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Whitby Free Press, 12 Sep 1990, p. 13

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WHITBY FmEEPRES18,>WEPDNMSDY, SENPTEMBER 12,1090, PAGE la SBunglasses.and cash were stôv. len from Hakini, Optical, 144. Dundas, St. E. in Whitby, some- turne, between Saturday evenirng anid Sundaymnorning. A ccording tç> police reports, a passing cruiser noticedasthe door Theft at ý,downtown. store broicenaboti 'a.m. StundaLy. The cash register *as droppedt on -the floor and- keys to the display case were takcen. A assortinetit of s3unglasses were ý7 There lia no, value çstn«nate,;on the amount of itenm4 taken.- Police took fingerprints and pic- tures at thersne, The robbery is vestigatiori. still under in- Juîcalreout to dtýerrreDra ast resu'lt B Mike Koald IcouLd be another t*p ,weeks, before Di.mram:»-East residents knew - ýfor crtain - the 'naine of thefr neit MPP Joee. Dairyple, campaign. man ager -for, . rssive Censer- vative candidate Kik -Kem cOnfired, Friday that he ýwiif seek- a jud"icial recount of ballots cast inIi lst w',eek's provincial élection, >iDairymple woud not go into inuch'detail'except te -say that bis party is alleging "somie irre- gularitîi" .iconcerning ballots counted on electio n night W hen al the, ballots were counted Thursdaty,' New Demo- cratic Party-canididateQord, Milîs, einerged, victorions with* an eight-vote margin over Kemp. M filîs ýcoliected 10,930 votes to Kemp's 10.922 votes based on- Tbursday night's tabulation. Howeer n oficalcount of balots ,at t'e > tunig ,office orn riay incese ilimargin.tc 63 votes.- SThe official i counhad ,Milii with1092vtsad em with -10,899. Regarïde sof the official counit resuits, Daîrymýpiewas ex pëtin té file bis, application for, -' recount-with the Durbain Region district- court office by -Monday. the wingcadidate Will be E' Witbijai four ù'days of receivingreplacing, fo;'r m MPP ,Sai ie'bis app'licaàtion, a date for a Cureaàtz. irecc>unt i iust, be set,. said Dal-;. Ir6nically, it took a judicial rTymple.recounti. in. 1977 to, declarâè In ,-adcdition te bhis court £pli- Cureatz,-as 'the winer of that- catonDaiympe me o election,, notiY te chef lectiori offcer Cureatz, a Progesive Conser- b o nal , Durhianm. E'ast .vative u'ltimatiydefeated .for- Sreturhindg officer, Francîne 'New- merLr ý,ý4ew ,:Democrat MPPDou ton and al other t'Durham ýEast Moiffatt,,:y slightly more than Scanididates ofbis intentions.,, 100 votèes.- Fome ax. auioGdMls is nw PP By Mike Kowalk A former Ontario governinent, employee is now aniember of the goernment., .Ne WDemocratic Party -candi- date Gord Mills was elected lait w eek, as the next MPP fori)ur- harn East riding. Barring the ýoutcome of a judi- cial recount, ýthe 62-year-old Orono resident wýill replace retir- ing MPP Sain Cureatz, at Queen's Park. Millsoéllected 10,962,votes té PIrogrssive .Conservative 'candi- date Kfirk Kémp'W 10O,899 votes. Lbral canididate"Mariyn ~ ~acexpected t ateKm fôrfistlaeflishedthiird wt 7,837 votes. Tim, Crookall of the Famil Coalition Party, received 2495 votes while Harry Tunbridgeof teConfederationof Regins Party had 1,286 votes. Mills 62, a former tai auditer with tle OntI&oMinistry c f Revenue, said bis victory, was prooif of .how disatisfled voters were wth the governinent. «We won with leiss. than 10 people campaign. wor ers) 'an elated Mills aaid election night. «We operated, on, a shoestring budget. Our brochure only came' eut in the, last week before. elec- tien day.» (Furtherproof of tbe unexpec- ted win was- evidentý fron thtle fact that Milse xpressed these, rèmarke at bis "victoirY iartv location- the ý Canadian Auto Workers hall in soutb Oshawa, newhere near *the Durbai East riding. (lhe hall was actually the.elec- tien night headquarters f9r Osb- *Workshop on p)reservingi flow-ers On Sept. 15, Broolin Horticultüral Society -will bold a worksbop on preservlng flowers and using themi in- decorative pieces for the home. Rose Healy cf. Rosecraft wil give instructions for ýpreserving and drying a wide variety of floral materiale, and will<1 show participants bow té create wo0nderful wreaths, .swags and arrangementà for every occasion. Everyone will then h ave an opprtunity te inake a piece tc take home 7 The day; will also include a luncheon prepared byr the ladies auxiliary of St. Thomas Churclh in Brookln. The cost for-thesemfiflaris$2 and inludes lunch. Materials and .suples will be available for sale. 2 aT*re~r'.nd for more at65351. >awac riding. candidate Allan Pil-, kinj). the public is abso- iutely-fed up wt the other two political parties,» said Mills.- «They séee in me an honest figure who -wiii represent thein in an honest, straightforward w ay. lhough he was a. first-time NDP candidate, Mills, is no stranger té oliticiiefe. Heserved as'an alderman in Barrie. for 'several'years before inoving té Orono i 1982 when -the, Ministry- of Revenue head-, quarters 'was relocated té Osh- awa4 Althouùh election ii 'ght results' gave hlm ônly an eight-vYote mar- gin over Keinp, Mlse was not worried. He noted that former Oshawa iMP and federal New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent was firat eiected by only 15 votes. Kemnp., aà3 1-year-o,1d Bowman- iville-area appie fariner, was not ready té conceade defeat., ,"The race- is flot over -here, we'li have té let a judge decide- which ballots count and which do neot,' said Kemp.- A first-timte candidate, Kemp said that if given anotherchance hie would not change any aspect ofbis canipaign. 'Timprud, ofthe people of Durhan'ùEstfor giving 'me the support. Igot and proud of the b éad work of 'my camjaign Kemp agreed that -Voters are «ttaiiy fed up» with governinent "the Liberals- provincially and t-he Censervatives federally."» 1 They (voters) s aid theyl give the NDP achance and seewhat kind of mess they can do.» Kemjp,- bowever, feels that Pre- mier-elect Bob Rae is a "sharp man" and wili net take, Ontario utoo far té the ieft." «He knews this country and province were bufit on-the free enterprise, system. He knows that if we get tee inuch govemn- ment centrel we'Il sink like a rock.» Keinp said some people may accuse the FCP arid COR of taking away traditional, Tory votes and perbapa costing him a *victory, but hie did flot agree. <It' easy te, speculate.ý Those were protest Votes, but so, was rthe NDP. Theres ne point in )crygso ur grapes.» 1 ýLibralcandidate, Pearce, a Scugog Townshlpcouncilior, was not àavalable for immediate coin- Registration for guides L ate registration lu being beld this week for thé Brookliirl1 «udeéprgramn, for o 5Z l sarc)té 15. (ptfndr) mation, call6bb-515U. cuui~. ment. However, both «finge» -party candidates were,;delighited wth. their results. Crookali, 32, a Courtice-area musician, adinitted, the results,, myhave ,been different for, Kemp had hie- netentered the' race. «'But they shouidn't biame us, they, sheuld 1biaine their own; parties,' said Crookali.> He said the FCPs concern for societys declining' «values» obvi- ously struck a responsive chord among sorne voters. Crookal said it was tee eariy stculte o aposile future, Brooklm, resident Harry Tun- bridge said. COR inenbers are p lanning te build on the support be received election day.' "W0've already had caes froni people. wanting t set. up local organizations obr next time,» said TunLbridge Anindustrial engineer, Tun- bridge, 53, said COR is new Talent aucetion at-Septemberfest Burns, Presbyterian Churcb in- ,Asbburn will hold 'September-' -fest' on Saturday, Sept. 22 Events begin at 11:30 an. with lunch - (sausage-on-a-bun,, bot dogs, apple pie) ý, bake sale,. viewing- of,-talent auctien items,- and pick-up of biddinig number andhlst. The talent auction begins at t. p.m. exaniples of items up for bid are gourmet dinner fer twopre- pared by local- chefs; someone té do a '10-7heur. painting for the high bidder- someone te take the higbest bidder for a dais drive; a setrknitted té, the higbest bidderl's 'specificatiens; 'babysit- tfllunds raised go, téward carpet replacement" at 'the' cburch entranoe. Fer more 'information cail 655- 4652 or 655-4825. Brooklin Wl By Eileen Young The Brooklin Women s Insti- tute publicrelations'meeting wili be heid Sept. 19, 1:30 p.m,- at the erocklin c .mu ïtycentre. Vaierie Garland of the Brook- lin library will be guest speaker. Convener- is Eileen Young. Motto *11 be 'An- example of good-,public relations lu working together for 'the good- of -the comxnunity.' Rol "cll is !'Narne the floral embiems or 'flags o f Canada, the provinces and -terri- tories. *Hostesses are Elaie Giiroy and firmly entrencbhed as, Ontario's fourth largest politiçal pârty." «I tbink, our votes probably did keep Kemp eut, it's unfortunate,-- but that's the naneof.the gaine.w Durham East"ïriding ,iiieludes; Whtby nd asawa north cf Taunton PRd., plus Scug og Town- p'hip, the onoNwa eandý Manvers Township. tEREGIONAL MUNUCUPALITY THE 0F'DURHAMý Tâke noie that the Regional Planninig Commttee, consider- wil AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THEMDRHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PlAN AND THE.OFFICIAL PLAN0F, THE TOWN 0F WHITBY" The amendment, .as, submitted bythe, applicant,- proposes a shopping centre and residentiai uses within. the site indicatedl on the map below. mo In order to ass ist in the evaluation of the ..amendment application, the public is invited -to provide -input by way. of submissmons.to the Region's Planning Department; Information related to the -amendment, application -is available in the offices of -the Planning Department, 1615 DundasSt. E., 4th Floor, Lang Toweër, Ws Building, WhtbyMail, ,W'hiby', Ontario, LIN 6A3 oirby calling ýMatt Mazuryk, Planning Departmnent (416) 728-7731 <Whitby)I 686-1651 (Toronto). You are encouraged 10 forward your submissions to the Commissioner of Planning at the above,,noted addressas soon as possible. In order- to proceed.with our'review ot this amendment application, we wvouldappreciate their receipt prior-to Fnqday, October 12, 1990. file number identified below in, FILE NO.:-.QPA 90:0i75 Mar7Ii HbbRd and telephone- number and ami submission made. Dr. M.' Michael, MCJ.P. Gommissioner -of, Ptanrung TO A,' k- NOF c'>TB bý - 1 ri 1 lý- mation. éall 665-8760. ý come.

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