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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 21

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WUrTBy PME PRER%~ WEDNESDAY, J»AW 16p,1991, PAGE 21 i Waflaperig* A ow to gid (NC)-You Will Need. *a yardstick and pencil for measuring and marking . *string a'nd a eight(such as scis.çorç) to make aplumbline *water trough (get it when you buy the Wàllpaper) *scissors or a very sharp knif'e or razor, blade for'trimming the-paper *wallpaper-smootheror sponige,, *ý nid néwenaDPer i rnàn<'Ith 1-i nrn. bold pattern will help, make up for'any lack of furniture. Deep reds, oranges and hrowns will seém to*draw the walls dloser, too. For kitchens, hallways, bath- rooms and children's room,' vinyl wall'- papersare the best choice. They are scrubbable; moisture-proof and grease-., resistant. How Much Waflpaper leci oiur nSrWallpapers packed, in double rolis con- *a lacider tain:about 6.5 'm2 <72, sq. ) After alarge fiat clean surfaceéorwttnpa llowing.for waste in matching, cutting *per on and. trimüming, the 'double roll covers about 6m2 6 q ft.). Deduct 2.5mn2 Choolnga Wa~pa~r about 30 s¶4. ft,)for every two openfinRs -~ of ordinary. sue, such as 'doors, Win- Wallpaesgive.yQaul dwst,jcloset doors an so on. To esti- advahtage in solvingyourI .décong maté bysquare métrés or feet, measure prqbiems. You haebthcîu and fil distance 'around file the room 'at the pattem. to choose f'ýrôxnML.ý'0 flooine'-' Menstirethe heightof the If yourrôorsOègipli' iiht- room frôm basebard to eiling,. ýMulti- côlored aperl wll 'ake hem Ã"qkply the disâtanceby the 'height;-This bigger éspecialIy Af' >kiù use bo gWisyou ýIhe total number of ýqùare ëolours like Pale!blues:;'ôr greéns ianfetrmtesbeoved opè~patem i'*. ýý i X' ' T fg 'othow, imàny inabig'bare. roôm,a splashy doilerls'of- wallpaper you 'need, * -forent nmanagemnent practices, * FOMPAE 0,woodburning is not-a -factor in neg sconsumedî tdng lgoa wrin.Bt -ýhe smke 'à hd.,gasn -ut of the gr -un- 9 "' àd'rsuting from inefficient into useéful prpIducýtsanah-d cmbsin nair plutant transported to mrkt.In' that .should be rdue fr h contrast, wood&,s, usually sake -of 'a. dean,-'environnient. harvested clone téo the poInt of use Portunately, the ne geration ,and. needa . no proçenSsng other of woodstoves déesjust thai. With dhancutiting and splittin ~ a strong push from. environ- menta - l Z-réWàor the tv ~rmo<wgr.j ooie to,' eut ezisions, .from their ~ ,*~, produts toe'.t. af wat The ey a ~iing~ ~ the er e' T9fve es ago. environmentally friendly fuel,'is > Tese nw tos ue Eensoure:that the forest it in taken sophisticated combustion systerns 'fzmrenans eàtlir.dealy and mi somie "2cases, catalytic ehould beytaidng only thpéwe combustors, siiiar to the devices thàt g cees added to car exhausts to burn of ddadèoetes t hud hydroôcarbons. StI, -homeowners beremoved-1to improve',the w ae ocrndaou*h grothof hestad.environment and who. are using Hromehowners au' also1e s s older stoves -needn't ý run ý:out caif ý léotomorrow to buy a neéw usyabout the species they gnrto tv rfrae chocse for burniîng.,,- Softwoods, B1Using properly seasoned such as pine and spruce, aud By so-ealled juk sp .eiee ib wood aud avoiding smokey fires, a ça -PIPIOMconscieutious woodburuer e au adapnmake exellenit fue01 fo« reduce omissions to -somne exteut, springudfihatu if they are even with an olci sove.What. they spit aud stUdlOd tO dx7. caunot dor » reduce' the 'total anonmt of fuel.,.burned -bo.cause FORETY MANAGEMENT Whucombinedý with good the effiieocy of the oldrumita can't match that of the uew technobog aplinces.t Here ae omesugestons'for divide this figure by the number of, square- feet or metres coverage in a double rol (6 m2 or 60 sq. fi.). Round off any francétion to the next single roll.. >Deduct openings. Preparation For WaIpaerIng Remove .any electric fixtures from the walls and the-pla tes from electrical switchesand ouiets. Be careful flot bo let -water or pasteë into open.,outiets. If you intend topaint baseboards, doors or window frimes, do this first and let the, paint drythoroughly before wallpaper- . g Check the walpp omake. sure al the MoIS havýe te am ye lot numnber. This' means aIl haveý been through the samne dye process ýand there, will be no. variation ini colour bctween, If youa choose a wàllpaperi with a pattem, you haVe to match'the, pattem with each_ strip.. If this is your * ~irt ateptat. wallpapering, try to *choose a walîpaper'.with an overall pat-' tern that does not require mùatchinig. It wouldalso be a good- ides hto buy, pre- .pasted wallpaper as, this is c -asier to vÎômén t do enviironmentally-consci*ous. wôod-, 1. Ue thinnieanfomyour w p '""ortyt îour. tuai supply. Avoid taklng healthy trous. Z Ueo qulck-growlng uo anode' vl unk ,"peclos during upring and fall, andromve.the primo.- eocle like. maple and oak-* toc î1h. cold, viinter' oth.Your.wood pile:my Dt i okas neténd tldy, but you'I . YO ü g or'part')tor the environmont. &. Always hum ýdry.wood bym, plttlng ,anîd staclng Al undor cover ln th.e prlng. Wet wood lwym akesa.mokey lireand much more will :bewneedd tan if 111l drled before burnlng. 4. Nover bumn palnted or prossure-treuted wood - th. rosulting vapor. are poison ta the environment. :S. Neyer let a lire amouldor. You can oaly hock on how woil you are dolng by soelng how thlck 1the emoke la coming from yaur chirnney. A gaod, clean fire producos litle or no visible 4àmoiro. 6. Whon th. limes comos te, replace- your voodetoe or furnace, look for on. wlth hlgh. efflcloncy and low <missions reliiga. Youll ue km wood and maka leu snoko. 7. Treat oach place of wood you humn as if it wero >preclous. It je. Text prepared by JohnGulland PerfonnanceWoodburning 1mw. "A SWEEP IN TIM CAN Ben Frankin Knew His Wood Stoves. WHEN 1 INVENTED MY Frankin stove I made a mistake. I' should have said. "A sweep in time can save irine." But'instcad 1 said. "A stitch in lime can save nine. What a silly mistake. I knew a chimncy fire from a dirty stove can be fotal. And. thaî s a lot more important than a ripped seam. So you make sure you have your chimney swept ini lime. And remember. "Dont put off until tomorrow wbat you can do today." Caîl now. HOGAN.& HOGAN Chimney Sweeping Services Phone 430-3661 ,work with than paper you have to paste. If you use wallpaper that needs to be pasted, follow instructions on the wall- paper paste very careful ly. Drape pasted, sheets of wallpaper over your amin. neyer roll Up.. 'A, OFF SUGGESTED ~ BOOK PRICE ON THE LARGEST SELECTION 0F WALLPAPER. BOOKS IN THEDURHAM"REGION' OUR DECORATNVG CONSULTANTS ARE HERE TO ASSIS T YOU CO-ORDINA TE WALLPAPER, PAINT & WINDOW COVERIMNG Fiat Latex C*I*L PAINT SALE * , from $15.99 Eggshell Latex Semi-Gloss Latex $2199 hIl M bln dIk t 'm L~MMU

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