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Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1990, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,.OCTOBER 31. 1990 Phone 668-6111 Commuters waryo NPGOpledge By MLkeKowalold A commuter lobby group is reacting "cautiouly" tW Premier Bob Rae's promise Wo honor an election pledge Wo extend GO Transit te Poterborough. 'MIl hliove it when we ses the trains rolip ," said Paul Pag- nuelo, president of the Toronto- Peterborough-Havolock Lino PassenErer Assocation. 'Trm mot doubting his word, the only question I have is 'when?," added Pagnuelo.' Pagnluelo was responding Wo lastFP-nd!ty-saouncementb Rae that ho will honor a provin- cial election campaign promise Wo extend GO service W bloth Peter- borouêh and Brantford. Raesa announcemont came one day aftor Pagnuelo issued a press robeas. blasting the pre- mier for not responding W a lotterfrom the. association. The association had writton Ra. on Sept. il about the future Peterboroughi GO service but as cf last week the lottor romain unanswered. As well, tho association was informed by Rae's office that the premier did not have time Wo meet with the grouýp's exctive Wto diseuss the situation. Instead, the association will meet with Transportation Minis- ter B~d khilip on Nov. 5, even though it had earlier accused hum f "backtracking7 on Rae's canipaign pledge. <On Oct. 9, association execu- tive Davo Lester reached Philip at his homo after a series of calîs Wo his office were not returned. (Philip told Lester that Rae THE REGIONAL MUNICUPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Planning Coirittee will consider AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment, as submitted by proposes retail stores/offices, industrial uses within the site indicated on the map the applicant, and residentil below. In -order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Depariment. Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby Mail, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 6A3 or by calling Bart Carswell, Planning Department (416) 728-7731 (Whitby> 686-1651 (Toronto). You are encouraged to forward your submissions to the Commissioner of Planning at the above noted address as soon as possible. ln order to proceed with our review of this amendment application, we would appreciate their receipt prior to Friday, November 30, 1990. Please include your address and telephone number and file number identified below in any submission made. FILE NO.: OPA 90-085 Marie Hubbard Chairman, *PlaàÀng t*orfiniittee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.î.P. Commissioner of Planning had said many things during the campaig and refused Wo say when the gpoup could expect an answer Wo its letter.) «We'vo agreed Wo meet with Phiip but we dont viant Wo hear the sanie old song and dance,» said Pagnuelo. "We've been ambushed, beatei.. and abusod by enough govern- monts. Woll go into the meeting cautiously.» Tlho passenger association is concerned about the fate of a proposed Toronto-Peterborough GO Transit lino announced dur- in&~ last summers election cam- leroute would have sevoral stops i Durham Region, includ- ing Myrtlo and Claremont. Forier premier David Peter- son announced the extended GO service Wo Peterborough and other Ontario centres, one week prior Wo the Sept. 6 election. Both morning and evening ush hour service would ho pro- Aded on the Peterborough route oeginning in 1991. However, earlier this month, Philig0aid expanded GO service L'u-t W further study as part of t e w gernment's overaîl review of decisions made by the previous regime. Philip's annoucement enraýod the passengor. association because it contradicted Rae's. pro- viousiy stated commitment. In a campaign press rolease, the association pomnted out that *Rae was the only one of the three major pary leaders W «learly and pubhlcly» state bis commit- ment W Peterborough 'GO ser- vice. Rads promise was contained in response Wo a Toronto nowspa- perlé survey on transportation policy of the three parties.. Laiurie Stephons of Radis office co pn firmged the promier's Friday statement. "Hes not backed off his pro- mise but thero's stili a lot of thinga Wx consider, it will tako time," said Stephens. - Pagnuolo, however, contend that Rae's commitmnent was1 %OU Mtf 1~ q clear. «Thore wëre, no. conditions attachod," said Pâauolo. Pagnuelo acknéwMeýe that the NDP government nherited an unexpoedý deficit from the Liberals and does not advocate "an attack on the treasury!." «I can appreciato, a $2.5-billion deficit but that's a forecast, let's not forgot the Liberals inhorited a deficit from the Tories. "Deficits are not no Wo provin- cial govoriimonts." Despite the government's desire Wo review the extension, Pagnuolo feels this is unnecees- amand believes service could He said the track, stations and p arking lots usod by the former VARail service can be utilized on an intorim basis. The old singl-level GO train cars could aiso be pressod inte service said Pamgùelo, adding that pnI a new iesel w*ould béo eqr, not talking a lot of monoy, yoes, we have Wo pay for it now but it can ho amortized over the life of the equipm.ent.n (Extending G service te Poterborough and otlvèr Ontario centres is projectod tô cost $11.9 million in ono-time capital coots and $3.2 million mn annual operatmngexpenses.) Pagnuelo said. that. if the government triily supports the Peterborough extension, -the route could be operating in a fow weeks. Ho noted that extensions Wo Barrie, AcWon and Guelph announced in last pring's' budget are either opeaugor soon will ho. «Where theres a will thore's a The pS --& association has been fg ora commuter rail seric sicethe federal vrM ment chopped the VIA Rail>route almot two yearsago. It even Mnvestigated. the poasi- bilityof a prnivate rail network for southern.Ontario when the former rovmin»al government exprs nointeroat ini taking over the abandoned VIA routes. But after a $33,000 study determined that a private system was fegslble, the govenment promisedd W ex'pand G O sevice. The association made' it an election issue when Peter- borough was not included among the first communities Wo receive the service. While the associations efforts cannot ho accurately measured, voters in seven ridinge along the Peteborouh r ut lected NDP canditeso Sept. 6. iii Myrtie Myrtle United Church wil host te second annual craft sale on Saturday, Nov. 17, 9 a.m. W 4 P.m. There will ho a bake table. A week with Gord DuVrhmEastP Last Monday, as I headed into Toronto, I attempedt imagine sorneone inventing a four-wheel, seif-popeled, independently-directed car, capable of driving itself to Toronto.- The person who termed- Highway 401 as an "exrepsway" grossly understates the truth about the 401. Most of tghe drvers I look at, as we crawl along, seem to be doing what they are doing, haif asleep. Some are shaving, others are drinking coffee from those spili-iess cups. Some beat a tattoo in time to somte type of niystic music . Te music must be on tape, because I have yet to tune my radio to the station that relates Wo the beating tempo displayed. We ail seem.,to keep<air distance as if part o Fa giant outdoor GM assembly lime. T~he oniy difference with this assembly lime is that we are trying to get Wo work, while flot actuaiiy working. Enough day-dreaming, Gord, tell us what you did last week. Monday morning, brigt and early, I opened the "Small Business Week" at Durham College with a speech about small business in Ontario. The setting was informai and enjoyable. The breakfast muffins were hot and deliclous, Cliff Davies, from Durhami College, was the orgamizer. The balance of the day was spent in Toronto researching a particular problem relating to Djurham East. Tuesday was spent at Queen's Park in a caucus meeting. It was a good opportunity to air out views and concernis about the riding. That sanie evening, I attended a meeting of the Courtice Community Association at Courtice Secondary School. I soke about the problems of drug abuse, nuclear evacuation p i s, and generai police policy, as it related Wo the Ministry of the Solicitor General's Office. This followed with a liveiy question- and-answer period. Good grass-roots politicai activity. Wednesday morninýg was spent in Toronto with an "intern" - a politicai science university graduate, who decided, through a selection process Oie interviewed me), Wo spend he next six months aiongside me, in order Wo study first-hand the political process of being p art of government. It wiii remain to be seen as tW who learns t he most from the experience, he or I. In the afternoon I had the pleasure of officiaily opening the new Port Perry anibulance service along with Mayor Howard Hall. The- new building and the service provided is a credit Wo owner Bob. DeShane. That same evening, very mucli enjoyed being a part of the lOth birthday celebrations of the Muiticultural Council of Oshawa and District. Gerry Weiner, Minister of State, himseif the son of immigant parents, spoke of Canada being a mosaic Of m any peeromn many lands. Thursday was spent at -Queen's Park, discussing varlous items for inclusion in the coming Speech fromn the Throne. Friday was spent in Port Perry with membors of the board of directors cf th P>r p hîtal n*plans and a tour of the hospital mae up tmeagn Tlo forward to speaing iththe Minister of Health about an earlyexaso pr Thn. le balance of the day was spent aragrg frituro at the constituency office in Bowmianville, which opened on Monday, Oct. 29 - at last. Friday evening I had the honor of presenting certificates to 41 Ontario schoia rs at the Bowmanvilie High Schooi annuai, commencement. At the reception follow'ng the presentation, I had the opportunity Wo speak with many of the graduates. Their maturity and grasp of issues is a credit Wo the teaching staff of theseol n a çedittothè community at large. 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