WIfltBV REE 1'RSS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERi1990I, PAGE 27 Lacrosse tam sUit witk'OUt pace tpay PROM PAGE 1 the floor itself (but with the Town acqiri it eventuaiiy), aocommo4ating nine homne games remains a probiem. AmcrdWng te a staff report, a meeting between user groupe and the teamheid last Snay failed te produce resulta. The report states that user erops eélmore time is required to opsie the needs* of- the proe team. Steel Hawks general manager Bob Duignan teid committee that while the team jes prepared te continue discussions, there je an "urgent» need for council te express its3 position as soon as possible. "Whiie our application je new te you, it'e eseential for us te have some indication Of council's intent,» said Duignan. Duignan said that if the teami can b. aseured of nine dates at Iroquois, club officiais can arrange with the league te eche- dule moet home gamnes tewards the end of the season. By pIlaying one game in Janu- ary and two in Fbuar, the remainder couid be played in March when conflicts with other grouips will be lese of a problem, said Duignan. But* the team StiRirnufresa "commitment of intent &crm thej Town "as early a we can,» said~ Duignan. <'Were on the verge nowo having to make a commitmentt1 purchasing uniforme and equip- ment," h. added. Counior Dennis Fox suppor-t ted the concept of Whitby team, but was criticai of the procese. "Why wae it left te such a late date? This should have been started six monthe ago,» said FOX. Duignan repiied that pre- p arations for the league only bean during the past year and while there was interest in a Whity tain romtheouteet, iniialinvstos wre otorgan- ized. Ajax businessman Paul Cotton purchased ail of tihe investors' shares and brought stability te the operation, said Duignan.. "It was difficuit te get an application te the Town before we did,» said Duignan. Councillor Tomn Edwards ter- med the proposai an «exciting concept» and a «feather in the cap te those involved.» B ut h. also expressed reserva- tions. Noting that' the staff report states user groups want nire time te study the requeà t Edwârds asked Duignan té pu himself in theik place. "Mf you werd, aeked by an am a- teur group te give up time, ho'w wou you reepondr EdwaiÈds dniffMerenti than they did1 I understand their feelings, » Duginan reeponded. But with an "enormous effort", Duignan maintained that ail par- ties can be accommodated.- Duignan also dismissed any suggston that the portable floor willdamage the ice surface. «Any major centre has a floor te, put over the ice surface ... we have no indications that it has a detrimental effect.» As for the floor's cost, Duignan said the teamn has discussed a joint proposal with minor lacrosse organzations about approaching the Ontario govern- ment for a grant te help with the cost. But while the Town will not b. asked te contribute initiaily, it is hoped the municipality wiil even- tualL~purchase it from the team, Mike Bousseau, president of the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association, spoke against the' tem' proposai to use IroquoisPrk Representing fir different organizations, Brouseeau said there ie flot, sufficient ice time to satisfyr the current' needs of the groupe. "We turn. down mpeat ritration because of the limi- maietime.» Brousseau said the groupe have managed tol allocate ice time every year without reeort- aWedoW lie it but we'lve maetered the situýtion because it's reality. «There isn't enough time now for present usere. We don't believe sharing it -vith lacrosse is feaeible, we don't believe we can provide time to lacrosse.» Brousseau said that although the Steel Hawks could possibly be accommodated for this season, the group's concerýn for future use made the exercise a futile one.. Brousseau said hockey of ficiais were foroed to turn away 50 chiidren for lack of ice time, while figure skating officiais had to reject 100. And h. does not expect the situation to get any better in the near future. "The on-going issue of ice time has been'eilence>d by the amiable discussions between the Town of Whitby and user groupe. "We assume another iSe pad will be built in Whitby even- tually.» Duignan aiso added that this may lie the only solution tow the problem of ice time. "The pressure wili corne year round, whether lacrosse is a partner or not,» said DuWgnan. Following the meeting Duig- nan teld reporters the team must go back te the user groupe and attempt te work out a solution. H. flatly rejected any sugges- tion that the club may have te aadnhopes for this season. «Aboluelynot, there's aiway reason for optimism. It dependso on how hard everyone je pre- pared te work. UThere's no problem so great that you can't -find a solution if the will je there.» Ini an earlier interview, Cotton toid The Free Press that. aithough there je no contingency plan ehould Iroquois Park not b. avaiable, discussions have been held with respect te other facili- ties. FNon-profit commun ity groups which are based in' Whitby or have a substantial Whity membership may place their upcomin9 meetings or activities on this page at no cost. Profit maklng or non-WhltbJ groue wiII bchar? i 686111. ediefor foilowlngweksInsertion la Frdya p.M. BGSISTEBS - NOW FREEDOM FROM FEAR Bia Sieters - NOW wiIl hold thefr monthly orientation for al e ntil volunteers on WedeedyDec. 12 from 7 te 9 p.m. a h Big Sisters office at 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For zme information cail the Big Sisters office at 436-0951. FOOD & TOY DIVE The Durham Regional Police Fitness Awareness Association. are holding their second annuai Christmas food and toy drive until Dec. 21. Members cf the. Durham Regionai Police Force wiil b. in Whitby on Dec. 12 and 13 te colect te, collect food, teye and cash donations for tii. needy families of Durham Region. Other areas may contact DRPF at 725-9093 or information. Dona- tions may b. dropped off at 64 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. POTLUCK Widows and Widowers social club will hoid its next meeting on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in tiie 420 Wing of Oshawa a Irpot There will be dancing, potluck, shuflieboard, darte and carde. For more information contact Ermie 683-2045, Forbe 430-0130, Marion 683-3855, or Ralph 725-7203. On Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 7:15 p.m., Marlene Kirby-Schuge will lead a discussion on 'Under- standing and Coping with Fears-Phobias' at E.A. Lovel public school, Oshawa. The meeting je open te ail. For more information cali 666-0777. WR1TBY FLE£A MARKIET Sunday, 9:00 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Over 40 vendore of Christmas crafts, unique gifte and general merhadiebaerLrouce. 1910 Dundas St. E, WtY, Ont. Admission fre. BIG BROYTHERS An orientation session for prospective Big Brothers and mothers will b. held on Thursday, Dec. 13. For registration and more informnation, cail 579-2551. WHJTY BRASS BAND On 1hursday, Dec. 13 at 8 r .mtii. hi tby Brase Band will hding a Christmas Concert at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby. Refreshments will b. served. For furtiier information call 668-1100. WOMEN'S AGLOW FIU£OWSKIP CILDREN 0F WB1TBY On Thursday, Dec. 13, The Whitby Rotary Sunrise Women's Agiow Fellowship, Winl Club will hoIan aitenn f meet at the arts resource centre fun on Sunday, Dec. 16, 2 te 4 behind city hall in Oshawa. p.m., .at Iroquois Park as the Fellowship meeting a t 7 p.m., present tiie third annual Ch- followed by praise and worship at dren of Whitby. lce skating will 7:30 p.m. The speaker will b. b. held from 2 te 3:45 p.m swimming from 2 te 4 p.m., and Karen Hitchinge. Starting in kids cen meet Santa Claus, Cop- Janusry, the new meeting per Trop, Big Red the. Crayola location will b. Cullen Gardens. Crayon, Tony ti.Tger and tii. Cail 436-9425 for furtiier Pîllebury Doughbo. There will information. Trans- b candy .canes. ba l9qIis>4onp denonunational. Newc9Tfers and more. wiveome. FOOD DRWVE Tii. Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) outiet on Gilbert St. in Whitby is holding a Christ- mas food drive. A section of the store has been set aside for donations of canned/bottled and dry foods, on behaif of the Rose of Durham Home for Women and the Salvation Army. PICEIN'SESSION Pinericuge Bluegrase Folklore Society wiil hold a pickin' session on Sunday, Dec. 16 from 2 te 5 p.m. at Camp Samac, Oshawa, at the main coundil hall, north entrance of Conlin Rd. Everyone je welcome for an afternoon of good old Bluegrase music. AN EVENING 0F MUSIC Tii. Rose of Durham board of directers will hold 'An Evening of Music' by the St. Michael's Choir Sciiooi on Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m., at the St. Isaac Jogues Parish, 1148 Finch Ave., Pickering. Tii. event je held in su pport of the choir school and Rose of Durham. Tickets, $12 each, are available by cailing 668-6902 or 728-1210. WII TER FUN The. Osh: .wa YWCA of 1 McGrigor St je offering a winter carnivai Ja,. 2 te 4, 9 a.m. te 4 p-m., for clIidren aged 5 te 12. The event, neiste cf a three-day prgam til t enabies children te get invol' d in special events and activ es while on their holi- days. Ar vities include outdoor winter f .mes, crafis gym time and spr ial events. 'or furtiier inform, ion caîl 576-8880. RECRUITING 151 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets (Durham Region) je accepting new- members Cal Mar at 576-1551 (office at 254 Centre St. S, Oshaw je open Mondays and Wednes ays, bt- ,ween 7 and 10 p.m.). PC USEIRS The next meeting of the Durham PC Users Club will b. heid on Thursday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in the staff lounge on the second floor of Durham Coilege on Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. It je open to ail interested and a bug session is a regular feature of the meeting. Demos are often given and ail are welcome. For further information, cail Bernie at 655-4156. MONTHLY BMEING The monthly meeting of the. Volunteer Co-ordinators' Group, Durham Region will be held on Thursday, Dec. 13 at the Northview Community Centre, 150 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. The meeting begins at 12:15 p.m. and lunch je served from 11:30 a.m. The topic wiil b. 'Seminar Locations.'Ail weiccme. Phone 576-3011 for any further information. ARE You LOOKJN( FOR QUALITY HOME DAY CARE? The Wee Watch system provides supervised' private day care for children 6 weeks and older, full or part time! *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child e Fully trained Providers receive ongoing Agency support e Retiable, local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays *Complete.insurance coverage,,, *Income taxreceipts For more information cai: 686-3995 4.Watcn a icensedAgency