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Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1990, p. 3

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WH1BYE PRESS, WEDNEsDA'Y, DECE»mBE190, PAGE s Boat owner to CornPly ihore Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday, December 17,1990 Recommenda- fions from the Plannig and Development Committee Reconimen- tions from the Operationis Committee That a report on the upgrading of Durham Region's trafflc signal contrai systemn be approved. Traffic signais within Whitby are connected ta a central traffic computer system operated by the Region's works department. The computer has been operating since, 1981 but requires upgrading ta handie the increasing numberof signal Installations wthin Durham. The upgradlng wili require modification to Whtby's 14 traffic signal controliers. The estimated cost Is $80,000, but 90 per cent is subject to subsidy tram the Ontario Mlnistry of Transportation. Carried That a rezonlng application from Nor-Arm Development Inc. to permit the addition of seml-detached and townhouse units on property deslgnated for single-family homes be denied. A plan of subdivision for 82 single- family lots at 720 Anderson St. was approved iast January but the developer subsequently sought ta add 20 more units and change the type of housing due ta current market conditions. Carried That a major commercial- residential deveiopment praposed for the northeast corner of Thicksoni Rd. and Taunton Rd. b. deemed premature at this time and referred ta Whitby's officiai plan review. Thickson Square Inc. proposes to bulld a 150-unit apartment building, 70 block townhouses and shopping plaza on the, 24-acre site. The proéperty Is now zoned agriculture and designated major open space and hazard lands under the officiai plan. --Carried That a mixed commercial- residential development pianned for the northwest corner of Hwy. 12 and Taunton Rd. be deemed premature and referred to the Town's officiai plan revlew. Markborough Properties Inc. Is seeking amendments to bath Whtby's and Durham Region's, officiai plans to permit a 347,000 sq. ft. shopping centre and low-mediumn denslty housing on 98.6 acres of land at the Intersection. The site Is currentiy desIgnated major open space and liazard lands under the two officiai plans. Carried £ -adreue otgg ae -Lw r er*dwnaymI A -Mayýroeries 5 555e ro 14-ýlý wharf." said Simmons in an ear- lier interview. .Although the release of the oils will not hr humaxi life, aqua- tic animals and fish may be threa1tened. As à resuit, Robinson could be ini contravention of Section 36(3) of the federal Fisheries Act.' Under Section 38(1) of-the act ho was cirectod te undertake ai "reasonable measures» te pro- vent further releases., Speciflcally, Robinson must remove ail *ois (fuel oils, lubri- cating oils, non -PCB transfor- mer olse CB oils and PCB- contaxinated equipment) from the boat.. Robinson i. responsible for al costs relating te the -dcean-up, said Simmons. While the ferrys hullisi lodped i the harbour, the deck romains above water. Il A H!Mowever,~ the ministry is wor- ried, the trýnsformers may be at greater risk. P ÇBsý(p oly ch iorinated biphonyls) were contained in ouas used as coolants for electrical tranfrmr until their produc- tion was banned in the 1970s.. Tests hâve linked PCBs -te causing cancer and other health problems in laboratery aznimals. While the ou riemoval will satisfy the federal government, the issue of the ship being in thep habor romains unsettled. The Town of Whitby has char- ged Robinson uncter -the provin- cial Trespass Act in an effort te rid the harbourof the boat. Ini addition, the Town ha. alo authorized its solicitor te seek a mandatery irnjunction against Robinson. If an injunction is granted by.a civil court and Robinson i. ordered to remove the boat, ho would be in contempt of court shouid hofot compiy Possible penalties could i- clude fines and/or imnprsornent. 01i *alydstndfor the mng station, the Prince Edward Ieiand hanLea thorn in Town council's side for the past four years. Varlous levels of goverament, battled over which waw respon- sible for ordormng its re moval. The Town tried te force Robin- son to, move the boat two years Tg but was thwarted in its efforts by Otaa. Wihitby officiais were not aware te governxnent was col- lecting dockmng fees from Robin- son. The Town made a renewed effort this spring afêter junisdic- tion of the harbour was transfer- red to the municipality. By Mike Kowaisld The >wner, of the dorelict ferry boat in VWitby harbour wili com- ply with a f;rai o.deý te dcean upý the vessel. hitby businessmian Art Robinson bas agreed te remove al oils, includin PCB-con- tarninated materi , from the Prince Edward Is1Lnd ferry by Dec. 28. Environment Canada, spokes- man Randolph Sinmns said Robinson's iawyor contacted the ministry last week te conirm bn is client'. intention to bey a dlean- up order slappod on the boat the provious woek. " He's anxious and willing te, comply, were now ne otiatg on how te, carry it out, said Sim-» mono.. Robinson was issued an In- spectors Direction by Siminons aler the ferry sank te, the bot- tom of Lake Ontario. While two PCB-containinated transformera were not in im- minent danger, an inspection determined there had been a release of "deleterious sub- stances» inte, the lake. These substances could include bilge oul, diesel oil or lubricating ou. Simmons said that while the ministry i. pleased -with Robin- son's compliance, ail oiîs must b. remnoved by the deadline. Ho estimated it could take a «day or two» te remove and dispose of the transformers.. "The two transformers have te be put in containers and thon taken te an approved sterage site," explained immons. "The removal of the (non-PCB) oils depends on how much i. involved." Only a certified oul disposai agent will be allowed to remove the material, added Simmons., Once, ail ouas are removed, the ship wQi no longer be considered an onvironmentai hazard by the ministry. The dean-up wau ordered afler the Whitby fire department reported the boat was 1l*ilor i the water than usual. Accordingte the minisitry, Robinson «dliberatel sunk the vessel as a means of preventing it from crashing against the wharf. In the Past, linos usod te tie the boat te, the dock wore either cut or camie loose, and it drifted away from its mooring. Upon examination, inspectors discovered almost three feet of water on deck and notioed a "bluish, oiiy sheen around the LL /~~ good friends. .. may you have the merriest holidays! qTie Staff of t! e'14'Iitby fFree.§Press wisli a((our readcrs aiidadvertisers, hfappy -andisafi fia id4y seasn Our office will be closed Dec. 24th, 25th & Dec. 26 anid Jax.lst. Jj * -$$-i- ii - IIlIIllIIÎtîiUtI i I We're sending old-fashioned greetings to 4c là 1ýr.ýLý9 r Whitby MPP to head Comittee Durham Centre MIPP Drum- mond White ha. been chosen te head a committee of the Ontario nllie1 serve as chairman of the standing' comnittee on *ustic e o ai revifously named viecairma of the standing committe. on the ombudaman.. A social worker by profession, White was firat elocted in the New Democratic ]Party -sweep durin glatSeptembor's provin- cial election. al o ur

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