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Whitby Free Press, 24 Oct 1990, p. 32

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PAGE 32, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1990' --- -- ------ -A-- - WORK '.'INTHE, DY NAMICý HÃ"SPITALITY'INDUSTRYB' TRAVEL & TOURISM HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT PASSENGER AGENT' conulFLIGHT ATTENDANT ffr--KNOWLEDGE PICKERING CAMPUS -723-16 420-1344 Toront Schoo of Bins TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time ta train for your Class, AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job ý lacement information, contact erv Orres Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. A CAREER IN'DANCING! Weý are .laoking for energetic, enthusiastic 'people ta teach' dancing. Witl train. Cati 430-0014. AUTO TRADER is Iooking for someone ta run aur newest ad centre located in Ajax. Hours woutd be Monday* 10 - 6 p.m., Tuesday 10 - 4 p.m., Saturday 10 - 4 p.m.. Own vehicte a must. Gaod starting wage, plus commission, bonuses and gas allawance. For mnore information cail Tracy, Wednesday -ý Friday, 9 - 5 p.m. 1-416-789-3311. UPDATE YOUR JOB SKILLS. The more you know, the more you're -worth. Caîl the Micro- computer Training Experts. Class times are tailorod ta meet your scheduio. Cali now to register. Reg istered with the Ministry. ai Ca lieges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Contre. 668-9713.1 FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are ý15 or over and have boen permanently laid off or are out of work duo ta business failuro in, tho Iast 6 months, you may qualify-forf reo tuition, books and supplies. Caîl now to registér. Registered with tho Ministry af Colieges and Universitios since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. EARN THOUSANDS stuffing envelapes. Send $1 and a sef-addressed, stamped onvolope ta D. Damant, 344 Simcae St. S., Apt. 1, Oshawa, Ontario 1-14J1. GUITAR LESSONS- beginners and' advaniced. Accoustic or electric. Cai Lau, 666-1979, Wyhitby. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER, mother, will caro for your pre-schoolor- in a stimuiating onvironment. Excellent roferencies. Reasonablo rate. Gardén-Rossland aroa. 430-3825. OTTER CREEK - Mother af 1 willing ta babysit, my home. Full/part-timo, before/ater, schaol welcame. 666-1730. OTTÇR CREEK DAY CARE for preschoolers in my home. Loving mothor of 2 preschoolers provides activitios, f un, nutritional lunches, backyard playg round in a sale, comfortablo environment. 668-1866. Reforencos avaitablo. MOT HER 0F ONE wiling ta care for your child in My home. White Oaks Court. Any age. 430-2246. [WANTADSwokbnlI Agents-Wate Look at Whot wehaeo off er: -WAn untapped market &'an exclusive produot posiioned 'in te Most demnandinig induistry in the World - FUEL *Work your own hours * No ceiling on your income *Exciting new Company *Excellent Sales Tools *An unbeatable opportunity Gý «a 1 655-8626 GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers "mother-in-Iaw" clean every timol Environmentaily friendly praduots only. Emplooe are security checkod, bne and insured 725-9177. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgate ift. Clean yards, basements, garages, cut trees, etc. Cati 655-3004 anýtime. CARPET REPAIRS and steam cleanin. Give your carpets ,a facelft! Have burns, tears, rippies &,dirt removed. No job too smatt. 666-8006. MAN WITH TRUCK. WiIl do painting, window caulking, oaves- troughs and smail jobs. After 5 p.m., 428-0425. HANDYMAN SERVICES - chimney sweep, eavestrough cleaning repairs, renovatians & oddjos 427-1674, ask for Art. GAUDET'S QUAUTY reno- vations. Ail interior and exterior renovations. Capentry, plumbing, eloctrical, drywait, paint ing. Roter- ences. 40 years expérience. Phone evenings 430-2712, ask for Nelson. HURT ELECTRIC Service Upgrade. Installation Of disgwasher, central vac, garage door openers, rec room, outdoor ighting. For free estimate, catI 668-5974, Whitby. HILLSIDE FENCING and docks. Industrial or residential wood and chain * ink. Al types af decks. Past-hoies drilted and posts set. Cai today for free estimates. (416) 085-9078. Boboat with back hoe for hire. REC, ROOMS, basémenâts, drywall, tapIng.&~nsig trimnwork, ,ceràfiet iiigpattn and, gênerai lrepairs.Ci 46 576-7503. LEAKY .ROOF!!! Free estimatesi. Discounts for . seniors. Ro-roof ing and repair. Cati Stephen 666-8410. E rvrolNe eds o Comm Unicate '4 Bcttcr than chiselling your thoughts in stone, put them in the classifieds! That's the easy way ta tell and seli! Whitby Free Press EARTHORKS ARDEN Sie ®ri, 0Q UR. TrRIM -LA%ýN &--,GARDEN Services *now, .booking -Fal residential snoW removal. Phono 623'971t" - A RE, YOU ýHA VING TROUBLE gettingauto insurance becaueof ago, poor dnrving record, or suspension of licone? Porhaps wo cari help. Phono 666;,2090. APPUANCE REPAIRS to: washors, -dryers., -stove, dishwashers and microwaves, ail makos and, models. Smnait appliance repairs.-CALL: 683-8519 or 430-7382. Sewing Machino epai AiY Mokes $ 1 .95 Compete Tune-up $39.95 -Recondfitioned Sowing Machines- tram $59.00 T T 401saOPLINE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 King St. W. Oshawa. -----------.----------.-.---'--------.-- ..~-------------------~---------- ~ OSHAWA CAMPUS Please chock.your advortisoment for errars on the flrst day of publicaion. The Whitby Freé. Press, will not be .Itpblo, for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic orrors n publication beyond theî. cost ai the space occuotod by-tho error Up toja maximum cso tho insertion. The Whitby Fr.. Pross roservos the' right ta classlfy or rejoct ,ail advortisemoents.- PRE-PNDI (Cash, VISA, *choque received before deadiino) $5.00 for 20 wa rcs; 120 eaCh* additional Word BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 eaCh additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate lino (14 agate linos per-inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 -billoed - DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ada wlth borders, pictures or graiphics) Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate lune Minimumsize, I column inch $1 2.04 (14 agate Unes per Inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 W hhb Fre Prss e8-<>94 fbce I4pu~ M ndayto F~da~ 9:O ar to 5:Q.p..........94 g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

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