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Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1990, p. 11

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WMMTBPM EPRES,8%WEDNESDAY, DECEMRUR 19 199, PAGE 11 WREY DDN'TSANTA COPII? Ono Christmas night X went me0 Santa Caus but when I in the Cbrietmas.troo I said, 'Wh the hock, no, presonts, I- muet-1 droazing." So I edapped mysm thon Tubbod My eyes. I'm r dreaniing! Maybe yoYah Il got te the North Polo. Se I put on 15 pairs of soc and 10 coats and 1 shirt and1 ]irs of snowpants and 2 pairs underwoar. I put on a bat ai glovos, thon I found a map. Se I foilowed the map. Soon was at tho North Polo. Thon pned thdoorand sw te Howas drunk and ho was singir, "Jingle Bello Batinan -weoil Robin laid an egg, Batmnobilo los a wheol and Joker ran away. Hal Yep, he'e drunk. Thon I asce( Santa whero are ail the reinde Thon hoe aid "Dasher is doomec Vixen vanished. Prancer' poppoc, Dancor je dumb and the mosi fainous of ail ient't famouE anymore. He's most wanted. And me, fTIn just etanding here drinking." Thon I thought I couid asic the elves if they couid malce a car that flies. Se I askod the olves if they couid make it. AUl the olves eaiye, it took thei threo houre. B e th ue they wero done il was threo 'ciock in the morning eo I had te get ready. Thon I got into tho car. Uhoh, I don't havo a liconse, woHil 'i just havo te go without ono. Thon I put on my soathoit and ewitchod on the motor and put it on maxtimum. Thon I counted down,- 10, 9,8, 79 6, 5, 4,"39 2, 1, 0. GO!'Yaow, I wont straight up te theoee. Thon I camo zooming down. "Hoas. Lord dont lot me die." But I gralibed -thoe tooring whool and turnod it te tho right. Thon I waa tbrowing tho prosents down tho chimnenys. Itwashsix dclock aàd1 was oly done baif of tho world. Thon 1- loet haif of my powor. I just had ono more stroot and ail my power was gono., Thon I bit'tho ground and rolled, two times. Thon I started throwing prosents. Psh-ing! Uhoh,. I just bit a thno I et broaking windows the I tiedtoturn but the stooring whool broko off and rîghtý in front of me was a JUNK YARD. I smashed inte a bill ef garbago. By the tino I was homo it was nine o'clock. Thon I wont t eep. Two yoars later I waa gotting roady for anothor timo te go up te tho North Polo. Whon I was* to loave aw Sfnta Claus lIrng the flying car, and hoéau4 'Thank yen Dorok." Derek Leahv Gr. 4, BrookJin P.a TIRE TALKING ÇEWfl&AS TREE One daylIasioed mymom if We could cut down, our Christmnas treo and, she said,W"Nxt week." And aftor a -week I askod my *momn if it was timoe t ad she said, '1Ys" and I was hppy. And then we went te the van and we got in it and wo drovo to cut- down our Christmnas tree. When wo got there we looked around and then we eaw the Christmnas treo. Thon my momn cut it down and when she cut it down it said, "Ouch, oucb, ouch." And wd packed it up and ran te the van and drovo home. When we got home wo put it up and it said, "i guye." And thon we put the fireplace on and the Christmnas tree sai*d, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Thon we went te bed so Santa could corne. . Ryle Bhyno, Gr. 2. Beliwood P.S. r THE CHRISMAS WISH f 8 It was Christnmas Evo. Sant and his reindeor were going fron bhouee-to-houee delivering pre sente te geod boys and girle. Bu La littie girl named Julie eawi tlittlo boy. The boy lookei e tarving. Se Julie thought it wau the. Christmas holidaye eho wouli giv the littie boy somo food. & atrý supper Julio came lookcinfi for tho boy. Sho found bixn, thori e gave the boy somoe food. Thor Julie said, "What is your namo?' Tho boyr answored, "Jonathan." Whon -Jonathan was waiting for Julie te bring binm e food, thoro boforehis eyes was Sent. Claus and 'a roindoor! Sant. CMmu stopped at Julio's bous. just whon ho saw Jonathan. Senta said, 'Whore are1 your parentae?" "Thoy diod when I was 5 year old." hon Senta said, -Do yen want te go withnme dlivorig prosents te, evory good boy and girl?' "O.K." said Jonathan. When Santa and Jonathan doliverod ail the. presents Santa said, "Since you holped me with ail the prosents. I will como right te, this "ern place every year. I will aise givo you a specia present. Good-byo for new. Se menthe went by and thon it was Docombor and Christmnas Eve arrived. Jonathan was waiting for Santa Claus. lve minutes lator Jonathan eaw Santa. Ho came down te pick hin up. Santa seid "M.]% je syour prosent for belping mea .iast year." Jonathan oxciaimod! "Do you want te, go help me again?" askeI Santa. "O.K' said Jonathan. Julie fed Jonathan and Santa gave hum presente. Thoy livod happiiy evor aftoer. ftIMII I~!U Euh PIEd ChiU's ~ fr>tn the ~ studentso~our w~x*u~~ -au "~vvnupy. schôôls liuutfrmïg WVIUtB On a enor night in Deoembor 24 1929 , eoft snow flake wore floating and piling down froin the. sky lai¶ding oneoh ontp of the other. The cold winde were ruehing through my eare and down my neck thrc1ugh my body,. Ini a houee on Syons etreot, Jo. iayed on hie bd feeling the excitinent tingling throug hie body. He was drosuming about openinghis present and getting hie wish, a typhoon! Christmnas Day! Joe wakee up feeling oven more oxcitement rushing fastor through hie body. Ho looks at hie alarm dcock. Tho time said* 12:12 p.Ho walks down hie stafre te, ,e new roc roem. Tho Christmas tree lights was glittoring i the dark rocin and roflecting off the snow outeide. The star on teof the troo was warming Joe's face. Joo glanced around the room. Hie eyes finally reeted under- noath the Christmas tree., "Ne presenter Jo. exclaimed. «That's funny, ho usually should b. hore by now.» Jo. -hoard a sound iît sounded lime this 1bathp, batîip, bathp, bath p on the roof. Woooosdh! Santa carno down tho ch*inoy. * turnod te sSo what wa alti about. To hie aupr iseheeaw Santa sittiig ribt in i tho middle of the fireplace. Thoir oyos met. Everything went dark.* -Jow woke Ùp and saw bis father locking at hun and eiappingim Joe said, "What happened?""You poably fainted.» "But oh woll, lets open the prosents. Joe lookoil at the firoplaco and eaw Santa furry, rod hat lajying in the firoplace. It was reai,wasn't it? B MattBlanêhe Once upon a turne on Christmnas Santa Claus got lest. Ho forgot whero the North Polo is. Ho triod a map but ho got even more cest. And thon ho asked a person and thon ho got bock to tho Nerth Polo. Ho teld ail the elvos hew ho got lest. AUl the elves laughed. LOCAL SCOUTS Matthow McGuire and Chris Macau- loy are shown on a Christmas tres stand bulft lw scouts while at camp recently. l'he stand in at Jerry's lTh. Drug Warehouse in Whitby wher.scouts are selling Clr*mritna trees. TIEI BADewT OR bin hot A SNÃ"WY CRRIffTMAS Snow Freezing My Poor Nos. Sledding je Funi Until It Is Done Tee Badl It Moite hIDaye Gone Aaroni A Gr. 5s, Glen Dhi SANTA'S ELVEPS SAVI aBRmu On Christmnaseove Santa got sick. "Oh ne," eaid Mrm.C "How will ho drivo thoe lod roindoor are waiting and ho onlyi peosenwho knowe naines." Mrs. Claus went tc elves and teld thorn what going on. The elves weni Santa'sroom and found thep that said ail the narnes. Thi how the elves saved Christ Does Santa feel botter now?1 have te wait until next Christ ove te, find eut. It was Obrietinas Evo and Santa was busy getting ail the toys roady for the. childron. Santa was ignoring soins of bisel.v.. because ho was se, busy. Grunpy, ono of Santals elvesý, got roally nad that Santa wasn't paing attention te hum. 'Se 1utnGup theught tbat he'd got ui P.EL ovon. Grumpy broke soin. holos in Santal.s loigh. Thon Grumpy rêeoased Cupid. Grunpy took him rE for a waUk. Thon ho tiod hum te, a tro. lin the fereet. It was timo for Santa Ciaus te b.od tho sleigh, but Santa Mlaus, looked in tho sloigh and saw it iL th;'a wusbroken. t4, ifa. os the ;was3 tt te paper Lat is We'l AMY ColSbco Gr- 2, Pringle Ci-oek CRIUTMAS SYMBOLS The fluffy white snew lay on the ground, se nico and beautiful and a around. The Christmas tree was stil and -.4baaqoS gboingh --'Ite Christmnas turne at least ite gongand shning threugh the noar cold wntor inglt. And the whole wide world is The lights outaide giow peaceful flled with cheer. an h pie truh u howoe My dad'e outaido sneveling and lùn thoughoutthewhoe now, my sistor' downstairs werld wide. watchng a Christmnas show. The stockings were hung with My brother wont skating at ha i*s, njy east that's what hi nmade my each b'eing ffihe with 'a brand nom think, ho'. pebobly out new tey. with his girlfriend, -Iiot te the- The wreath is hanging upon our ink. door, .IPm outeido with a bunch of my bringing joy and friendiiness and friends and weýre chiluin and a a wholo lot more.ceolin just like 111w a bunch of These are ail Christmas SYiiýij<>s newmen. If your Christmas is yen an rlate fog bad and your filled with Christinas is wonderfuj and'w n e ihye M ry always great. hrstas and a happy Now 77ar Jesea Armsto Gr. 3. E.A. Fairman Christ our lord Hely Spirit Risen lord Inn around tho cerner Star shines bright Tree stands tal Manger where ho lay Angèes are happy Spirit is around yeu Ryan Gr. 5&6, st. BMatthow TESURPISE CEUUSTMU LL9TMAS

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