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Whitby Free Press, 3 Oct 1990, p. 8

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whitb.busnes New busines.s offers som IyGregMacNeil It miay be a sign, of the Unes.- Or perbaps iWs a service that, ,untl nWbas been sadfly lacking in -Durham'Region.,- Anyway you choose to look at 'it, Training Lifestyle Consultants bhas' arrived, and is open for business. .It's no coincidence the companys'sinitiais speil TLC. President Nancy MisIn explains, I picked that name because I feel that a lot of problems today are due to 'people not giving themselves enough TLC,7 that is, tender loving care.' After spending 17 years in the health and human services field, in such positions as trminer, administrator, counsellor and educator,- witb peple from al walks of -life, Miskin decided to open ber own private practice in WhIitby, the first of its kind in Durham Region. "This is really bringing together a lot of different pieces of iny career and focusing it on prevention and health improvement." 'pou could describeMisin as wellness consultant. 'Tinhelping people a h. behavior Uthat is causing. the problems,". says ,Miskn. Tin problems could range from beii emnotionally upset, dealingwitli weight 'roblem or simplr beii .«stessf ou! Mldn aIloft refer a client to their medic doctor. "Then--if there's nôthi medically wrong,,that's when N might start looking a littie clos, at their lifestyle." For example, a person may n be eating the best types of food give tbem the most energ Perhaps they're not exercisir enough, or are faced witb tx mucb stress. The purpose of Miskin's servi( is really ta pinpoint the source tbe problem and then work on plan of prevention. "Doctors ma say, 'Reduce your cholesterol'Wb often tbey don't tell them howc show thern how," Miskin point out as an example. Ultimately, the goal is ta bai people lead a healtbier lifestylg whetber that means reducin stress levels, improving one's diE or learning to relax. Once tis 1 acbieved, Miskin says people hav a reduced risk of cardiovascula Kinsmen plan Christmas bash for merchnS and.staf Witby Kinsmen are planning a Crsnias arty for stff mem- bers of smal1 businesses in Whitby. The 'Whitby Mercbants' Christmas Dinner and Dance Celabration' will be beld at Hey' darishora Paývilion on Wednes- dayDec. 12,6 p.m..tol1a.m., Mnsmen plan to create a "big party atmospbere» for Whitb3 businesses wbich bave smal] staffs. >" Dinner will ha served by Touch of Class. Cost is $35 per person, including dinner, disc jockey, dancing, door prizes and a visit by Santa. T.unds raised go ta the Whitby General Hospital building fund. For more information caîl Lee Perry (A Midsummer's Dream) at 668-1199 - (after hours, 430- 1320) or AI Wolski (Brock General Hardware) at 666-1254. disease, and possibly cancer. Miskin conducts worlcshops on a hast of different topies includiig stress management, weight control,' fitness, emiotional well bngas well as prevention tips for reducing the risk of heart diseases. She points out, 'l do worksbops for private groups or corporate groupe." In addition, private, confidential sessions on, lifestyle managenffint are.offered. "Different people scome in witb different complaints," says Miakin, adding work-related stress is one of the nmàst common, sources of the pomblem. ý, ' " Thisis epecilly.truewith, shift workers,,sys Misk i. "W.hen you'r-e dealing-wth, peol that have sbift.,wiork, they have many issues around ... physical, problems, emotional problema jdue ta the nature of the. sbift work." Many of these problema can be traced ta a lack of good food in the diet, and'the fact shift work often isn't great for ones physical bealth. The officiai opening for Training Lifestyle Consultants is ,Wedzbeédày, Sept., 26 at 7 p.m. The o 'ffice -is located at 07' Kent St. Hours -are Monday thtough riday -from 9 a.m.to P.m. Aitho -Lh the officiai opening is tis eeMiskinhas actual'ly, been woring at her'new practice, since. April, Iining up clients and' organizing,.seminarsan workshops. "I have a steady contract with the Whitby Physiotherapy Clina*i,"- where she holds weky' work- sbops 'on stress management for, injured workers. 3 a Ige em e Ing 1 a ng ;en mil ,ng Ne er ot to 01. nO Of a ay ut e, As every business knows, tbe ig telephone is indispensable. It is, et after ail, the main is communications lifeline on wbicb re ail companies depend. Ir But there~s one area in wbich the full potential of tbe telephone is not always harnessed by sinal business -. and tbat's in sales.(I r7 Télémarketing is a coat-effective metbod of reaching customners _/ that can easily pay off in increased sales and improved customer service. Its true that most anial the best use of the telephone," says William' Band, a Toronto partnier in The Coopers & II. Lybrand Consulting Group, i whicb bas done- extensive j..~. 0 research in customner satisfaction. "People involved in telephone sales, or telemnarketing, are starting ta discôver ,tbat tbe phone is a-useful follow-up tool in Y maintaining good relations with 1 clients. As well, you can colleet valuable data on customer buying I know It's the 1ffteenth lime i've called today, but' Uve heard that persistence pays off 1" preferences by using the phone ta better advantage." Virtually any product or as intrusive anda colossal waste well. Having a good.- script is service can be, sold by pbone. In of time." essentiai for 'making_ your somne instances, direct contact by Telemarketing bas become even telemarketing productive." a salesperson on the premises is more sopbisBticated, with the - The phone is thefirat -_ and neoessary té close tbe sale. But a advent cf specialized software often the, laIst -- ontact aný great deai of the costly legwork packages. As an owner-operator, outaide bas'with'-yoùr bus'iness.ý can ba done by telephone. itfs possible to obtain customized Companies are recognizing thatj The economices of telemarket- market software tbat lists good- telephone skills- are ing are convincing. "ltes estimated prospective customners for becoming a must, not just m'i sales that a personal sale cali on the virtually any retail business, but tbroughout the -business. job site costs a company about "The dialogue in telemarketing Otberwise, whatever message you $250. Obviously, a telephone cali is very important," says Band. bave ta say will likely fali on deaf is niuch less expansive," says "Not everyona knows bow.ta do it ears. Band. Ini telephone sales, don't underestimate the importance of S n u àtb a t a e n persistance. A reçent U.S. survey S n ~ tb a t a e n indicated that only 2 per rcent cf to be held at Oshawa Centre sales wera finalized o h first cail, but an astanishing 81 par cent of the deals were dlinched on The Oshawa Centre will play are availabla ..at Oshawa Centre tbe fiftb calI. Taking into account hast to the Sunburst beauty information desks. that it takes longer ta build up pageant oni Thursday, Oct. 4. rapport by phone, itfs fot really , Titled 'A, Day of Pageantry,'y' surprising that results don't corne the baby and beauty pageant isjju r[ ha m > automatically at the first try. open ,,ta participants aged Ini the last five years, tberes newborn tbrougb young aduits. ben an exploion in I total, tbe pagant consists of S ii0W. oe- se ' telemarketing services. Finely Il age divisions, divided into two focused telemarketing, with a sections - (starting at 5:15 p.m. I good list of leads, cari work babies, boys and girls ta aga 3,01o(I)ct. - wonders. But research indicates and (starting at 7:30 p.m.) girls Rbr .Mrineieto it's not wise te rarly on aged 4'to 27. %br'.M rpeintf computerized voice-niessages- Eacb winner wilî receiva a Consumers" Gas Co. Ltd., will be they midss the mark completely. tiara, banner and trophy. I guesgt> speaker at the nînth Dur- If elearktin isnotbanledaddition, winners and runners-u ham Showcase held by the Dur- If tlemaketig i notbandedhain Region Manufacturers Asso- properly, it becomes noise earn tbe right ta compote in the ciation at General W. Sikorski pollution," says Geoffrey Hale, a national finals at Torntas Cara Polish Vaterans' Hall, Osbawa, consultant with Small Business Inn in July, 1991. Canadian' on Thursday, Oct. 11.^ Ontario, part of the Ontario winners may aIso enter an The sbowcase begins at 4 pm Ministry of Industry, Trade & international competition in1d inusutl1:0p. Technology. .Atlanta, Georgia. Dnnins ua 6:3030p.m. "Many sales people are creating The event bas wide appeai in At 7:45 p.m., Martin will iii will ,anîong consurners by Durham Region, usually review cban&es in the- natural unleasing computerized telephone attracting more than 75 entries. g1a industry in recent Years and 1'urning telephone caiil ntreus Marlin WlMTraveI ~j4V~]~Whitby June Nnn Marlîn Travel is pleased to welcomeJune Nunn to the Marlin Team. June has 10,years experience in Toronto agencies as a counsellor and manager. June invites you to v isit her at Marlin Travel. MARUN TRAVEL WHITBY 80 Thickson Rd. S., Whitby 666-8266 MarlibiCnulse Centre 1792 Liverpool Rd. Pickering 831-8411 Marlifr Village Travel 109 OId Kngston Rd. Ajax 683-8411 HOW TO PROTECT" YOUR BATHROOM INVESTMENT lncreasingly we're hearing from people who are concerned about the damage that powdered abrasive icleansers can -do to their expensive sinks, tubs and fixtures. KLIN G non abrasive lotion cleanser is the best product we'Ve seen for general bathroom cleanup. The thick lotion clings to vertical surfaces and soap scum is literally removed with a soif wipe of a cloth. Fixtures are letf sparkling like new. The entire washroom smells clean and fresh. ,For mildew buildups in showers or rust stains on tubs we recommend Butcher's PEARLY Tule andJ Porcelain Cleaner. This easy to use spray and wipe product cleans like magic yet contains no abrasives, no acids and no caustics. At Swish we guarantee everything we selI. If the product doesn't perform to your satisfaction, bring back the unused portion - we'll give you your money back. MAINTENANCE LTD. ci

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