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Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 3

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WHITBY PME PRESSI WEDNESDAY, NOEMBER 28. 1M9. PAGE 8 Peter Perry Award Hobbs earns citizenship award Items from WhitbyCouncl, MàoidàyNovember 26,190 Rbecommenda- tiôns from the *Planning and Development Committee That- a mezonlng application from developer Wayne 'Bolahoodto add six units toaa 24-unit apartmnent building at 300 Hlgh St. be denled, and that the number af units ln 'the building be flxed at 24. *Councll's action camne at the request af area residents who -have fought expansion proposais for the building at varlous times over the years. Carred :T-hat a ,site plan application from Thlckson Place Dlevelopmfents Inc. for expansion of a shopping .centre at 80 Thlckson Rd. S. be approved.Thie awner Is p!anning ta add a 250-square meitre addition to the exlstlng centre. CarA-ed Thta Residential Comn- munltyArea Improvement ..Plan to allow for reconstruc- tioôn andi upgradlng ai Gilbert ,,St..E. beapproved. The, $675.'000 prarn wlll be, jaintly f unded by the Town, Durham Région and Ontario gavernment. Sewers and watermains originally lnstalled In the 1 930s and 1940s will be replaced and the road reconstnjcted ta, meet existlng standards. Cariled. tions from the Operations Committee That the 1991 budget of the Plckering-Ajax-WhftbyJoint animal contraI commlttee <PAW) be approved. Whltby's share of the $480,000 budget will be $1 59,203. Car-ed That twa tenders of $1 0,811 tfram Web Offset Publications Ltd. for prlntlng ai next year's récréatian actlvlty brochures »be appraved. In the event the 13.5 per cent federal sales tex Is replaced by the seven per cent goads and services tax, the two sets of bro0chures WII cost $10,143 each. ThatDuram egin2b latter1 Caried -t.' ; 6 -î - ,*- c It was mentioned that he maLy know Santa Claus personally, because after ho receives "a. tele- phone cal] Santa may be seen at hornes in lre community. For that and other outstanding examples of volunteer service, Whitby physician Ken Hobbs last week received the Peter Perry Award recognizing out- standing citizens of Whitby. Hlobbs told. The Fre. Press he feit «very honored. and privile- ged" to b. nazned this year's award recipient- "BaIizIng that a lot of people do a lot o f thing and not b. recognized, I feer humbled and While he considers ail of bis volunteer and communiyacii ties ta b. ewadng, if for=edta make a choie, Ho b holdeaa ea1place inhisheart for the C=lub's unmunization pro- gram saiamst measies. "My mnvolvement, with Rotary outside the community in the developing world has been very challenjing because there is so much stilil eft ta b. dne. Hobbs talces pride in the fact that over five -million childi-en have beneflted from the immui- zation program. Locally, Hobbs fondly recalîs bis day s on the scho-ol board when Whitby was a smail town of only 7,000 people. . is involvement with the hos- pital also brings him personal satisfaction. "Everything rve don. bas been rewarding and challenging,» b. emph!atically adds. Hobbs first becaine involved, in the couunty when h. was élected in 1960 as a member of the, Whitby public school boad serin as its chairman unti 1965. He later served as a member of the Whitby district high school board. from 1966 tbrough 1967. From there, ho was elected ta WVhitb y Townm council, serving for eight year until 197.ï. Hobbs bas been an ardent supporter of. Whitby General Hospeital, serving as chiranof the steý committee as well as chairman of. tbe building conimittee. Ho is one of the fi-st 12 governors elected ta the bospital board. Ho also soi-yod as chairmon of the board of governors and chief of staff at the Iii 1984, a hospital wn a named in honor of Hobbsin recognition of bis service. 'As a .physician, ho is on active staff of the hospital. Iimore rocent years, Hobbs bas been extremely active in Rotary, bath in Whitby and internationally. As prosident and as an exocutive member of tbe Rotary* Club of Wbhitby, Hobbs bas dévoted a large portion of bis life ta helping others, bath in tbe community and ini many third world countries. He bas participated. in implementing a red meaies immunization proect, resulting in the immunization of over five million children in India; desi&ned a woqrkshqp for volunteer locally ta work at a bingo hall ta raise money for charitable and local community DRL KEN IIOBBS Fire damages woodworking shop About $15,000 damage resu]- ted from a fire last Thurseday at a south Whitby woadworking shop. According ta, the Whitbyfire department, -the fire was con- fined ta a "happer» owned by H.S. Custom Design Woodwork- ing Ltd. at 202 Consumers Dr. Wood and sawdust acciden- tally igniting in the happer was responsible for the blaze. There were no -injuries. A company spokesman said the ire did not affect tbe sbop's production schedule. The' fire marked the first appearance of the department's newest firefighting equipment. The <'Tle Squirt7 i. siniilar ta the water pumping device found on traditional extension ladders, except in this case no one is needied ta operate the pump froni the ta p of the ladder. A lire departinent spokesman said the equipment performed perfectly. g~~~ ~~ ggg g gS0S pi, DELI E y HOME Inrn nVER ggggggggssssss**005s@* ggggggg *gggggggggggegeoee*5s*OO. ggge 550g*ggggggggggggegggggeg se. ggggg gggg g gg e seses g se. *s ggggggggggggggg essees 55 -secs ggqggggggggggggge gggg .ggggggge5COC5~@9 *ggsggeg. *gggggggggeg ggggggggggs. .sggsgegg * ggg eeg , gggg gggg g*.. -. *s** ~gs g s ggg g g g g se e g g gês gggggggggsggsee. - eggge ***gggggggggggsg gggsgggs e se. gggggggggeg gos gg ggg. *gesi sgss~ gggggg ggggggg. gggg s gg gggggggggsgge ggg. g ggggggsgg ggggs g g*ggggg. g g gggg. ggF6 5 e ggggg se s 5550 gege gggggggggsggggsgssgs **m5ggggg.s.ss.ssm5s5S5e g ggg s gggggggggggggggggsg gggggggssg ggggggggggeggg. ~ TAKE-OUT WEDO PARTY ORDERS I *Chicken - Hot Wings' Flame Broiled Ribs --Shrimip - Shish-ke-bobs *Cabbage Rolls a Perogies - Salads g Fish & Chips- Steak-on-a-bun - - - ,OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK- CAL A iAD 666-3663Re fo piku orerss t ivoe e 80 Thickson Rd. S. <Across the road fram Woolco) F --- -- --- --POLISH LUWNCH i I~ lShish-ke-ob. i1 Cabbage..Roil, 2 Peroies, Saur Cream, I Dinner Roli.'Availableàalday long. Pick-up orders only.1 L. - - - - -- - -- - -Four Day ny-Mn ec. 3 ta iThurs. Dec. 6 - *ggg@gggg*g550 .g.eg gegeesso. os, .eeeeegggge messe 55e.. ~IP'~.eg .g g eeg e se se s me *,*..ge..seeeegee gesse * g. e e g, g. g g. ~.ee ege eeee ** ge g 500.. g eeg gegege 0.05 - agenda oceiLidiF 'v, ab, m 'l

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