionors) seek 1 or 2 bedroom apartment or smalîer cottage near shopping. Phone 985-4745., PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for lease or sale. Units available Oct. 31, 1990. Air conditioned & f ully f inished. $6 per sq. ft. rent/$85 per sq. ft. sale. 1621 McEwen Drive. Cali T eresa 925-1432. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitabie for lawyer, doctor's office, accounitant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT., AUGUST il - 9:30 A.M. 1.1 acre commercial on busy Hwy. 7, V/2 mile east of OAKWOOD with 3 yr. oid brick bungalow & Igo. shop. Ideal for car or truck sales or repair, boat'or RV sales, gardon conter, machinery or welding, trucking business, lumbor sales, etc. (ee Auctions). Don't miss this rare business opportunity or invest ment. To view cail: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48f1., $6,900; 40x6Oft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. [WAADSwortwbud«si CARTOON STRIP by i 2-year-old Whitby resident IAN ROGERS I CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or Sth concession ino, 7 km. east Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal cam pg round, beautiful. $795. 1-416-786-2562. "LEAVE YOUR CARES Bt home with usu - Professional pet/home sitters are fully bonded and insured. Custom Home-watch International, 666-5353. PRAYER TO THE HOLY Spi!rit. You who make me se. everyl ing and who show me the way 10 reach my kid eal, You who give me the divine gift to forgivo and forget the wrong that is done 10 me and You who ail instances of my life are with me in this short dialogue, I want 10- thank you for overything and confirm once more that I nover want 10 be soparated f rom you no matter how great material desiros may b.I want 10 be with you and my Ioved onos in your porpetual gbory. AMEN. Thank you for your lve towards me and my loved ones. Pray this prayer 3 consecutive days wit hout your wish, aller 1he Ihird day your wish wlil b. grantod, no malter how diff icult t may b.. Promise 10 publish this dialogue as soon as possible alter your favour has been granted. AN BIRTH CONTROIL and famnily plnigcouriseIlig. Free and Friday, 8:30 a.m. 10 4:30 pm. Ulinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6fl0 p.m. For further ii-formation, cal 420-8781 or 433-8901. I FOUND IT ... ! Diet of the 90s. 1000/o naturai - herbai based - 1000/o> garanteed. Caîl (416) 550-0241. Business opportunity available. THANKS 10 St. Judo and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors receivod. Ma y the Sacred Heart'of Jesus b. aloed glorifiod, lovoed and preserved throug hout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred -Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray, for us. Say this prayor fine limes a day. By the oig hth day your p rayer' wilI be answored, rogardless' of .how hopeless your situation seoms. Pubication must be promisod. A.M. BAHAIS BELIEVE. The essence of dotachment is for man bo turn his face towards the courts of the Lord, to enter His Presence,ý behold His Countenance, and stand aswitness before Him. Cal 668-8665. GENTLEMAN would bo delighted 10 hear f rom a* hap py, sincere, placid, single; young: lady, 30, for I asting, conrete re at ionship. 668-7803. THANKS TO ST. JUDE. L.L. THANKS 10 St. Judo and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus bo adored, glorified, loved and preserved throug hout the worldnow and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray for us.. Sa y this prayor nine limes a day. By the eig hth day- your p rayer wiII be answered, regardless 0of how hopeless your situation seoms. Publication must be promisod. LDB WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relationships. For help, calI the Denise House for. women and. children. Toîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731t GonfKkidonifty assuwed. (Formorly Auberge.) Help keep Red Cross ready. 4 minI wos WM. Lt u- h.crnxqpzcdby a\*eoa 1hc~ &.K:5 r .v ecorld yess~ ..... ......... . ..F . ..86................. 1~~ by Sunrunner, Sunbird, Cadorette, Starcraft, bowridors, cuddy-,cabins, etc. USED boals by Thundercraft, Doiphia, Peterborough, DoraI, Larson, Wellcraft,, Grew, Suniray, Starcraft,. Cadorette,ý Reg aI. Most with *, warranty. Something for everyone. Don't- miss this opportunity 10 purchaso power boats from a well establishod servicing dealer. Boats being sold 10- make roomn for 1991 models.' Lunch available. For info or flyer caîl: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., AUG. 10 AT.ý6 P.M. The Est ate 0f thé late LEONARD and MADELINE- SOUIRES' of Oakwood.-9 p.ý; walnutdining.roo"m suite, iron bes with brass trim, GE washer. & dryer, 17 cu. fI. freezer, borockiy chairs, 6 ft. pine te.,blanket boxý,, .3tpc.. modern bedroom, suite, wardrobe, copper- boilers, butter bowls, f lat top trunks, washstands,- parlor tables, large quantity of glass '& collectible items. DON ANDGREG CORNEIL R.R.- #1, LITTLE BRITA IN (705) 786-2183 CORNEIL'S AUCTION ýB ARN TUES., AUG. 14 AT 6:30 P. Very large quantity of modern furniture, electrical appliance 's, tolIs, china, c.lass, collectîblesý and household items. Something for overyone. DON AND GREG CORNEIL 1R.R.,#1,.LITTLE BRITAIN, (705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCT IONS" - evory Wednosday .at 6:30 p.n Iocated on Brock .,.. Pickeri S3 mfiles. north of HWy. 401 (xit #399. Fauring evory Wed. an excellent sellection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, co ect ibles, primitives, and the unusuals. So loin us every Wed. and participato in one of Ontario's "True" Auctioâns with no buy-backs or roserves. wConsignmenî & osîato solling our specialty." Cali us Ioday. Proviews, from 100 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES <(416) 683-0041 * RECYCLING GLASS, CANS; PLASTIC SOFTI I DRINK CONTAINERS' AND NE WSPA PERS *CAN HELP REDUCE I PRESSURE ON jLANDFILL SITES AND INCINERA TORS, I AND CONSERVE j N, A TURA L RESO URCES.1 jý %wi

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