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Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 20

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PAGE 20. WMMBYFRE PRESW WDNESDAY. E'EMR 5.1990, First ai -a1fmiy traditio n By Trudie Zavadovica Formed in 600 AD., there are few organizations that can daim the longevýity of St. John Ambu- lance, and Whitby's cadet divi- sion ranksa as second largest, and the number one division in Ontario. Firet begun by St. John in 1922, the cadet division is foré children eo 8 te 18, te learn first aid anl-mnuch more. 1 In 1965, when the cadet divi- sion in Whitby first beganý, Linda Staples was- enroledin the course b her father who had orviusly been involved with St. JhAmulance. Today, she is superintendent of the Whitby cadet division and has hier own three cbildren well entrenched in what has become a Staples family tradition. StapIesd oldest daughter, Tammie, spe paring te take over from Lfnda sas division superintendent in the fail. Staples stresses that children ,who join the division learn much more than fIrst aid. "It is outh-oiented» says Staples» Not only do they learn firat aid, they learn home health are, take babysitting courses, and work on proficiency- pro- gramas like communication with the handicapeped, care of ani- mals, goo ood nutrition, the histery of the order. (which is compulsory).» In the area of first aid, Staples saya that children learn how te recognize a heart attack and stroke, diabetes, epepsyhwt look for medical aert bracelet, auMoV help, and what te do until hp arrives. Children also learn artificial respiration, the Heimlich manoeuver, what te do in cases of bleeding, embedded objecta, fractures, s-ral and neck in- juries, eye injuries, brspi soning froot 'bite an hypother- mia. "'hey learn how te recognize these thing, how te stay with the injury and stabilize the csualty, ays Staples. "They leara te deal with everyday lie. To know how te treat a casualty and handle an emergency." 5h. relates how a seven-year- oldbo saved bis. sister fromi chokig on a candy in a car by administering the Heimlich mnoeuDnÉàivre, which apparently lhe had learned only dSays before. Thie mother, driving the car, didn't know how te help thet child. .Althoughflst aid is ofprimary importance, there are many other activities for the cadet *St. John Ambulance. Wbitl3y Cadet Diviuioe Lectioea 110 Aàh St. Whitby *-- toteachchbildren ages 8 18 first aid and other life alfla -croate public awaronow 45 students CoMntct Shirley Spicer 668-9006 members. "W. are so active, we are always on the go," says Staples. Cadets enjoy gamnes, parties sporting activities, trips to local firehalîs, police stations and veterinarians, and more faraway trips such as the excursion last March to Ottawa, to visit the national headquarters of St. John Ambulance, the Parliament buildings, and to soak up the charmn and histpry of the city. Cadets reoently held the fnrst camp which is to become an annual event. The camp lasted 21 days. Cadet members went for 10 days and the remaining week was offered to underprivileged kida. The entire camp was sponsored by the Trillium Foundation and is part of a five-year pilot project and funding commitment by the foundation. 9t was* an excellent learning experience,' says Staples. "Kfidai learned there is another side of life that most of us don't get to e rience.w e camp was held at Heber Down -conservation area. Kids pitched tenta, cooked their own food, sat around campfires, hiked, had waterfights, and par- tcipatedmnmany sports. According te Staples, the cam was a huge success and she s looking forward te next year's cam«p. Aiiother activity is fundrais- ing. This year cadets raised enough fimdis te purchase a tra- vel trailer which is used as a ,mobile first-aid post. St. John Ambulance is primarily funded 1w the United Way, through cor- LINDA STAPLES is shown with twin daughter Tammie ail activemi the St. daughters Terry and'Tracy and oldest John Ambulanoe *hitby division. Chu. Boy!. photo prate donations and donations by the Trillium Foundation. «TMe kids fundraise for things above the needs of.ý St. John Ambulance such as the trailer, the trip-te Ottawa, barbecues, tente, things -the kids can work for.» They have bottle drives, car washes and monthly bingos. Staples points out that what children learn in the cadet divi- sion is excellent training for future jobs. Many of teday's jobs ask for such first-aid training and many children go.on te work i medical .fields becausç St. Jioin up John Ambulance sparked an interest. Tammie plans 'te join the police force next summer. Now a divisional officer, she plans te take over lier mom's position as suiperintendent of the cadet divi- sion. "if y mom can do it, I can do it, anl do a. good job,» says Tammie.- Taxumie says she's enjoyed al that she has learned from being involved with St. John Ambu- lance. 5h.'. aloo enjoyod the ~friends she's made and the socal aspect'of the cadets.' ,,,its",agreat learning experience and you have a lot à fun doing it.» Tle enrolment oeremony, for new nmembers will b. Oct. 10. It is geared te new members but also acknowledg os the accomplishments of existing members. There is no chargé for membership or. for equipment.or uniforme. For more informnation cail Shir- leyS§picer at 668-9006. The Whitby braùch of St. John f 1 Ambulance is looking for candidates interested in furthering their training in the flrst aid/CPR/health car. field. The following courses willb. held in the month of September. Standard first aid/CPR combmnation course (16 hrs.). Anderson Collegiate, Sept. 26 te May1, 7 to9 pm. 110OAsh St.,*s . Sept. 11P 13, 18, 20,6Gto 10; Sept. 15 and 20, 8:30 - 4:30; and Sept. 18 and 19, 8:30 - 430. CPR (adult, cIdd and infant): 110 Ash StY Sept. 22, 8:30 - 4:30, Sept. 25 and 27, 6 te 10pan. Babysitter's courses for children ame 12 and up. (8 bra.) 110OAsh St., Sept. 29, 8:30 te 4:.30. Childlifesaver, courses - first aid/CPR for children Up to 8. For day car. providers, camp counsellors, and parents (8 lira.). Further inquiries1 regarding - YUNGEST cadet, 8-year.old David Hanna of cafling the Whitby brandi office WWhy, n od cadet 17-yearold Tammnie Staples, at668-9006. go tbrough omre lfe-saving techniqiues. A FOUR=TIRWORD WE SHOUI) AI USE MOIRE.OMOEN Thmng bgn ihyt . . . . . . . . . . . ...

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