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Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1990, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WIIITY FREE PRES9, WEDNESDAYe DECEMBER 19, 1990 MEAGHAN GRANVJLLE and Melissa Lormand formed an instant bond as students from' St. Bernard's Catholic sechool visited with Grade il dramatic arn students from Leo J. Austin Second- ary School. The students worked on Christmas crafts and read letters from Santa. Chri. Bovie photo By Samira Arfai The students at Heny Street are anxiously awaiting their upming Christinas vacation. Many students wiil be running off on ski tri ps" while others will remain at home and recuperate froin this hectic part of the seniester. However, whether these students are zooming down the siapes in Quebec or are busy visiting relatives and loved ones, they will ail be t-ying to push aside thoee dreaded thoughts of final exams. This year final exains start on Jan. 21, so0inake sure you have a fun and relaxing Christmas. The music departinent presented its annual Christmnas Concert last Wednesday night. The capacity crawd enjayed listening to the sounds of the season, frorm our music students and the visiting MCVI Jazz group. The guidance department has arranged for several guest speakers to visit the school ta discusa varlous careers such as nursing, marketing, real estate and medicine. The presentations began on Dec. 17 and finisbed on Jan. 18. Here is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning how people live in other countries. Canada World Youth is providing students a chance to spend seven months' in an Asian, Latin Americaex or, Caribesi country. The applications are availablé in the guidance office and the deadline is Jan. 31. The French departinent is also giving students the chance ta, explore other cultures.' Students age 15 or aider who are talcing French this year and next, can apply ta, be an exchange student in Quebec, France, Switzerland or Belgium. Such exchânges are very valuable experiences, Ea anyone who is interested should speak ta one of the French teachers. Ini Henry athletics, the swim teain placed, fiffth at the LOSSA west meet. Kristina Kukk, Smita Vall Beth Chapman and Raymond Burnsalal placed i the top three wbile Peggy Hefford captured, firet place in the S-metre butterfiy and the 100-metre freestyle.. The midget and sernior boys' basketbail teains bath scored wins over Port Perry last Tuesday. Doug Oliver scored 19 points for the seniors who won ByDora Perroni Dec.' 10'- marked Austin's aniously-awaited, non-uniform day. Students taak advantage of the flmshjan freedoin and expresseoIt ieir unique tastes and personaliti. Another non-unifoi day wiil be enjoyed an Dec. 21, in recognition of donated canned foods ta, help needy fainilies have a marnier Christmnas. Four students (inciuding' current Au in jaurnalists) w'ere chasen ta attend a journalist workshap at Durhain College an 66-36.- For, the midget teain, Topher Stevens soe 8pit in a 61-56 gaine. The juniors also, defeated Port Perry, by a score of 44-32. AUI three teains then went on =toay aginst Pickering last Th y.The seniors played one Of their finest gaines ever but were defeated 83-65, and the inidgets lost 56-52. However, the juniors rolled over Pickering 71-40. The teain now bas a record of eight wins and just one 108s. The mnidget girls' voileyball SEE PAGE 26 Dec. 12. They represented Austin's English departinent, and were given an apportunity to experiment with word-pracessing ta ùnrove sIdls whZwill be helpfuli n the future. Finally, Christmas cheer was spread oni Dec. 13 as students zningled at the Christmnas siioral dance. The Austin student council had dedicated inuch tixne and effort ta this festive event ta raise money for the student, body as wail as proid sheer eijoyinent! rHve you been naugbty or nica? Seven days and counting until, Santa's visitl Wail, here we are, just three short days frain the first 'real' break of the'achool year. After four months of tests, seminars and essays. we!re finally gaing ta, get a rest. Why is the Christmnas break such a welcome event at DO'C? I think it bas something ta, do with the fact that by the tima December rails araund,. the workload has been significantly increased. What inany of the teachers refer ta, as "time ta, buckle down" simply ineans, 'We bave less than a xnanth until the end of the semester, and the class is oniy on chapter six; I guess well bave ta pick the pace up a little if we want ta finish ail 60 chapters." Oh well, the worst is over now, right? ... I forgot, we get ta, write final exams a week after we get back ... ugh! DO'Cs athletic council bas announced its athietes af the month for Noveinber. The male athiete is Marty Lee who showed great poise, and was a true 'leader by exainple" for DO'C's hockey teain. The female athlete isnka Toby who displayed ber superior basketball talent in leading the junior girls toaa successful month. Congratulations ta, Marty and Erika on their hard-earned achievements. On the evening of Dec. 12, DUYC presented- its 'Senior Cornedy Night.' It was a hilariaus evening of tbeatrics -in which-grade il- and 12 draina students displayed their (surprising) .ability ta nake people iaugh. There was a great deal of work that went inta the production, and frai ail accaunts, it was a huge success. Thanks ta Mr. Galiagher wbo- sweated tbrough ail the practices and rehearsals, and really made the show a bit. Now bere's an event worth inentioningl On Dec. 10, D(YC's junior boys' basketball team. completed in an intense match against McLaughlin. It was a By aiy Gala Only six days left- until Christmnas and Anderson students are gearing up for the holidays. Many <f us wil bave a tree surroundad by presents, but for thasa peopla who aren't so fortunate, Anderson bas organized a special prograni called 'Give.' Each homeroom bas a special family. Food and presents will be given ta, those fanillies ta, make their Christmnas a littie brigbter. Lest week Anderson bad a joyous surprise wben St. Nick visited aur schoal. Santa was- quite bappy ta, pose for pictures with xnany of our students. AUl this *week ACVI is ceiebrating aur yearly Christmas Carnivai. On Monday, aur teachers were auctionad off at a 'Teacher Drive.' Students paid for teachers with tans <f food ~which wiil later be sent ta hard-faught battle and ana that was close rigbt down toi; the wira. With under a minute remaining, McLaughlin taak the lead 39-37. As time continued ta evaporate, DO'C headed up court for ana lest shot at tying the gaie. Witb time on the verge of expiring, Dave Grenke lofted the bal toward the net fram three-point range. Swish! The clock shawed one second remaii*ng, and the gaine ended with DUYC victoiaus, 40-39. Way ta go, guys!, charity, and tha unlucky teachers purchased wiil became slaves for a day., Today, Santa's Worksbop was held in aur gyinnasiuxn with bootbs selling pizza, pop, popcorn and candy fioss. As weil, gaines were organized and prizes were, given out. Tomox-row evening is aur dance and Friday is aur concert, bath <f which will be fun and entertaining. 1 Ini sports, Anderson Raiders hockey teain defeated Denis O'onnor 6-1, with goals scored by Dean Mizen, Jeif Poland, Charlie Bailoch, Vince Soleta and Craig Cry. Also, the swim teain did very weil in their LOSSA avent. DRUM*OND White2 MPP- for Durham Centre, disSed the envîronment and other issues before a grade 10 history class at Anderson CVI lat week. White was recently chosen to serve as chimi of the standing committee on justice of the Ontario legisiaturie. Clulu Boy!. photo. Christmas connért at Henrv I know for sure that Anderson - - students are eagenly awaiting Denis (YConnor inusic their two-week break (but aiso departrnent wiil present their thinking about exains that annuel Christmnas concert: on foliow). We ýwish everyane ýa Wadnesdy Dec. 19 at 7:30_p.m. Merry Christmas -and a7Iipp.Y'- -in- tlÎa sc laIëirî~fffiér New Yeai,. wiil include the school choir, wind *qwwzM %a% aM *Wm un ensemble and jazz ensemble. Tickets are $3 for aduits, $2 for students and $1 for chiidren, and can ba obtainad frain any music- àWdent,-oiràýthe achool. 1 HENRY STREÊT- HIGH SCHOOL 1 1 FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN 1 DENIS OCONNOR HIGH SCHOOL ANDERSON C.V.1.

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