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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 13

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WIUTY ME PUBSS, WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 16, 1991, PAGE 13: To the editor To the. editor: . __ W. haveiread Doug Anàderson' goaadservices , adw are10 prentbeidi postion., SShopping at. thevaiu:rtl UJ outiets in this areabon brings Sthe,.. realization, that' items 15 prcaednit., s4~ia consider tii. tai ta -. faradequi table. Whitby- ~custamers thatthGTil'd ,anotirseven per cent a à~,s SIncromeas.ven goingforaiict Swill .ee thbis t tal. t onpeIdnt nwwa Scent. asamd and'angry Our.conernis that the. tai wil e tiP.ý>oresve ~ ooe a money.generatingr gomerment carne, ~~~~~g -ciee A-ti7gv.nen business, or the. ab Srequines extra funda due tawastèe impasioned and andmisinanagement, tii. GSI! responsé On the. P willbe increased incneper cent,..Canadians. mcreentsevery âime ti1. On neither aide tfnneminister - presente the. appetite f or dem budget. -Justice. Thepasg It is a courageous; stand that .(Bill C-62) in b ut on. you are taking for domocracy and Congratulations o, wewisii you wefl in you a stand in oppostia endeavour. which was sai Teny and Maralon S whitiy To TtheIi.<S Three cheers hightm a litti dience put thm. hiwompetent polit the wall. Canadians hav *bas, boa," far too 14 stop being sii.p homeowner, I an huge tai increas rapidly chewing stadaîd 4f living thretening M., payments, and oc .will be into my gro Here's hoing ti, businesses and in( your leadl m~ the GSTr8.WI To the eiton a in To tii. editor I oppose the GSI! completely and Emigoing tarefiiseth pay it Les-àBrèmneèr whitby Re: LG5T andi Loug Anderson When, media, become the news. mnstead of reporting it, they lose *their credibility. Attached are Mny copies the * Januarv y2 and 9 editiôtis of the. *Whitby -Free .Press. Please' keep these -copies :and -all'future, editions until Mr. Anderson -; colle t...ýand.,rýemits the GSTi a* crig Y. * t --T ed dre n i ! To tiaiedfitoe Toéti. eit 1 surpport your stand on the I arn proud of your effort ta GST.I would Cetbehind any fit thi. GST byr not colectng it.' business that hu the gus a 1 hpethatyugi the support stand up ta ths dishonest~ of other businessos. corrupt dictatorsip. If only W.eem ta be entering into Canadians could discover- a goernment by dictatoshp whle backbone instead of a wishbone. *auig d.mocracy. W. a1" seem Hull-Ottawa ,knows'that'the. ta be moving tawards a police mejority will' knuckle under stath as, evidenced by thé-growth becau9eý Canadians are a herd of< of security. and, enfi>Scment self-c.ntred, povincial-mnded squad%, uuciias thi e GSTpolice wimps. and GO Transitenocm t This tax wouldneyer wash in uquad.- the USA. Theres no. outrage Because of tus and despits here,. just quiet, peaceful, your best effort -I believe dhat our sickeming, resignation and gvrent w;à, sooner or later conformance. oend in the. GSTI police ta eltiier W. do not have better because persuade you *ta gentl colleot the. w, do not demand .botter. GS! rtiywl itl ai Democracy is dead in titis your bank account with the foree counmtrY. Forced Frenc ii i-of the law, or they will withhod, dislacng orkrsin Ontario, a your business licens., or use other- viMnce where 95 per cent sekmetiioda juit short of so-mg --OFf ICro. T-s f.ie ngh h. Ths orci ed rech your kneecaps ta enf ore lanuairomtioi 1 th ~ will taget tieïrceut ofth cash. = IrdthoýGST. BiU Coum odhwm .t feel more We. (i.e; Canadians)« have. been abouat: how aware of the. now enacted seven 3onservative per cent GSI! for'tii. better part 1 >'out- its of two years Some Pieule Id aence of an out -until the very endhopng it informed would 'b. tomseout by the. rt of Most Sonate, bt i"Ilersm yoïrl fluded,, knew that it waa la tiiere. an inevitable. cracy and Now that it is here, it is no1 of the. GSI! secret the. majority'4f Cmanadan example. dislike it wiii a pson. It is your taking bard- not to -get the hint with ta tieisBll talka 4f a m-ofaled "tai revoit," tat an wherelby businesses would mmply ilation by not colect thi e rS. 1ia id becrecy,> abeolutely ,appaled at the informationigno-rance anadi.eeupect 'tii.. ions. Canadians are"displaying ta ther country. Have they nover heard Joël o.e f the.,maying,"You have tagive a Trto little ta get a little?" A governament cannot nun witiiout cash. Whule it in true w. are. taxed sonewhat hoavil, I lnvite you tastop andthink about ation have what that -money muut go ity ta, umte tawards: a national debt that hua o one Doug surpaased the. $400- billon mark,. d' us now. ore 4f the. finest, e no personal overly-stresýSescial progrm Ivantage ta in tue world, and tue countless stand, onfly subsidies distributed amongu ng a stand Canada so that certain industrIies nt. and mfetropolitan areasca stay ,id let this afloat and funiction normaly. We it buis and are talIcdng in the. bilions 4f Parliament, dollars here. This money is not wont end going straigiit inta the pocicets 4f the. Conservative government au lie typical many people think. Yes, tuey ýrything the really do spend that money on aur passed; country! What a concept, eh? hroats until It really infuriates me ta heur in our owf l al of the negative baclash that' our sand, is surfacing because of tue GSTs ,eýrsad arrvai. As the. saying goes, there last attempt are onhy two things certain in 1f. cy. It won't - deatii and taxes. Well, tue GSI! riWhitby, as is here and hey, let's face it, it's ngrcharge really. nothing ta turn I __s b 'smèeaulteover. frol alo But the. next time you feel from felloin obligated ta voice your extreme > jin his displeasure over the. tai, I asic, as c s'r. a fellow Canadian and are defeated direct/Indirect taxpayer, ta, stop and tuink of al 4f the. freedom e GST, it is and benefits you receive from tuse tf and prie great country of ours. Asic itsad against ourself if you want ta ensure eerd aist ofpn>sperity and security for your ."dycastof chuldren, grandchildren, etc. in ,is and Free? th years ta came. Alter al, Can ada is considered ta bu tii. Bd Léaver second most desirable place in the. Ed Lear world ta, live in and one of tue rai Car #5t nations economically ta, Whitby boot. At .tue risk of sounding ________redundant, the. GSI! is now a fact of 1f.. Sa just live witu it! Why make, waves when there is already 'too mucii unrest and 1 -inDoug discotent in'tue world (e.g. ii. t rc m Da Persian Gulf crisis). P-&_ .-> Give it a chance. Brooklan To tii. .ditos' Iamir yourm"publisher, Doug Andeon, for tue-position he-ha taken in nat callectigg tiie GSI!. I arn sure i.demanstration 4f, integrity, courage and conviction will b. hast upon wrnps 11ke Mulroney and efoo.owever, otuer Canadians are appreciative 4f Mn. Anderson and support hlm wiioeheartedy. Philip A. Webster Toronto Arinothelr GST song '84 brought in the. Tories On promises ta cure ail worries Jobs, jobs, jobs, for us al Annointed Brian had a cal Michaël Wilson, plan inhand A Bay St. buddy, gentle, bland A simpler tax sheet, a tai quite fair Most everyone should pay their share Sa, in shining armour he entera fray Shows prn-striped- buddies, there's a way To defray their taxes, better yet, ta pay no tai He know's that peasants have strong backs Then, Cabinet junkets become a game With winè and dine tubs quit. insane Any thoughts of costs?, no fret Just add it ta the. nation's debt. While other Tories lin. the trough Belching loudly as they Tii. timid swine pushed out of way- Look sadly on with much dismay Looked quickly for a place taide But Michael's plan has cure, you se. Bring on the. friendly GST. Sa do your part and proudly say "What- striped slob's tax can I help pay?"l Tue GST is good for yau No less than Michael says it's true Througii opponents niight elsewise construe Whispers To rBian, '"Would I lie ta you?"ý A self-proclaimed Canuck with a single goal Ha clear vision of our future ral With admining eye and tender sigh Plucicers lips when Bush's. tush ]Refraixu Sa embr-ace the. GST whole-heartedly T'will empty pocicets, a guarantee While it won't lower the national debt Gloat the Tories, 'YciA e seen nothing yeti" Whitby To thie editors Congratulations for the. stand yau're .taking on tii. GST. . I feel lm beinu overtaxeêd' federaily and provmcially and Fm at thei> limit witu taxes lacally. If GSI! was the. mole means of raising money I wouldn't mind sa much. This tai has got me upset and anr, there is no accountability for how the government spends. Fim envi- aus of the United States. Tii. quaiity of service we receive is nat propartianal ta tue tai w. pay. Mrhn Whitby ali-tSguiuuie .ppu government lies an withholding d4f pie-n-th-skyproectic To the editoir: s dwngeouly: Neyer in aur gener iclana againat we had the. oppartunil as a dlemocracy,.as tii' ,e gone "Bas, Anderson has offereî' ,erq.It'stime ta Take note, there is r ý.ÀJsa-single gain or financial ad i finding that- Doug for taking tisi es 4f late are peace of mind for t<i away at my againat tis governmel *They are now If we sit back an ýy mortgage govrment bulîdoze il non, I suppose, leilai through 1 cery maney. .weewl it end? It iat tuouaands 4f here. dividuals follow It ends with ti Canadian having evei bloodsucicers want C.J. Mumford* cranied down our t] Whîtby we finally suffocate spinelessness. It's now tinie to taki for. tins could be aurI ta regain a democrac -To tie. eitor. Congratulations, Daug ;Andermon! Your current position not ta -charge GSI! on advertisiing-for' about three monîtha is a, -conimendable and bold stand. I *sincerely hope that you wMil find a rood level of support -which may lead ta a mare positive direction regarding tuis regressive tai sham. It is witii total disgust tuat aur famihy has watched the. Mulroney *government make tues. unpopular deisians, bth coocandsocial.., Obviously, 'because of free trade and otiier dramatic events mmsd. and outoide Canada, wýe are apprmachin g a new economc Order. Fundmentiy it appears tuat tiih gveamntlas not begun any new planning initiatives ta benefit tue citizen, but, rather, lias lost groundl in ail ectors of national and international affairs. It would appear tuat typically Canadian apathy has gripped the majority. Alas, wien an elected representative 4f no credibility or mrai standing can brin g*ina self-defeating ta,withtleor no upheaval by tiie citizenry, it cauld only lead ane ta guess at tiie tru spirit 4f Canada today. - - t - -. -.... - - w. D~iiiiiu= end here.- As a taxi operator in -of Jan. 14, 1 no lon G-ST on faires. I wj looking for support1 and 'competitive cabi Durhamn Region ta, canipaign against the My feeling is if weE and forced ta pay thi worth the money outc ta know I had the gut ta, make my voice he Mulroney and his gr( idiots. Oh Canada, Glonioi. Bell' To tie eitoe. I was intereste inception 4f tue GSI!. Fm appalled tiat reding inatenial is being taxed, and that new egislation exempts Cabinet inembers from tue GSI! and their unwarranted taise. ]Pm just a working stiff on tue street, a Cree native activiat completély disenchanted with Mulroney and bis cronies. Toniato

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