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Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1991 TOTAL HECALTH WORKSHOP The Total Health Worksho p will meet at Henry Street High Schooli, Whitby, starting Jan. 15 for eigt weeks, from7:15 to 9 . Tuition is $25, teit included. Intructors are Ron and Dianne Wonacott, OTI. For registration and information, calI 668-5036. FILD NATURALIST The Durhiam- Region Field 'Naturalista will hold its monthly meeting Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Northview Public Librazy, 250 Beatrice St. E., Oaiiawa. Global Environmental issues as theyr grtain to Durham Region will the topic. All are welcome. WINTER CLASSES Get rid of tii. winter blaha by joining a clasa at tiie Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Everyone over age 65 is invited tW join tiie centre and registerfor classes such'as tai chi,yoa fltness, back car. ftness, woodcarving, folk art, ceramics, oil painting, lime dancing, party dancing, square dancing and bridge. Classes go for 10 weeks and tii. cost of registration is $2 per class. Register at th%centre, 801 Brock St. S.. during t e week of Jan. 7Wll11from9Qa.rn.Wt4 p.m.- For more information cal 668-1424. LING WELL LECTURE To. Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre will host a presentation by the. Toronto Memorial Society at the. centr, on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 1:30 p.m. To. Toronto Memoria Societ~y is a non-profit charitable ~ganization that provides information on alternatives and choices for funerals. A f.. of $1 will b. charged at the, door. Everyone is welcome Wo attend. Ca tiie centre at 668-1424 Wo reserve a seat. Ontario Ministry 0f Revenue HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members of veterans' familles can get infor- mation about pensions, allow- anc.. or medicaidt.sistance by calling Denis <Miles) Delaney at 668-2730 or tiihegIeon hall at 668-0330. Aise, veterans' widows who lot their pensions wiien they remarried can probably get their' pensions resumed. UN1VERIf YWOMEN' S CLUB Journalist and activist, June Callwood, will b. the. guest speaker at a meeting of the University Women's Club of Oshawa and district W ,b, held on Jan. 9 at tiie McLaughlin Public Library at 8 p.m. Freeý\admission. AUl are welcome. PICKIN'SESSION Pineridge Bluegras Folklore Society will hold a "Pckin' Session" on Sunday, Jan. 20, from 2 Wo 5pm at Camp-Samac, main council hall (use north entrance off Conlin Rd.). Pickers, singers and-listeners are welcome. LEGAL AID CLINIC Information Whitbty at 405 Dundas St. W. in Whitbçy offers a legal aid clinic from 7 Wo 9 p.m., the. second Tuesday 0f the. month,4 September Wo Jun,. The servce is available Wo anyone and tiiere i. no charge. To. clinic i. not intended for in-deptii legal counsefling, but brief information i. provided about legal problems, and where te obtain furtiier information. Call the. centre at 668-0552 or drop by in person Wo make an appointmient. The centre's. hours are: Monday Wo Thursday, 9.30 a.m. Wo 9 p.m., Friday, 9:30 a.m. Wo 6 p.m., and Saturdgy, 9 a.m. W ,5 p.m. Clients receive a private and confidential 20-minute appointment with a lawyer provided by the. Ontario Legal Aid Office in Oshawa. 1991-NEMBMRSEUPS Become a memiber of Whitby Serdors'Activity Centre and join thoee aged 55 and botter in a wide variety of social and' recreational activities, day and overnigiit trips, and . health awareness presentations. Whitby residents can join'the centre for $5 and> associate memberships cost $11. For more information on events and activities cal 668-1424. BOWL FORmMIONS Big Brothers of Oshawa- Whitby will iiold their annual 'Bowl for-Millions' in FebruMr. 'Celebrity Kfick-off Day' will b. on Feb. 16, 2Wt 6 parn. at North End Bowl, Wilson anâ Taunton roads, Oshawa. To. 1991 fun- draising goal is $33,000. For more information about teams and pledges, caîl 579-2551. ALZEWMRSOCIMT A support group for Alzheimer families will meet every Wednesday afternoon. The flrst meeting will b. iield Jan. 23, 1 p.m.,, at YWCA, Sun Room, 199 Centre St., S, Oshawa. Al caregivers are welcomne. Refresh- ment. will b. served. For more information, cail the. Alzhieimier Society, 576-2567. PARINSON EXERCISE GROUP To. Parkinson Foundation 0f Canada / Durham Region Chapter holds an exercise group every Toursday, 9:30 Wo 10:30 a.m., at St. Mark'. United Churcii, church house, corner of Byrn and Coîborne streets in Whty. New members welcome. Refresiments are served. For information, cal 668-6580 or 666-8576. TAX FACTS Somne Ontario Retail Sales Tax (RST) Changes You Should Know About Recently, the Ministry of Revenue announced that the Province of Ontario will not charge Retail Sales Tax (RST) on the federal Goods and Services Tax (GSI). I f you have paid RST on top of GSI, you may receive a refund from your retailer. The following changes became effective January 1, 1991: " To offset some of the costs incurred by vendors as a resuit of the GSI, the Ontario government is increasing the amount of compen- sation to vendors for the collection and remittance of RST. " The RST audit and refund period has been increased from three to four years. " The refund of RST on goods taken out of Ontario by touriets and on transient accommodation will be amended. If you want to know more about these changes in the Retail Sales Tax Act, cali your local RST office listed in the blue pages of your telephone book, or the Ministry of Revenue's multilingual Telephone Information Centre, toll-free: Metro Toronto Ail Other Areas French Language Enquiries TelepËone Device for the Deaf 965-8470 1-800-263-7965 1-800-668-5821 1-800-263-7776 j» 4..' 4 Hasonoutlines '3 Bs John Hanson, executive director of theï. ReycI gCouncil of Ontario>, rmeently spoke to ýôthe RtU" Club ofWhitby. The .councîil promes.the concept of tii tre R reduce. re-us3eand clrecycle. EHansonnoted that the blu, box was pioneered i Ontarlo, a nd appoiately 60 per cent ofti e province'. households are onstream in the. system. In the. near future-, multiple dwellings -anùd industr'y will b. incorporated in the system. Among the aima for improving the system include .t. reducing wals ebi0per cent Hanon eferedto < the' tremendous effort Bore industries are makdng in preserving thé. e nvironient. -' Mêconald's kfr example, will, disconitinue the use of olystyrene and replace tii pakgnwithpaper. Roayha. been on. of the. organizations. min the foreèfront W deall-- with «problain thte environent, both locllyand- interna tionly I bitua4.ries SUSANTOWNSON Susan Townson of Wbitby died on December 24, 1990 while on vacation in Florida. 5h. was 74. Si. is survived by sons Jack and Gord and taphter Nancy (Mrs. Michael Piînl e ), grand- children ]Robert, Richard, Elita and Braden; sîstèe Catherine Nettle of Akcron'Ohio Ann Brady of Pinellas iPark, Plorida, Lillian Townson of Oshawa, Diane Triggiani of Monnesson, Penneylvania and brother McalKunder of Monesson. She was predeceased by her husband John. A private memorial service was hield on December 31 at tiie Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby. Donations in her memoycnbe Sh. married Huii T. Nichol on August 22, 1942 ini Toronto. A Whitby resident for 32 years, Mrs. Nichol was a membor of the Presbyeran Church, Whitby Curling Club and Osha wa Gl Club. 5h. is survived by her hua- band, son James T. Ncil sister' Grae Boice and brother Bevy. J.KR Tbomson.'She was pr- deceased by her brother, David Thomson and sister ,Esthel~ Milne. Services were held on Decem- ber 31, 1990 in -Whitby, Bev. .W.J.S. McClure conduýcting. Interment at Groveaide cerne- tery. MARY GARTSHORE MCKAY Fouatiroo fne Caana 'r"'e A .former employee 0f -the Foundtionof Caada.CouttyofOntario and the, Town' of ,W1itby, M ýary CGartshoreý ALICE OUTWIN McKay' died at the Ballycliff ~Alice Margaret Outwin died on NrigHome, Najx on Monday, Monday, Decembor 31, 1990 at Dec. 17, 1990. A residient of Whitbz'General HOSPIta fl Si V.hit a-ince. 1915, ah. lived >at- was 78.12W0Brock St. S. >Si. was born in Pickeri n A daughter of the, 1at.. Robert. June 19, 1912. Si. marriedwî-,l- .BâlyadEia'hFri liarn Outwin in January, 1960i a. rwland borab t Torno Oshiawa. sM arc ban at6,190nt9.o A Whitby resident for 62 years, ?ia MKay wrke19n0t.. Mrs. Outwim was a former officeM0f tii Corkd 11,the be"r -ofAl Saints 'Anglican serffofor o-thear and was Sei. survived by her hue-a- 50 üt-lrkjýhe= . band, daughter Marion (Mrs. Fi'orn 1931 Wo 1935, she was Clayton Biggs) of Caesarea and acting sheriff of Ontario County, Gail (Mrs. Charles Blackburn) of following tiie retiremient of Sheriff Oalandý Tennessee, grandchil- John F. Paxton and prior t. the. dren Brian and Doreen Biggs appoitrnent 'of , Dr. Horace grreat-grandmother Chad anâ BaW9com Melissa, sister-in-la'w Edith Carr , Mra. McKay' was the only of Whitby, sisters Mary (Mrs. woman in the. Province 0f Ontario, Garnett Beckell) of Oshiawa and W iiold that position at the time. Velma <Mrs. Baden Pingle) of Prom 1963 Wo 1973, ah. was Bowmanville. employed by the. Town of Wiitby Services were held from the i the clerk's department. Town Funeral Chapel on Friday, Mrs.. McKay was a memiber 0f Jan. 4, 199 1, Rev. Mark King- St. Andrew's Presbyteran. iiam conductimg. Interment at Church, Whitby, where ah e was Groveside oemetery. married Wo Ian Blake McKay on Aug. 22, 1942. Her husband died IBmlE STUART on Mlay 30, 1980. A former teacher, Isabelle Mra. McKay is survived by hier Stuart of Fairview Lode,Boninlaw, Alan Torrie of Wiitby, died on Toursday urlington; two nephews, Robert December 27, 1990. She was 92.' Brawley of Labrador City and She was born in Montreal on Graeme Brawly of St. Thomas; March 2, 1898,' daugiiter of and two neices, Mary Hogan of James and Jane ( Anderson) Montreal and Elizabeth itts of Irnrie. She married Samnuel St. Toomas. Stuart in England. Her iiuéband; one daughter, Si.* was a niember of the. Mrs. Alan Torrie (Sandra); two WhitbyHisto ical Society, Osh- brothers, Jim and John and one awa Weavers Guild and St. sister, Isabel, died before lier. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Mrs. McKay was at the. W. C. Si. i. aurvived by son' J. Town Fumerai Ciapel, Wbitby, Andrew Stuart and ies wife where Rev. W. J. S. McClure Sally, granddaughters Jane conducted the funeral service on Minaret and iier huaband Der- Dec. 20, 1990, foîîowed by ric, Marart Hoover and lier internient in Mount Lawn husband Ediln, Susan Raaphast MemoilGres hty and hr ntian av~ 4nd ~ mra ares hty Samantha Stuart, grandchildren David Hoover and Jamie Minaret. She was predeceased by her iiusband. Ser-âces were iield from the, Town Funeral Ciapel on Friday, December 28, 1990, Rev. McClure conducting. Interment at Groveside cemetery. J. MEGAN NICHOL - J. MegNichol of Whitby died oneoember 28, 1990 at Witl General Hospital. 5h, She was born in Wales on OcWober 7, 1917, daughter of'Rev, ES IHm s, 'i 'I 6 Geera*tions of Service, Quality & Trust * Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monmns 318 Dundas St. E., Whit.by 668-3552 *AftyHoum ~6684M60 r-666-1513* 1 mýRmm AJZ;ZLÀKM $ P: ê , # ý+ "f )f * # 0 # t * f4" 1,P tmý Ný 0 # * 4 « ý»#" Il,ý * # f 10 ë 1, t .) 4ýê #è * f f + '0 ý .4 4 t'. ý. te 'Il 'W e, 4 ý # ;44 -.à.- o 4 t Li 1 v

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