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Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 27

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WHITBY YREE P1RESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1991, PAGE 27ý LEGÂL " Uncontested Divorces " Immigration Matters " Simple Wills " Completion of Forms " Incorporations .'Etc. Bs unbeaten, but knocked out >Whitby major novice Bs won two games and tied anather at a tournament in East Gwillimbury Jan. 5-6. Despite going undefeated in round-robin, the Whitby teain sponsored by Brooklin and Whitby District Kinsmen, failed ta gain enough points ta advance further in the tournanient. Whitby tied Richmnond Hill 2-2, defeateci Bradford 2-0 and Wood-. bridge 3-0. Ryan Callaghan and Steven Pigrai had the shutouts. oa scorers for Whitby in the tournanient were Brad McNaughton, Ricky Mace, Jor- dan Fitzgibbon, JefT Church Danny Sinall, Jason Peyman and Casey Dupant. Ini league play on Jan. 3, Whitby defeated Oshawa Bruins 4-2, for their 2Oth win in as many league games. MeNaughtan, Fi'%tzgibban and Church each had a goal and an assint while Jamie Gîtles.had. the. I LE~AL Atoms win three, straight 1Whitby's Hanet Plastics minor atoin A teazu are undefeated in their last three league contesta. Whitby started the streak with a 4-3 decisian over Markham. Scoring for Whitby were Brett MacRury, Justin Tonry, Evan Cardwell and Samniie Scheepers. Chipping in with one assist each were Shane Neil, Neil MacDonald and Derek Achford. Next, Whitby hosted Woodbrxdge and once again, after a strang gaine, camne out an top 3-1. Scaring by MacRury had twa goals and Matt Foran the other. Asss went ta Paul Chornobay, Ryan McArthur, Josh Heuther and Scheepers. Whitby then faced Aurora. Whitby played strangly and autehot their opponents but had ta settie for a 2-2 deadlock. Whitby scaring came off the stock cf Heuther with bth goals. Asssting were Jason Hurter and Foran. Over the Christmnas break Whitby headed ta Londan ta coxnpete in the Greater London Tournainent. The beain played well against somne stiff competition and managed ta get as far as the semi-finals before bowing eut ta Woodstock. Overall scoing in the tournazuent: Foran, ans goal, four assista; one goal, two asss each by Neil Terry and Acliford; two goals, one assist by Evan Cardwell; Heuther, twa goals, and MacDonald, one assiat. The goaltending duo of Scott Wyke and Phillip Greenan had ono, shutaut. ithetournament.. * The - defense - of . -MacDonald,. Bremner, Scheepers defensively Charnobay played very throughout and strong the taurnamnent. Whitby lias two remainïng beague gaines'befare the playoffs begin. Petites gain tie The Whitby Home and Rural were Johinson, with three geais, Appliance petite A ringette teara four assista; Penney, four goals, campeted in the Marlchazu two assista; King,-two goals, three taurnamnent an Dec. 28 and 29, assista and Mélanie. Davis, 'ans suffering three lasses and goal, one assist. managing only a tie.- Other helpers camne .from The first gaine against Corneal (2), Danielle Bleau and Oshawa, Wihitby was downed 6-2. Melinda Mantle. Doug Scaring for Whitby were Ellen MacDonald earned the shutaut Johinson and Cheryl King, wiht for Whitby. assiosageing ta Jennifer Penney 1% nxtgaine againt; Part Tw eens lose Perry, Whitby was trounced 83. sto s a o potted ane goal each for Whitby with helpers« going to Calle Whitby tween As lost their Corneal (2), Lisa Corcaran, Lara first ringette gaine of the season Hugel and Johinson. recently, 7-6 ta, Markham. On Dec. 29, Whitby feIl 6-3 ta Whitb fiIl behind 4-1 aefre Hamilton. Scoring forWity caming back ta make the gaine were King, Penney and Shepperd close. with assista ging ta King and Ciystal Annis had fîve p oints Corneal. The final gaine against and Andrea Babony three for the Pickering ended in a 3-3 tie, Whitby teazu, sponsored b y The giving Whitby ita only point of Piano Shop cf Pickering Village. the taurnament. Penney netted Jennifer Penney, froi the two goals and King fired a single. Whitby petites teain, played well Helpors came froin Hegel and ensvl for the tweens. traunonedOn. Sunday, Whitby shut out Whitby tone Scarbough Ajax 7-0. Amanda Wheelan, 10-0 n Jan 5.replacing Erika Redgriguos who 10-0 n Ja. 5.is an vacation, had the £'utout. Whitby showed exceptional Jennifer Henry had feur pointa strength in all aspects cf the and Julie Rowland three. Jenni- gaine, overpowering their fer Drununond was atreng defen- epponents frain the opeug aively. *whigtle,. Julie Sudeyk,fýrm the. tween -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~g ; ^"4dn ~.ta~ aW'ty.. ~m~aaga n an aêsst. Whitby Free Press 668-0594* Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 away 6-0 winners. Jeif Bruce apened the scoring in the first period, and gasb Brick, Rosm, Fulcher, N el= and Jeif Malcolmn followed. Steve Hastnge got the shutout this gaine. Bath he and David Ayres played excellent throughout- the tournament. Solid- on defonce were Adam Shields, Trovor VanEgmond, Sean MacLeod, Grég Cortoltan, Brad. Oliver. and ~ THE CORPORATION 0F ~r;;THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F- PASSUNG OF BY-LAW 616 KING STREET GREEN-LAWLER HOUSE IN1THE MAlTER 0F 111E OtIARIO HERfIAGE AMCTR. . 8,c.337 AND IN TH1E MAlTER 0F LAND AND PRBdBES AT'1THE FOLLOWING MUNICPALADDRESS IN T11E PROVINCE 0F OTARIO TAKE NOTICE liat lieourd i lie wCorpration of the Town Of WNhy ba pssd y-awNo. 293,7-90 kb deignale âli ObkO XOIYas beugihietfanid arcithecualvalueor«fintereet under t IV0othle naroHeritage Act~ RS.O. 1980, c.337. The Grsen-Lawler Flouse 616 lEngSVoo WIB, OrtaMi The Gren-Lawer House wae buit in 1876 by y1im reGen, awely = i.W. Grsen <led in 1884, but lie enti nued Io = Yli uw 1901 Mhon R was sold la ArturThomai Lawler. Wk. Lawlerwas ani active member of Town Councii 190Z 1903 and 1905, aid ayo1m 1906. . Lawler wai so a member ai lieWhty Board of Educatin u 20 yers. TeGrsen-Lawler FHou s a larget-msk>roybrk home. R oentains severalfeauns of the Loyaiet-Georgiari traditon kiduckng sy--mm ca elovatios, tMo wMimw on oach ide ai lie ceotral dor*wad a gabied roof. lbheralng dm'on lie gables, SBcMiY lthe a"leendsu of lie man bloc af lie houe, are augmented i bage bom'dewhich bavre ntricale mled omamtappled kIolie wood b .Daled at dme TwnofihilbY lits M. day of Jariuary, 1991. DamIkfG. Mcay, mClsdc WH rIBY0uboLiN 2U8 PtlN: (416) 6848SM o: '~THE CORPORATION 0F, THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW 210 BYRON STREET NORTH LEWIS HOUCK HOUSE INl 11E MATTER OF 11HE ONTARI HERITAGE ACT RA.8.19M0c.37 AND,141THE MATIER 0F LAND AND PRBIBEBAT THEFOILOIVIN MUNICPALADDRESS IN THE PRIOV1NCE OF ONTARIO TAKE NOMl ut lie Gourd ietuCoporation of #we Town ofi WNtby has passed By-Iaw No. 2038-90 b> derignab dmie 2wrlag las beun ai is nid aiuch ura value or Wgreset urîder m o lde OnaroHetaeAst, RS.O. 1980, 0.337. The Lemi Hou& Houes 210e So The Lewis Houc House was btdft in 1859 Lemi Houck, a gramn deaiein #ie Town of Miatby. RW. Hou&c carne trauMa Ion k>W-h> ie14 aidi 1844 but a sk>r and tramne houes at Dundas SI, yetnaid By4ro Streot.F&.Houck becarne mofaithe tirst kia fth f i e hdtCZhni which was bulit in 1855 et Centre Stiest and Mary Shoot(ao a designated bulilfng). The Lemi Houck Flouse oe a two-sk>eyRgec style bichm.Osa â»e most signiint foatures of the homes mlie vastveenawlich arundmlieentire tukdlngThie intenor aiflie housescontadns mry ai adgipnalfoatm swhihlustrales lieoultarlkLn.tmash c ie au. ibeinieriorailiebtig has boon nclx nuddn esgnatmionl. Daled at lie Townrof iMby l#s GMiday ofJariuary, 1991. Dome meg. McqrToO cb Thue malaTmcfWly' 575RaUêmRodEd WHITY 0r LN 5M8 "M0N: (416) 668-680 emi-fin'als .Whitby Classic Firelaces minor peewee sélects reachedthe semi-finals of the Wexford MUStn Hockey Associatian's Colton Haggerty Christmnas tournament. Whitby defeated #4gncourt Canadians 11-0> and Cedar Hill seleets 3-1. The 'semi-final ga»e;was agana3t Bramnpton se.=t and artara hard-fought gaine, the, score was 4-2 for Bramupton, eventual tournament champions. The Whitby teazu conssaof Jeif Canning, Darryl Jennings, Brent Jolinston, Adam Murray, Adam Cotton, Josh Quail, Warren AU, Matthew Andrea, Steve, Jedinak, Mark Hugel, John Dem pster, Colin Appletan,ý Ryan Shackelton, Kris Brockman, John ,Anderson, Curtis Brown, Mike Madill with Darreil Wade' as coach, Chris Harper as assistant coach and Robert Dempster as manager. Selectswn FROM PAGE 22 outscoring the opposition in three gai es,19-5. The first gaine against- Cedar Hill, a very tuh -firat opponent, saw e-o ndrushes, Bstrong- defenive play . and sparkling gSlng by -bath' Darryl Forse and Dusty Sargent. Whitby overcame an early 1-0 deficit and prevailed by a score cf 3-1. The next opponent was, the hast teain* and- tournainent favorite Wecford. T7he fans were litorally kept on theedge of their. seats throughaut the gae with action at both ends of the ico. The score seesawed back end forth with the goalies an' bath a ides inaking big saves i the dying minutes cf the game. .Overtinie waa- the only fitting way to, end suéh a. well-played game. The WI4tky tain, with their nover-aay-die attitude, ecorod the winn--* oa at the two-minute mnarkc of sudden death overtizne. This 14,u was the most satisfyingofthetournament. The Whtby I amnover looked back in the fi * against West Hill, cozpletely onnaigtheir opponents. Theitwalesreceived a well- deserved réot zthis8 ga.n. If the play wasn't "%i West HFe' end of 'the rink, théir rushes Iwere completely ý.ièutraIized by Wbitby's strong def'iiensve corPs. It was a total teani effort as Witby ran up ,ýhe score ta 11-0' to gain the tournamnent victôry. Scorers in the tournament were James Ifikson, two goals, six assists; Kyle Ruttan, three goa, four assista Mathew. Ras,

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