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Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1990, p. 35

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WHMTY fREE PR~ESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBERl-1, 1990, PAGE, 35, MORE Poster, ~ challenge il. beg*ins CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUESDAY, OCT. 16 - 6:30 P.M. 3 po. modemw bedroom suite, chesterfield & matching chair, double & si ng le box springs& mnattresses, Hit i apt.-sized dryer, microwave aven a stand, modemn dressers & chests of drawers, White cabinet model sewing machine, air conditianer, mantde cocks, cracks, chester- fields, antique picture trames, a Garden Master garden tiller, 3 h.p Lawnboy lawnmower,. 12 ft alumfinum_ boat; qupantity, of tools, china & g ass. DON'& GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RLR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY,. OCT. 12 AT 6 P.M. Oak hall seat, 9 po. dining roomn suite, new Grandfather dlock, wooderf, icebox, flor al chesterfield & 'Chair (excellent condition), fiat"& aval toptrunks, wickerchairs, air- tight. stove,-Chatham kitchen cupboard., washstands,. oak wall tetepOhne,' refinished.. antique, dressers, blanket box, oak -dressers, captains chairs, co-oil laAfpso. 1973 Honda 750 touring bike. .. 1990.-EB 3500 Honda generator (approx. 15 hours), ýa good.collection of reference books on anique glass, quantity of hadmade qui Is, tools, china and glass. DON,& GREG-CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RLR #1, -LITTLE BRITA IN N 705-786-2183 GIANT 2 DAY UNRESERVED RV Auction - Used - Travel Trailers, Fifth. Wheels, Hardtop. Tent Trailers, Motorhomes & C amper Va ns at NIAGARA TRAILERS (416) 262-4518. Auction D ates. - Oct. 20, 10 arn., Oct. 21, 10 "a.m. Preview & Financig peqalification Oct. 17,. 18& 199 to 5. Directions: OEW exit Hwy. 55 (Nia gara on the Lake) north on Reg tonai Rd. 81 (York Rd., Hwy. 8) to St. Davids, follow s'ins to Sale!lt's another Aero Marine Auction (705) 734-4777. *Some select units may be subject ta minimum ld SATURDAY 'S AUCTION ACTION OCTOBER 13 - 6:30 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWA EVERY SAT. NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week to include dining room suite, rocking chairs, carpets, new pine furniture, occasional tables, 2 kichen 'suites, plus lots of other interestig items, lots of glass and GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIOU Secretary of State Gerry Wiener recently announced the launching of the 1991 Canada Day Poster Challenge. Participants, who mnust be age 18 or younger, are invited ta design a poster which shows how Canadians together make Canada a better place for ail. Twelve artists (one from each prvic), accompanied by their paetwili be invited by the secretary of state ta, the officiai Canada Day ceremony on Parlia- ment Hill on Juiy 1 1991. One of the 12 provincial/terri- torial designs will be chosen for the officai Canada Day poster to be distributed acrosa the country.. "Not only is the Canada Day Poster Challenge great fun for young people, it also allows them ta demonstrate their understand- ing of Canada and their belief in th e future of this great nation. These are feelings that I share and lFi sure the majority Of Canadians share,» said Werer. Thousands of CanIdians are waiting lorA.he .91ft of a life-saving transplant. The Kidney Foundation of Canada urges you to sign an, organ donor card. Fitness,,,eq U ByTrudie Zavadovces Inthel11 years Whitby resi- ,dent Herno Parnsalo has hived ia bis current home, he has used the fitness trail in Bluegrase Meadows an average of four times a week. The trail v!ith fitness and'play- groundequipmnent was installed il years 4g by the, developer, a condition of Dbuildin in the area. It was most dsturbingta Parnsalo wýhen* the Town removed the equipuient.ý The fitness trail ruas from' Dundas St. north beyond Man- ngstappiag just before Ross- iadIt encompasses about three miles. "Bran Gordick,' directar of parka, tald me they removed it ecause it was pooriy installed and maintained and felt the Town would be, hable (for arny mishaps),» says Parnsalo. I think it was much more costly ta, remove them (than te fiz and maintain the equipment)." Upset about the removal, he met with Gordick ta discuss the situation. "I fouad Gordick ta be co- operative.» According ta Parnsalo,- Gordick said that much of the equipment will be repiaced with the same, or better, equipment. Parnsalo says there is more than equipment that needs ta be Rotary governor is guest 0-LDE Silver Thimble Quilt Shopi ,e Katby Wi"newski from Children's recently donated $224 to theChM- Aid is ibaked by store co-owners dren's Aid Foundation as part of the Maureen Samuel (left) and -Vera stores fourth birthday oelebration. Hugel. Time management s$eminar offered^ Durhm Management Centre is leading autbority on the creativty and success psychoiogy. now offering a new public deveiopment of human potentiai. The BriaTracey*s 'T«ilme seminar, one of a nuxnber of and personaL, effec tiveness, and Management for ResutW'seminar one-day, high-impact, video-based each year addresses thousands of will encomnpass such topie as seminars, developed by Brian men and women on the subjects understanding êtrategic goal- Tracey. Tracey is considered-.a of self-esteem, goals, strategy, setting, setting, priorities, effective1 project management, ipm nt oibnrplae dg timewasters ad fixed in the area. «There bas been virtually no maintenance of the area in il years except for grass cutting. At one end there is a storai sewer blocked, with water pouring out the cover. 'The lower part of the sewer must be blocked.» Hle said that some of the pave- W1otQ/ ment -1s badly in need of repair and that theire are large rocks at' the'bottom of hilis that cbildren side or bike down. :1 Parnsalo was assured- that, work wouid start on the pro'eet right away. For now, he saysbes satisfied with the 'Town s res-, panse. The semnar 1 i scbeduledý for Wednesday, Oct. 17, 8 arn. ta 5 c. m. Osbawa campus. Ckist is 169 and includes, audio tapes. For furtber information, contact Laura -Ka!y, Durba mi Management Centre, 576-0210 ext. 491'or 1-800-668-5843. N~WONTARIO' JUNIOR CITIZENS t» &W frKe Do you know a young person,' aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile comnmunity service or a special person who is contributing, while coping with a physical or psychologicalSp limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heroism?' The Ontario Cornruni'ty To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the O.C.N.A.. at (416) 844-0184. Nominations, for this y ear's award s, will be accepted.until October 31, 1990. Every nominee will receive a certificate and: up to 12 Rotary Club district 707 Newspapers Association with )inaiviauals ana one group Wl" L>e IS governor Douglas A Dempsey Canadian Airlines International as the recipients of a plaque presented - was a -guest of the Whitby Rotary teptoaeloigt eonz by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Club on Sept. 25. teptoaeloigt eonz Dempsey i an elected tee"odkd" h on epeo u an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel repesnttie o te egon province who show a commitment to pin, .$200.00 and a famiiy portrait with the Rotary clubs. His visits- are making life better for others. Lieutenant. Governor. intended as. an opportunity te, meet with local representàtives andý -review their NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this Comm unity Newspaper accmplishilits. tay,,lb or O.C.N.A.,(416) 844-0184. actively, involved in the, Witby a joint community project of communi ty. They have committod "ONTARIO __ over $0,00to he, hi - JUNIOR CITIZEN £ ontaria Geeal-fospital fufldflisiflg-OF cTHE YEARana 'a audt a nd, ,ougr'--thi ..... W......... - -xnternatunatexcfl81gprogrTT.'

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