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Whitby Free Press, 3 Oct 1990, p. 3

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WEHITBY Ki<hE PRM4 WEJX4JStAY, UUiN>OBER3,1990, PAGE 3 Noi ,se briesmdefrornscaptires, Itemsfrom, Whitby Cotmeil agenda(s), Monday, October 1, 19MO Plannming and Development COMMitee That cauncil approve.Wa designateci proôperty grant ta Cat herine and Martyn Beckett, 300 Byran'St. N., for roplacement*af six.sto'rm windows on the William Robson House. Since th fil'àhouse asbeen designated undertheOntarlo Hertage Act, council approvai 'is rureifor significant chngsta the buiiding's appearance. Réecommended to council Th at coun cliapprove, the ronamingaof Bradview Dr. ta Scadding Dr. The Whitby f ire depajrment has requested the namfe change, avoid confusion between Bradview and neèarby Broadview Ave. Rt'ec-ondedto ouncil, Operations Committee That council apprave Korigan Dr., Lockridgo St,, Longford CfL., Lyndhurst' Ores., Montrose Gros. and Whtbum St., as public highways, andi that the .Mliitry of Transportation be natif led as such so-the Tawn cin'use subsidies for mînor and mhajor repairs; that the Town assume the public services instaiiled in the R.D.F. phase 1 subdivision, thoreby réleasing.the developers f rom their obligations conoerning the agreement. Reclommended to council Trhat council authorize the clerk ta f ormally request that the Mlnistry of Transportation urbanîze Hwy. 12 tram Rossiand Rd. ta Taunton ,Rd. at ýno cost ta the Town af Whitby. Staff feel that because this section, Is within Whitby's urban boundary, the, roadwiay shaulci be urbanized and the ministry shouldbear the costs, estimateci at $430,000. Recom ened to coucil That counciliaccept the 10w bld framn KLD Construction In the amount of $1 7,630 for the suppiy and Iinstallation 0f an underground starage tank monitoring system, and the Installation af a fuel dlIspnn system This bld, cmrbine dgwth the appraveci purchase of the fuel disenslng system for $14,385, brings In a total cost of $32,015 which fails beiaw the budget allocation af $.490%00 ByMike Kowalsld -A newuse has. been found for the . millions of. automobile tires diOcarded anniually in Ontario. Two -Markh m-based com- panies ave dîeised a, method of Tple T Industi and Com' rep Systems' mIc. hlopeta soon' be, producing.,a. soundbarrier whichÏ president eryMnt laesi market. Mintz says the- barrier is "vir- tually indestructible", and absorbs 80 per cent of highway traffic noise. The barzler, *111«not crack or chip, Inor.Bit i.affected, by sait,, ceorground,.movement says Mintz. - "heooreticaly it cauld last ovor 100 years, it's a virtually, indus- trucibfle produet.» The'-mosft comman materialsi used ilu traditi on al noise'barriers are concrete, woodckand steel or -à Rosedae: residents w ant stop sigens By Trudie Zvdvce Rosidents- of. Rosedale Ave., desporate ta stap what they per- ceive'as a potential tragedy made 'an appeal on' Monday night ta the Town s opoations commit- tee for two ston signs ta slow downm traffic on tÊefr street. Residents sud their childrén packed ý,the moétxng room ta explain thé situation ta council-' lors. Spokomnan Dwight MacArthur askod that *stop signe be p1aceil at the northeast corner and the southwest corner of Rosedaloe Dr., 'There are 14 kids under five easold,» MacArthur tald the- comnuttee. . ueshard ta tell thein they cau't play on tho street. Somùe people go around the cor- ner so quick.» Dick Kuwahara, diroctar of public works, told the committeo haitwas illegal ta put a stop signin* the middle o f a road. 'here is no legisiation that peintsa tap siu*lutho iddle of the road. ias tago1at an intersection. It's an illegal sign. There-would benonfrent The municipality can't put it up.» The only immediato suggestion staff had was ta put a warning. sigu for a curve ahead. Nowarning signs that you could put up would stop the problein,» said Mac.Arthur.' 1Ho explained that many of the offonders were residents who Whitby blood donor clinie. The last Whitby blood donor clinic for 1990 will be held at the Legion hall on Tuosday, Oct. 9, 1 ta 8 p.m. Throo provious clinics during 1990 resulted in the highest'evor amount, of donations. In January 453 pints were given, in April 336 and in July 318. the goal for the Oct. 9 clinic is 325 but organizers hoppe ta exceed that amount. October's dinic will be E nsored again by the Whitb inon- Club. McDonalds iwiIl donateo coffee, tea and orange drink. Girl -Guides fromInR. A. Sonniett public school, fulfilling their obligation ta, comxnunity servicel will serve "goodies" ,ta donors and work in the itchen.. The clinic is for those aged 17, ta 67. Man chargeàuod after, assault, A man suspected of attempting ta sexually assault a .41-year-old Whitby woman on Sept. 23 was arrested by Durham Regional A juan was- reported ta have igrabbed lier and triod ta pull her biehind a building. Sheescaped .jn0ighiminthégrom. - alrady knew of the cm-vo., Mabe it's illegal (the stop sign)but ,it would stop then.» nother suggestion was ta rename the street at the curve 50 that a stop sign'would b. legal- «My conceri' is the safety of the children,» said councillor, Marcel Brunelle.«Saine won't stop. One of your children will got used ta people stopping and mi*ht be playiug on the street.» Ho added that the Town would be libel for giving a wrong sig:,nal. Ho' thon . suggested that police patral the" area.'-, 'Staff suggested -that residents talce licence. numbers of .,the- spoeding cars. «That might be ýtoo late,» repliod MacArthur.- We are gain- bhpgwith children's lives.» «Why can't wo g after signs that will slow traffi down and perhaps reduce speed,» asked councîllor Tom Edwards. «We could use the park as a catalyst ta watch for children.» Ho, also sufge stod that a no-parking pnybe implementèd on the streot. . Rosedalo Dr., has a 90-degree bond at its northorly limit. Wehi- clos travelling-- at excessive speeds have daînaged propertios iu the area. James Boteil has lived on the street since, 1972 and has had three cars drive up on his pro- perty. Itsa common occurrence,» says Botoil. "AIl winter Iongcs bounce off thé cm-Îb. Cars hcave driven through- myý hedge. two turnes- and once taok out> two sections of a six-foot fonce.» This summer Nancy Basson, a threo-year resident, of tho sitreet petitioned for a stop sign. This is ,the' fir-st turne it- has corne ta. comrnltteo. Coiniittee made -note of the- probleins and the s-uggestions and referred the mattor ta, staff for examination. E i IM I i Hav6 comnbination *'of, the three, says, Miritzp ,Hôwever,' each has its dràNw- backs he expilains. 1Steol barriers tend ta, deflect noise- elseWherëe rathe'r 'than absorbing it'or- cani have echoý problomàs, w hile-,concrete -andý wodhaelimitodliepas The sound deflection -tendency of steel is such -'that, barrers oroctod on the Don Valley Park- way inTrnahad te bëo pla- mebeai of the noise -piob1em it croated for residentsoýf ne-arby "high-riso apartmenit buildings.. a for wood and concrote, the former lasta 15 ta 20 -years and. the'latter anywhere from'nino tao 15 years depeding on how it's manfatrosasMntz. «In fâct, some concrete oùes1«. might only'last two seasons," ho', notés..r Thé idea of miù g:noise bar- riers fronim b ubeümas natural progrTession or Mlntz. He'.has ben involved lu in'the SEEPAGE5 the Offices of the WHITBY FREE PRESS,. wiIl be- cloS ed onh il display and classified adverising wîiI be FRIDAY OCTOBER 5TH AT 4 PM 9 a safe, happy holiday weekend. Lane® CustomCovrSal SAVING 0OF 20%. With over 800 decorator fabrics to choose from, and 80 different styles, select. any style of -sofa, loveseat or chair -and have it custom built for you, usi*ng the highest standards such as a web& coil construction. Lane is an outstanding value. 70Rossland Rd, W., Oshawa 576-6465 mon., Tues., Wed. 1'l6, Thurs., Fui. 10-9, Sat.ý 10-5, WAfthyot cancer _ (:anbe [IlM beaen soiefN Pleasegle j-,

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