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Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1990, p. 5

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WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1990, PAGE 5 Counel rvese tself on ,sidewalk SIWclearing, By Mke Kowtikl Al Whfitby sidewalks will con- tinue te be cleared' of, ice, and snow in winter. By a 5-2 vote, Town counçil Iast week rescinded an 'earlier, décision te- cut» back onite' side- walk snow clearing progrn. Mdmitting their previous, deci- sion w as wrong, most councillors: favored a return -te the. full pro- gramn. [n 1985 council ado ted a. polic of cering 'al sidewalke' following a winter ster n. Howeve, lastJuly cuni approvedà redu'cedoprogram thatl would have saved thé m'uncipa- lityý an :estimated $37,OOO '--chý ye4r. The reduced program stipula- ted that only 9 1 kmî. of sidewalksj wcold be cleared. Under a full>proôgram,225 ,kmi'ý will be cléared at a prjcd cost Councillor Dennis Fox admiit- ted he made a m'istake in, sup- prtng-thecu--tback""- For saidl~e had lneyer received a *positive comment about the snow clearingf programn, "until, we toýk it 4way.7 - Bteenthe, complainits and. the amQount' of-money -we spent, oný it, I thought chahjig t wôuld éa- 'etrplcy,;» si d, Fox. "But since then I have received a ýnumber, of caîls froin seniors anid'disàbled people upset-about the se rvice bemng iithdrawni2' Pok'said a new eport'from the public w.Voiks _department con- tainè,d iMormahiýtion council did not have*at its disposai in July.1 'The reduçed programn would' havemeaënt,,designating specificý amas for snow clearing.. "I think we would be innunda- ted with calîs' if we leap frog over sidewalks,» saidFox. «I arn changing my 1mind. People have"shown me. they do want the service.» Councilloý,-Boss Battenh did neot receive ý any- cails, positive or negative-, about the cuitback. <'But Vve, had xnany calîs from people saying theydon't want te pay more taxes » said Batten. He reminded council the deci- .,sion * te -trim service stemmed from budget discussions earlier "this'year. * oavoid'a ýhefty tiincrease council must c' ut back, somè ýpro- grams and services warned Bat- ten. "Cutting out, this service alone won't- do the ýtrick,' there 'are other areas we can cut as well, but it's a stat'» said Batten." "In order ï'or this counicil .te look responsible we have te stick te it.» Councillor Marcel Brunelle: opposed reduced service in July and stili felt the same. He, said 'the service means sen iors and disabled people need not worr about something they may. Lotbe physically capable of doingO or can aiford te have done. 'fo them. "We can't ignore their plight,»' said Brunelle. He apeed with Batten about complaînts_ of high taxes, but REC YCLING ONE TON 0F NEWSPAPEjS SAVES 19 ThEES "I eft great the whole Urnime I 1was on NutifSstm approached it froîn another pers- pective. «People say 'we pay hgh taxes adowyou wttotaeaway the one thing we apprec4iate',' said Brunelle., Only Batten '-and Joe Bugelli spported keeping. the reduced service.* Voting to reinstitute the for- mer Policy were Brunelle,. Fox Lynda Buffett, Joe Drunmi.ln ami Tom Edwards. Mayor Bob Attersley, chair- man of the Durham, Regipon. Police commission, was away from the meeting on commission business. S Bugellii, chairmnan 'of .council's operations committée, was-flot aware of whoaskedfo the upda- ted staff report. The report would normally_ have surficed at Bugelli's cern- mittee but instead was prepared for the entire council.-, With winter approaching, Bugelli said councillors were beginning te feel the heat from their previons action. 'The deci sion wasmiade when there was no snow on 1the-> ground. Now that'. it's ,getting. close ,people -were asking- ques- tions,' said-Bugelli. «Thé' will te act. politically wavered I- suspect it was prompteci by the cold we>ather.» Bugelli said that asthe Town & ows, expenses will increase fromn additional equipment and labor costs. "We're flot talking a few dol- lars but a considerable cost te, the taxpayers.» Bugelli added that ýno one would suifer as a result of -redu- ced service as the senior citizens' centre, co-ordinates its snow clearing service. Result I Iost 145-Ibs." * Since then, l've stopped getting back- aches. 1Ican do activities witthout getting winded For the firs!tlime in my lite, 1 tée!healthy. Now i have energy to burn. 1igo to the gym three daysa week, and lIrn 8 much more active. Ifrn livin-g a happy, healthy lte. Our client, Danny Landers, -lost 145 lbs. 4 Our Comprehensive-, Woight Loss Program. Will Help Over ONE UQN Clients Ibis Year. t Includes: ! 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Whether youiieed a complete floorpian or just a seco*ndopinion, rememrber - you can alkvaysinvite Rousseau's.* 4£ FINE FURNITURE SINCE 1929> 216 Mary Street East, Whitby (Just east of Brock St., north of Hwy 2) 668-3483 or Toronto 686-0061l Trustees of the Durham Board of Education areseekingz your input on the prop osed new 'Education Centre to.,bc builit on Taunton Road West, near Hwy. 12, adjacent-to the ncw Whitby secondary sehool. YOLJR OPINION COUNTS! Tuesday, October 23, 1990 at 7.30pamn. in the lecture theatre at Henry Street Higli School 614,HetiryStreet,. Witbfy .to be hostcd by your Whitby trustees:* For further infor mation contact Ian Brown, (rMs,) 668-7278 (bus.) 396-6948, Patty Bowman (rms.), 430-3381, George Milosh (res.)'430-0626, or conitact the Durham iBoard'of Education Comnmunicaitions Dept. at 576-4600, ext. 25. The Durham Board of Educatlon - funliiv Fducalin 1'flrdav- For'onio)rrdrwý

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