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Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1990, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WàtâBYFIM: PREM8 WEDNE 1AY, DECEMM j». l199 Snow Falg C~lly Wins Blow % tttg FrýstBi Sl1eddingIFast' In a Drift Ellen Johuon Gr. 5., Glen Dlii P.&. A SUPER MA1UO CrinsMAS "I can't believe. you wanted to môve," said Mariô as he helped Toad decorate the tree. Fin neyer to arl o Iceland again. rof told Aai not to worry because after Christmas is over we will be warping back to Grassland. We stili need to find the star for the tree. Tonight is Christmas eve and soon we will get to open our presents. After al the gifts were opened they warped back to Grassland and they had a Merry Christmnas. Michael Robinon Gr. 2, -Prigle Creek CHRISTMAS MS. SANTA CLAUS visited Whitby public Library last week Peter Tomblia photo THE SMÉrOR0F POOR cmuIsrXS JOYIS mmSSMOORES PEOPRGOES SHOPPING Once upon a time there was a boy witb bis family and they were very poor. They couldn't.afford to buy Christmas presents, so they aed for money for'Cbristmnas from Santa Claus. So they goût clothes, food, knitting stuif, and scissors, and went right ta work. The- famfly ail worked bard makg different things to seil. Everybodyfrom town bougbt the stuf that they made. Thon thoy could buy each other Christmnas presents. urwIa y Gr* 2j, St. John WHAT CRIUSTMAS MEANS TO ME On Christmas day some people pray, Asking Jesus ta lead the way. Alot of people think Christmas revolves aroumd money, But that's when my grandpa says "thats wrong sonnyl' On the Christmas holidays I like ta be witb, faniily and friends, That'. wben I wish Christmas would nover end. Jennifer Johnson Gr. 8, Meadowcrest P.S. WENTER Snowflakes are falling, The happy world is hurnring, The wbole world is calling, For Christmnas is corning. Grade îdcaughel RUDOLPE Rudolph, red-nosed hero lead the sleigb flys through the sky reindeer By Angela Callahan Grade 6, St. Theresa THE NIGUT BEFORE CHRSA It was the night bforo Christrna Christmas is with our faniily And is a time ta share, Bygiving and receivine gifts Andhowing them we care Visiting friends on Christmas eve Waking -up early in the morn Getting ready ta celebrate The day Jesus Christ was born We open presents Ilere and there And then aller Therels time ta spare We get new clothes Adsoe neat toa With great stocking surprises And Christmas Joys Brock Heron Gr.8, Meadowcrest CHMMS EVE When I arn asleep I hear ' Santa Claus. Then he cornes down the chimney. Then lie is gone. The end. Daniel Gravol Gr. 1. Bellwood P.S. MY LETI'ER TO SANTA Dear Santa,, How are you going? It bas been a long tixne since I bave seen you. I have been a good boy most of the time. I belp the janitar at sehool take out the garbage at hmnchtirne. I also helped our principal mako our Mdvenit wreath for the wbole school ta use and -I arn trying very bard in math. I would like a black remote control car witb a red racing stripe on the side for Christrnas. I would also like a Nintendo systemn with ail the Mario Bros. games. Love Joey Monroe Gr. 4, St. John WHY DIDN' SANTA CLAUS COME? When ail tlirough thie sewer prt Not a Mutant was moving It was Christmnas eve. I could Not even Donatello! not wait until morning..Morn said Pizza boxes hung tirne for bed. I went ta bed. The By Micbealangelo's roorn witb next morning I got Up. I went fumerwo .ddownstairs and nothing was Pepperom fmswodsoon fil there. the air. Part 2 Omar Darwish ]Back at the workshop the tay Gr. 4. CoL J.E. Farewell machines stopped working so Santa said, "Oh no! What are we g oit do?" Thon one of the selvshad an idea. Why don't wo ail the dolîs out anil the 6 trcks.So tbey did and one elf OPU>rr rned it on and another elf said, i Cflc~:"L 'gt works! It works!" The next *night Santa gave out a the gifts. -.Auuanda Peebles - Lr1 St.e BR£"ING, BRINGI The bell at Whembley'Public Sehool rang. In' room 206 Miss Moores sat at ber desk. "Man, what should I et those kids for Christmas?» she thoughtas 23 children barged through her classroom. door. They were ail in her class. <'Wow! It's tan more days until Christmas!" exclaimed Mara. "Yeah. Great" said Miss Moorea. She sounded as if she hated Christmnas when really it was ber favounite time of year. "Okay, calrn down and talce out your spelling duotang. Oh, you can read for awhie Sarah goes andjgets the spelling sheets photocopied.» Reluctantly Sarah got up and took the sheets from Miiss Moorels desk. «Remember, get 23, copies,» Miss Moores reminded Sarah. "Okayv.» Later that night'Miss Moores went shopping «Maybe tbey want some she." Miss Moores was smart and knew evey style a.nd shoe size of every c'hild in ber class. As she was in line .tà pay, the person in front of ber had a total bill of $1,672.00, and she thought that was expensive. When ber bill.was finished the total was $2,672.00. Afier she found out ber bill was 1,000 dollars more than the other ladies sbe bit the rooP. No sboes for ber class! Later Thursday night, she decided she sbould hu ad corne up with a good gift.FAST! Soon it dawned on ber; nota books! 'TII get them nota books " and thats exactly what she diâ. Her class loved 'em! By Kristin Pike Portable 22, Col. Farewel BETHEHM Betblehem Small town No rooms open Baby Jesus was born Thero ByAdam Sherriff GraLe6. St. Theresa POEM Christrnas is aIl about JesusE' birthday. Christrnas is flot just about g tting presents but giving them. When you open a present yousehould think about Jesus? birth. We should be very thankful that Jésus gave up bis ie for us. That is what Christmas is al about. Michelle X Gr.5-6, St. Matthew SATA. Sanita Jolly, fat Big mageiaperson Loves a il littl e children Nicolas By Ryan O'Connor Gr .St. Theresa _~~ frh ................................. .W.......... K'TNS FOR CHRSTMAS Kittens So Cute PlayfulToo Wrapped in Ribbon On Christmas for You Why Can't I Open It Today Please Please Please Mommy Jennifer Warren Gr. 5. Glen Dhui P.S. THE NIGHT BEFORE The night before Christmnas and ail through the town, not a creature was stirring,, there wasn't even asound. Iii each of the houses- as beautiful as can be, with Jecrations here and'*" there was a great bi tre.Ali' the ckidren in their ds, with drearne about toys inp their heads. The next morning, with a ha and a ho, the chidren went downstairs for where else could they go? They ripiped 'open the epresents, Boby got a drurn. Tey ripped open more they didn't even wait for their mom. When their parents came down-_ stairs and saw what they did, they stood there with their mouths open, yup that's what their parents diâ. The next Christmnas they gave them each a deposit and put the next year's presents ini their closet. By Jennffer Waldie Grade 59..oL JE. -farwei M is for Mary wbo travelled ta Bethléem~r E is for everyone together R is for red R is for reindeer Y is for'yellow the color of stars C is for. the Christ child H is for the heÈald angels in the night R is for Rudolpb 1 is for Israel S is for the star that shone so rei or tho tbree wisernen wbo travelled through the nigbt M is for mistleto A is for angels in thesky A R.Cy N is for shepherds wtb their AlO N R M , 2, wasocenltre sgeor a sbeep mie :at durine the WeWatch Chrismaay fa.' ,,à' i--o ,--.vZ-3 3 i almjozd;r &, 4ý- ý

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