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Whitby Free Press, 3 Oct 1990, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHfl!Y FMRES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER8, 1M9 ON THE AMR Starting Wodneaday, Oct. .3 at 3pm., Distress Dentre, Durham w1illhost a w eekly, haif-hour. ph one-in eeiinprogram -on Rogers Community 10. The focus will be. on familios and how they = wth the soéial divorsities of 1l.fast-pacod socety.Each .weok, Ronny Klaassen and her gpeste will ho discussing difféent issues.* The series pilot will feature Dr. H. - Frazer. His expertise *is i the area of fears and/or phobias. * LA LECHE' La Lche League Oshawa will meet on: Wodnesday Oct. 3. Mothers- and nursing Labies- are welcome. For more information about' the meetin, including location, cal 723-0542. CHILDBIRTH ISSUES. 'Childbirth Today - Consumer Otions,' a f, pbi norma- ton seiar on cildbirth issues, will be.held Wednesday, Oct. 3., 7 p .M., at. the' Pickering lbay T1he sominar 15-sponsored byý the Childbirth Education Assocation of Durham. Ail welcome. For' more information cail 420-3890.- >HOSPICE DURHAM Hospice Durham, which assista m'i the ce of those who are termmnally fil wIll hold a goneral' meetinig on 4dnesday'Oct. 3,7 pm at -Durhazn Col e,.main blAgroom L114. Ail wel- come. Cali 668-4339 for'more information. If you have recently become, -separated 'you .are -probably' oxeriencing the painful feelings tha t como w on a love relationship onds. 'Thero is a proven, 15-stop proceas of 4dustmont to- this loss which forma the basis of Bruce Fisherls book, 'Rebufidâng.' The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham Houae is cfilering a discussion group.for people who' are single again which will explain, the pattern of building blocks suggested in this book- and lead participants through their feelings of, boswhile pointing directions for the future. This 10- session sur group will meet- on ednsiys from 7to 9p.m., starting Oct. 3, at the Ministry of Revenue Building in Oshawa., The coet is $50 and there are somne subsidies available for those in need., For more information and to register for this group, cal the Famiby Education Resource centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. GOOD CAMPANIONS Good'Campa nions.will hold a card party on Thursday, Oct. 4,.1 p.-.,lat St, Marks Unite*d Church. Admissioîàn is, $3. Door prime are availabbeand refreali- monta will ho served. Proceeda go te Whitby General Hospital. THANKSGWVINGSERVICPÏ Christian Scientiats in Oshawa and -area will hobd Thanksgiving services on Oct. 8 <10:30 aim.a the church at 186 Roaslandkd E., Oshawa.- The firet Freedom from Fear meeting will ho held on Tuesday- Oct. 9, 7:15 P.m., at E.A.LoveéII public ichool. NEWCOMERS.CLUB The Newcomers Club of Oah- awa-Whitby will meet on Tues- day, Oct. 9, 8 p.m., in the Green Room oOf the: arta. rosource contre hohind Oshawa city hall. There wil hob a a'àkin and hair care seminar/presentationbyVen tino'a. Ail nowýcomors are wel- como.. Aiumni- and'-prospective membera 'are invited toattend.. Caîl 434-4636 or. 668-0552 for more information. BABYSYITR'S TRAMG The Family Educption Resource Centre of Durham Hous' Child and Family -Centre je offering an eight-session cburse for young teenagers who woubd like te ho More confident and proficient babysitters. 'The course,,will ho held at the St. Thomas Aquinas School in Oshawa and starta on Tuesday, Oct. 9, from 5:30 te 7:30 .p.m. The cost je $40. For more information and te, register for this -or any of the other atudy groupa a nd workshops offered by the centre, cali 579-2021 or 686-4353. EFFECTIVEPARENTJNG The"-Faniily. Education. Resource Centre- of -"Durham House offering a nine-sessi*on discussion group for parents which will focus on understanding childron's behavior and learning positive and practical akdis for redirecting miabehavior and encouraging children. The group will meetat St. Michael School, Oshawa,, on Wednesday eveninge from 6:45 te 8:45 p.m. starting Oct. 10. The cost is '$45 per person and pre-registration je required. For more information, and te register cail the -centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. CORPORATION 0F THEý TOWN OF, WHITBY FIRE PREVENTION WEEK TAKE NÃ"TICE tHAT the week of October 7 to October 13, 1990, is hereby procaimed as aFime Prevention Week i and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of-Whitby are invited to join wîith the volunteer, professionai and industrial -fire safety personnel in waging a nover encling battie agamnst the ravages of tire which destroys property and'takes lives. DATED at Whitby. this 3rd day of OctoberI.190 RL A. Atters"- Mayor -TownofWhty I. 4- ,--- '4 *~ t. - - - - - NURSES, REF TO ADDRESS CLUB A-- oreprebentative of the Ontari Coblego of Nurses' will address thie Oct. 10 dinnier meeting of the Canaidian Club 'of Durham Rogin. Ptrica Fulton will be uest speaker at- the. meeting. to beld at the Holiday Inn in* Oshawa. The public is welcome to attend thé meeting which begins with dinner ut6:30 p.m. For reservationa ý caîl ýNancy McKnight at 668-4522 or Lenore Hawley at 640-4481.ý FASH[ON SHOW The association will hold a fashion« show 'A Return -to Romance,' at. tle Oshawa Little Theatre, 62, Russett. Ave.,ý on Thurpday, Oct. 11, 8 p.m-; Shown will hob the lateat in fashion -by'De Paul and'fashion by designers Pauba Lishman and Ruth Sedgewick. ThIere will also. b. a special segmeént'-on fashions from.years gone by. 'Tcketa- are $10,, available by calling th, ,ymhony office at 579-67 ilor 655-3296. ' Ail proceeda will ho used to, support the orchestra., FASHION SHIOW Garbo's Boutique wibl hold an 'Autumn Evening Fashion Show' on Thursday, Oct. 11, 7:30 p.mf., at the Annandale Golf & Curing Club in Pickering. Hair will ho don.* by Valentinosa. There will ho a& cash -ber, complimentary hors d&Oeuvres ýand 'door. prize. Al proceeda will go te the Alzheim»er Society of, Durham Région. Tickets are -$18 pa esnad are available at Garoloctd, at 210 BrockSt. S. in Wbitby, or call the Aieimer Society- at 576-2567. PSYCHIC FAIR The Psychic Fair willbl ho hld at the Kinsmen Club 109 Col- borne St., Oshawiai âèt. ,12-14. Lectures and. demonstrationft wilb featiire toic such as 'Deve- oppg YourESP' and astrology. There will ho crystals, booke,, tapes and related producta. ACCESS TO ABORTION The Durham' Chapter of the Canadian Abortion Rights'Action Leagu (CARL) j sponsoring a spcal 'Day of Action,"'event on aturday, Oct. 13. A panel discussion will take place at tihe Lavai Community Centre, Lavai Drive in Oshwa (off Stevenson Rd. S., juet south of the Oshawa Shopping Centre), from 2 te 4. p.m. Bill C-43 will ho discussed. Literature will ho availabbe. Free admission (donations accepted). Fer more information eall 436-6866. SMORGASBORD The Ladies Auxiliary, Branch 112 Whitby Légion wibl hobd a emorgashord on Oct. 13 at the Légion, 117 Byron St. S. Cost is $20 a couple.ý Tickets are avail- able at the bar of the Legion. CHURCHANN1VERSARY SERVICE CrhiSt. Andrew's Preabyterian Chuch n jaxý wiil hobd an anniversary service Oct. 14 at il a.m. Rey. John Dowds, associate minister at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church i Barrie, wilb ho gues t minister' for the. service. Iv. Dowds ia a former member of St. Andrew's in Ajax. Afler g'aduaig from Knox College in Toronto, ho served a patoral ,cpg.in, p1rince Edw ardIland before hoingýinducted'into bis new 'harg nBri. FREDOM WALK Te Freedom for Nitassinan Peace Walk will ho* in Whitby on- Monday, Oct. '15, 8 P.m. at Ai Saints -Anglican 'Churcli, 300 Dundas- St.- W. The walk acros Ontario «for ju8ticé for the Innu7 isa';roject of the Alliance for Non- 1o ont Action. Cal 668- 5101 for more inormation.. TORIES TO PICK CONVENTION DELEGATES Durham Centre ridin Pro- gressive Conservativea 4î 1hold a goneral mombership' meeig Oct. 17. The purpose of the meet- ing is te select delegates to the. Ontario party's convention in Hamilton from Oct. 26-28. The meeting will ho held ini the Gold Rocom of the Whitby Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. s.,a p.m. Alil members are inýviitd te attend. Refreshmenta *il! ho sor-' yod. For further information con- tact riding association president Sylvia Soga at 668-5590. OU) TESTAMENT SEAMNAR A 'Wabk .Thru the' Bible Old' Testament Seminar' will ho held. on Saturday, Oct; 20 at St. Markes United Church. For, more information cabi 668-3091. VENDOIRS NEEDED The VWhitby Jayéottes"have begun boqking vendors for their fourth anniual AIl About Children Bazaar'- at Hemry Street Hligh School on Sundy Oct. 21. Tables are $35. CalReoa Hogarth at 576-7954 or Linda Robierta at 668-9933 for more :information or te reserve yOur sépot. The bazear, a sale loif.cidren's clothin, books, educationail teys, etc., jes the Ja"ycettes' major flmdraiser te support- such ondeavors as Fairview Lodge, Whitby Psychiatric Hospi*tal,. the YMCAX and many other projecta. RESOURCES FOR, EÈXCEPTONALcIJLDE ,The',third'annual meeting of Resources forExceptional Chil- dren will ho hebd on Tuiesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m.ý- at the Deer Creek Gbolf and Country Club, Ajax. Gary Zemlacký of Iýykris hIc. will demonstrato the newest technical adaptive equl p mo nt for thé 'differently arnei. Inere wilb also ho a discussion of Durham Region's integration of children with special neede. For more information caîl Aidan Prince at 427-8862. uCommuigretng 7 pag -e t no cst Proit malngor hav-a~ mebeshlp màyai foflon ekInsetion lu ordayV ctpm ClbPriofit aaWng c. n whil hold: a Hallowieendae, Cobreff . Dond ors pna tike, 1 at theW door o icet Calu aio 72-4293, w43-3673 728-7130.,.Muic by . dJ.nLe,ad SWD. y, J.BdLdof Toron7to. hé the $10urhn Asocia Frtinkfor Family Respte Serv'icswill pre- sent 'Brothers,' by the :RoF Thunder Theatre Comny, .HenryStreet» pgapyhàola WhtbyonTuesdayOt 07-45 p..grothors'. la a à M d 'W ich lookeaattho attitude.of disbled and non-disablod'polt~ad îhysical handicaps. Admission la 5 5(free 'for, assocation '-m'ein-. bers). Association membeishp will be avaulable -at the door fo $7. The WhitbyKin~e~lbwl hold» thée tberc eta' Christmas .Dinner '.and- Dan~ce Celebration' -at 'Heydonshore Pavilion on. wednesday, Dec. .12, 6 ..to 1 a.m. The pryi o Whtby businesses which,-ahve a ,small àstaff-.,,Cost je, $3jO, prer son. Pud asdae.o~the WhtbyGeneral' Hospital ýbuild- in .For more information ea e Perry (A Midsummer's Dreain) at 668-1199 (after hours, 430-1320) or AI WoloUlçî ;(Brck General Harwr>at,666-4254. LEA Ar *Information Whithby,< at- 405 Duindas St...in Wbit4y.cffers a legal id clinic from 7 to 9 p.m, thé secndTuesday cof the mnh Sepemerte June. nusevcei avalalile ,te- anyone and'there l no cag.The clinic je not intenddfor in-depth le'&, but brief information la ,r0vided about logl*problemo an wer'te obtain ute a.stnce. Cail -theé-centré a 't 668-0652 or drop.by in person Ite Makean .appointment The centres Boums are Monday' te flirsday, 9:.30 a.m. 9pm. Frday, -9:30 ýam. - 6,-p.; Saù!rday,9 ýa.m. -, 5..liente remeve a private and confidential 20-minute appointment with a lawyer provided byj the Ontario LealAid"Office inboshawa..' Bazaar...&............l CRAFT SHOW Tue Fabi Country Craft & Col- bectibles Show will ho hebd at the Metro East Trade Centre, Pick- ering, Oct. 18-20. The show fea- tures handmade products from 200 Canadian artisans. BAZAAR St. Leo's Church Christmas Bazaar will bé held at St. Leo's School North St., Brooklin, on Saturday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m. te -3 p.m. The bazaar wibl include tree rnmna and table decorations, home bakingkiting, childz;en's dresses, fokat ames, jeblies pickles, plants, tea- room and draws (firat prize in the main draw ie a queen sizo quiît, and special draw prize je a nativity scene). For more. information cal Brigid Frank' at. 655,4212 -or MariaVanH otat 965459. BAKE AND CRAFI' SALE - Tlhe Windsor .Place Senimors Association, 315 Colborne St. W. Whitby, wilb hold a bake anâ craft sale. on Saturday, Oct. 20, il a.m. te 3 p.m. Rofrýeshments will ho sobd. Baffles will ho held. CHURCHBAZAAR St. Andrew's Presb terian Church in Ajax will ?obd,.a bazaar Saturday, Oct. 27 from '9 a.m. to 1p.m. The bazaar willhoe hebd at 35 Church St. N. in Pickering Village> (Ajax). It will include a white elepant table', crafts, balce table a nd tea tables. CRUTI SHOW The CraftShow at Christmas will -ho held at,1 the Metro East Trado Centre, Pickering, Nov. ?9 tDec"

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