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Whitby Free Press, 3 Oct 1990, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WHII'Y RE W8S WD4YOCTO0J3Eim ~9 WORK UIN THE DYNAMIC HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY!a TRAVEL & TOURISM HOTEL.& RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT PASSENGER AGENT Aistcincluding FLUGHT ATTENDANT KNOWLEDGE m uaa * - n mm~u m~ m~oe u~ SAVE $1,000s $$$ on your mortgage, personal or student loans. eII show you legal tricks onîy bankers and financial managers know, butwan't tellI you. Also, show others this method and earn Up to $2,000 month part-time. For free details send S.A.S.E. to: BANKER'S SECRETS, 834 Zator Ave., Pickering, Ont. L1W lYl. WHITBYr CRAFT & FLEA Market every Sunday, 9 - 5 p.m. - up ta 100 vendors, lots of parking. CallI Barrie 430-7683, leave message. LADIES: BE YOUR OWN boss, work your own hours, make up to $30+î per hour while having .fun seîling beautiful lingerie & loungewear. Cati 725-1529. GUITAR LESSONS - beginners and advanced. Accoustic or eîectric. CatiLau, 666-1979, Whitby. w ïW........u.... Il The Whitby-Free Press is seeking self- motivated individuals ta represent us as: Advertising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales-or demonstrated ability in. a related field is required For a cballenging and rewarding position in an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, cail the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointment, 668-611,1 TRANSPORT DRIVERS neoded. Now is the time ta traln for your Glass AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job cpacem ent information, contact Mrv Ore's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. 7-ELEVEN needs sales help with retail experience. Please contact Robin or Km, 430-1501. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. Hf you are 45 or over and have been permanentty laid off or are out of work due to business failure in the tast 6 months, you may qualify for free tuition, books and supplies. Cal now ta register. Registered with the Ministry of Coîleges and Universities since 1984. Computer-Learning Centre. 668-9713. UPATE YOUR JOB SKILLS. The more you knowl, the more you're worth. CatI the Micro- computer Tralning Experts. Glass times are tailored ta meet your sede.Cal now ta register. Registered ýwith the Ministry of Calleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. HAIRSTYUST requirad - full or Çart-time for busy halr salon. ages plus commission, benefits, incentives. Friendty atmosphere. 668-7494. EXTRA MONEY for Christmas - Would you like ta set your own hours? Woutd you like ta earn $30-$50 per hour? Do you like lingerie? Then, 1 need you. My undercoverware team of women is grawing quickly. Cati coltect for more inforamrtion, 1-416-420-1934. A CAREER IN DANCING! We are loaking for energetic, enthusiastic peaple ta teach dancing - wiIl train. Cali 430-0014. GRANDMA'S COMPANY off ers chemnical f ree (ail green) house and off ice cleaning. Cleansers are pure and cleaners are pre-tested for aggressive cleaning skilts. All employees are security checked. Bonded & insured. Serving ail of Durham. 725-9177 or 989-0689. ARTHUR MURRAY is now accepting children, ages 2 plus, for dance classes. For more information, please cati 430-0014. AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES, inserts, insulated chimneyS, cerified installation. Cati1 416-655-8945. POOL CLOSING SPECIAL, $130 (ind. tax & chemicats). Buy now and save the GST on a 16 x 32 pool for oniy $12,500, comptete with winter caver & water bag, plus free ctosing & f ree opening for 1991. Cati 433-0908 or 430-1983. STU McGEE - Floor sanding, refinishing, repairs and staining. Suppiied, laid and finished. Over 20 years exprinc. Caticolîect after 6 p.m. (/05) 944-5529. CUSTOM DRAPERIES - Expert workmanship - any style window cavering sr - 5 years experience sewingfo decorators. C an provide fabrics or wiil use ciient's own. References avaitabie, reasonable prices. 430-8407. HILISIDE FENCINO and decks. Industrial or residentiai wood and chain link. Ail types of decks. Post-hoies drilied and posts set. Cati today for free estimates. (416) 085-9078. Bobcat with back hoe for hire. HURT ELECTRIC Service Upgrade. installation ' Of dishwasher, central vac, garage door openers, rec room, outdoéor iighting. For free estimate, catI 668-5974, Whutby. HANDYMAN SERVICES - chimney sweep,' eavestrough- cieaning,' repairs, renovatians & odd jobs. 427-1674, askfor Art. ERN'S ROOFING - Flats, tar& gravel, repairs, shingies, re-roofing. Free estimates. Phone 433-1070, Oshawa. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgate lift-, Clean yards, basements, garages, cut trees, etc. Cati 655-3004 anytime. REC ROOMS, basements,' drywal, . taping &finishing, tiwrceramic tiling, pitin and_ general repairs. Ca1 (416) 576-7503. ARCHIE'S JANITORIAL service specializing in offi!ce cteaning. Free estimates. Cati 668-2499. RELIABLE -HOUSECLEANER available, reasonable rates., Cal Tracy Currie, 666-8566. MAN WITH TRUCK. Witl do painting, window caulking, eaves- traughs and small jobs. Afier 5 p.m., 428-ý0425. LADY WILLING- TO CLEAN home & office. Bonded, efficient, prof essional. Cati 668-0825. - BABYSITTING in my. horrp, BIùegrass Meadows near'-Rôbern Thornton School. 579-2801. MOTHER 0F 1 Iooking to care for chiidren in my home, Woodward! Bassett area. 430-7219. BABYSITTER 'REQUIRED'na R.A. Hutchinson School, Monday to Friday, f rom 4- 7 p.m., St udents welcome. Cai 668-1175 after 8 p.m. RELIABLE DAYCARE available In my safe, clean,. comfortable Whitby home. Nourishing lunches, larqe fenced yard, lots of,,fun -& activities. AIl ages. 668-8152. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Cail Joanne, Whitby Frëe Press, 668-0594.. BLUE SPRUCE - Now is the time for plant ing. $15, $25 &$35,. Phone 655-8088. MR. TRIM LAWN & GARDIEN Services -now. booking -Faîl deéan-up, tree & shrub pruning'..& residential snow removal. Phone 623-9711. W hitbyFireePress ~ e68Q~94 ... ......:.............. ....arn... . O m .....~94 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day 'Of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up ta. a maximum cost af the insertion.* The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ait advertisements. PRE-PID- (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadtine) $5.00 for 20 words; 120 eaCh additional word 1BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 eaCh additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate line (14 agate Unes per inlch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50-billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLARSSIFIEDS* (Ads wlth barders, pictures or graphios) Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate Une Minimum size 1 cotumn inch $12.04 (1.4 agate uines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. UUNAWA ÇAIWPU5 PICKERINU GAIWpub 7234163 419>13- 4 1 ami mm ne ne

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