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Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1990, p. 9

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The Kinette Club f WtY wilI hast its-*'5Os & '60W dânce obi Friday, Noqv. .2,.:dp$;~ Heydenshore 'PavihàW,. «9c jockey Craig Smith 1~rfl a favorite tunes. Tickets-, are $30 per coupleý and can be reserveéd*by.' calling 668-5206 or'668-0189.- . music CONCERT An evening of sacred music by the Presbyterian Mixed Chair of Toronto will be ýpresented. at St. Mark's United Church, corner of Centre. and1 Coiborne streets, Whitby, on Sunday, Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $4, and refreshments will be served. For* more information-or for tickets cali the church office at 668-3091. SYMPOSIUM «'Midwifery the Future,' a' symposium,. will .b. held at Durham College, room C113, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m. Guest speakers will b. Dr. Joyce Barett and 'Wendy Sutton, a repr.sentativè of the Interim Regulatory Council on Mfidwif.ry. For further information cali 430-1889. PAIUKINON. Parkinson. Suppôrt -Gru- Durham: Reio&M:n will ol ieguflar -meeting Onr Nov. 5 r, 7:30 p.m., at- St. Markes United Church- in- Whitbr, , corner of Coborne and .Centre streets. Ceuest seaker". wilI b6 Rlphý Ingefield from the local branch of National Trust M Whitby. Topic will b. <Power of Attorney and Will.' Bring , a fiiend. Refreshments will b. served. For further information, cali 668-6580 or 666-8576. The. Oshawa. Machine Knitters Guild wiilhold ameeting on Nov. 6, 7 -p.m., at St. John Hoi64 Coiborne, St.- E., Oshawa. Demonstration topic will 'b. pleated itirta. New members are wele ome. For furither information, cail Colleen at 579-2073. MEETING The Matsuyama Bonsai Society'sn.xt meeting wlllbe held. on Monday, Nov. 5, 7:15 p .m,at Faith Place (44 Wiiam St .,Oshawa. This meeting i. open toa ai interest.d in bc"sa. Cail 683-2568 or 668-8333 for more information. Bazaars &..aft..hoW BAZAAR A Christmas b"-zaar and lun- cheon will be held at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Brooklin, on Saturday, Nov. 3, noon to 4 p.m. Thero wilIl be a bake table, Christmas table and tea table. CHAmRrr AZAAR BAZAAR St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Women,-will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 10 11:30 a.m. ta 3 p.m. There wiilbe6 crafts, knitting, sewing, decorations baking, preserves, white elephant ta b le and tea room., The church is at 209 Coch- rane St., Whitby. GENEALOGICAL SIMT The Whitby-Oshawa branch of the Ontario Genealogical Socieer will meet on Tu=ud Nov. 7:15 to 10 p.m., itii. Wliitby Public Librer adtoim. Memi- bers are asked to briné pedigree charts, questions and probl1emis for discussion. For more informa- tioncli Bessie Gannon at .723- 74Q0or Joyce Hilon at Mie- 8177. I% Cesaran Birth- Support and Education grnup wilÎ be meeting Monday, 'Nov. 5 at 8 p.m.- at' 306 Admirai Rd., Oshawa.Topic for discussion will b. 'Héaling the emotional scars of a C-Section.' The group provides information 'and education to parents and professionals anticipating cesarean birth or vaginal birth, and th otions available in the Dùrham Rgon. Fer more information,- contact Lisa Weston- at 576-0562, JI Bosson at 655-3896 or Cindy Barrett at 571-1834. WORKSHOP The Single Parent Employment. Prograin will hold a workshop, ,'Focus For Future,' on Nov. 5 and will run every second afternoon for three weeks. The. program is fres, with transportation and daycar. coets covered. Tii. workshop is for singe parents who are receiving socal assistance, and for those who are confused about how they fit into tfhe world of workI, and feel they would benefit froin self-awarenm and career planning. For more information, oeil Alison -or -Hazel at 436-6737. Trafalgar Castle School will hoid their "International Charity Bazaar" on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 1 ta 4 p-m, at the school, 401 Reynolds St. Whitby. Thiere will b. international foodst handcrafted items, books, plants, computer gaines, baked goods, babysitting and much more. Al welcome. RAZAAR The. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre wili be holding their fali bazaar en Saturday, Nov. 3 from 10:30 a.m. ta 3:30 p.m. The centre is -located at 801 Brock St. S. There will b. Christmas decorations, crafts, knitting, a home baking table as wel as a white elephant table. There will aiso b. a tea room. Raffle tickets wiil be7on sale for $1, for a chance ta win a $500 bond, an ail painting or an afghan. Something for everyone, plan ta attend. FALL-BAZAAR The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a Fmi Bazaar and Tearoom on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 10:30 a.m. ta, 3:30 p.m. Christmas ç1ecorations, knitted goods, crafts, white elephant and tak-e-a-chance table are some of the features this year. Raffle tickets are on sale for a $500 Bond, an Afghan and an ail painting.ý Contact the centre at 668-1424 if you have a donation or wish further information. BAZAAAR Sunnycrest Nursing Home, 1635 Dundas St. E., in Whitby, will hold a bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 1 ta 4 p.m. Crafts, ceranxics, plants, books, home baking, white elephant, team room and raffles wiil b. featured. SOILED DIRTY CARPETS RESTORING THEIR ORIGINAL ,BEAUTY Nothing detracts from the,=eatyof your home more than soied arptscaused from gon in drt, animal stains or foodspl. If it's time ta dcean your carpets you are faced with 3 options. You can hir. a profes'sièonal, pick up a machine at the local supermarket, or come ta Swiiht the carpet cleaning experts, and rent the same equipment the professionals use. Carpet cleanig is easy and economical - you cari probably lean- your whole house for leus than $50-00. WeUl givo you ail the advice and expertise you need - Freel Wel even show you how ta Scotchguard your carpets thus maing your rugs vztually impervious ta future staining. A word of caution - if a weekend rentai is desirable, reserve ahead. The units are extremely popular. Spectacularà"- resuits are guaranteed. If you dont get the. results that youre expectin& well give you your money backi MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 eWHITBYfflEE P1IE$SrVWEDNESDAY;-OCTOBER- S1, 1990, PAGE 9! Ca RPORATIQN 0F .,TH 'E TQWN 0F WH ITBY PLANNING. DEPARIMENT NOT.1ICE,0F PUBLIC. MEETING RE: rsWdRvsu1o PU Intemestod .Downtown Whby reskhntsaid rpryOMMam w knited 1 to e d "a Pulo Meting of the P uu*gndDelpii Conimiftoe ut which lime the proposed.ipovmnts iw ulg1ith. Downtown ReuldentlalWhithy (southentqtmktPRUDE apploion wuil ta presffled nid commentu osmhepooe imprvomnîsnoted bolow, wiI b. "retd to the P". c Unthe form of ad *aft mmunity Improvenient Plan. PRUDE le a Provincial progmam designed to assist mwilcipaties.un the equal sharing of costs for ohigible.communily projects ln oIdar, built-up aresof a municipality. 1aI Spring.* the Town recoived Provincial approval of ils PRUDE intn1he fbru of a grant allocation of $300000, 10 ta selt Zpdi eforr mmd'and serviclng improvenients to Gibort Sthooet East, b.teenron and Rsaynolds»Strools. Improvement projocîs muet, b. implemnned within the next lhree YOMs If you, me unable 10 attend the meeting, your ropresentatlon cant t filed un wniting by mal or peraondl delivery 10 meach the Planning D.paflment not later thanregular workdng hours on Novomtaer 26, lm0. Pormos may inspect adicflonal. information 101i' o he pmpsed improvements in 1he PannngDepotient, 1ev7 7.575 Rosslnîd, Road Eaut cking r jguiywong hiw>s'.Mondey 10 Fiday, orma contact lhe Planning Depaflmnt by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERTEB.SHORT Dirsotor of Plannin Corporailon of the Tmw of Whltby j» CORPORATION 0F THE '<~yTOWN 0F WHITBY BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOI.NTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town af Whitby is currentîy accepting. applications from residents interested in serving on the following Boards and Committees: Board or Commîtte. .Responslbilitles Groveside Cemetery Board To administer Municipal cemeteries. Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Plumbers' Board of Examiners Property Standards Committee To research and promote the conservation of heri- tage properties within the Municipility. ARpOlntment Three Years Three Years To examine applicants for Three Vears master plumbers licences. (Memnbers of the Board of Examiners must be icensed as master plumbers by the Municipality.) To review matters relative to the standards for the maintenance and occu- pancy of property within the Municipality. Three- Years If you would like to volunteer your skills to help run the Town, you are invited to make application. Application forms for this purpose can be obtained from the Clerk's Office. Completed applications are' to be submitted to the Clerk by no later than November 15, 1990, for the Council's consicleration. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town af Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phone: (416)668-5803 When it cornes ta hiring the Deaf, seeing is believing. 2 71 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario M5 R 2V3 416-964-9595 (TDD) 416-964-0023 THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIE'YFOUNfl'\INY

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