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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24,,WH1TY FRME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1991 Witby» 'swirs finish Irsn.Mrka Whitby Iroqugis Swim Club Markham lInitationni On" 10£ ~IPf Lis. DelMostrolot 100 froc, 100 back, 200 boçk 2nd 50free 2W0free, 400 ire. Allimon Dunlop 'lot 100, 200breaatatroke, 3rd 2W1M. ath 400fr..e Boyn McCulloch lot 10011y 2nd ofly & h s Leslie Dowaon Hlgh point trophy winner lit -4W0LX, 4W fro 2nd 1Il y. 1W0 fro, 100 back 3rd 200 IIy th 100 breututroko Stocey Bout lut Consolation final th 200fr.. 2. 0fre.. fy th IW bock Erik Van DIJk 3rd 100 breaststroko 4th 200 breastatroke, Eth Consolation final 200 bock Brexian hMaosoei 2nd Consolation final 200 bock Smndy Honderuon 4th Consolation final, 4w LX &h Consolation final Andr.Bnl 2nd Consolation final 1W0 fly, 200 fly Sth Consolation final .&d 100 backb 100 fly Sth 1W friè Heather Johnson Sth 100 broauttroko Bon.. Ayotio 3rd Consolation final 2W0fly Sth 200 breaustroko Patrica Luke &h 200 breastairoko L6- '% Ç ,l another. Robyn McCulloch, in the s9aine division, added a first-plaoe fin- ish in the lOOm fly land was second in 50m fly. Aaron Lo was firtin'the l100m freestyle and had three second- place finishesi in'. the, boys agd 11-12 division. Stacey -Rout- was fmrt- in the conolaio fialof the 400mi medley for age s il and'12. Atoms defeat Aja"x, A urora Whitby's major atom B squad. came away undefeated' this past week with victories over Ajax and Aurora and a tie with Peterborough. Lars Clay- paced, the- attack with agoal and an assist in frontý of Brent Johnson's shutout goaltending as Whitby beat Ajax 2-0 Thursday rilght. Bryden Denyes also scored along with a single assist from Derek Van Five members of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club had firat- place finishes at the Markham invitationalheld recently. Leslie Dowson was flrst in the 400-metre individual medley and 400m freestyle and added -tbree seconds, -a- third and a- sixth ýto become the hi' h point trophy winner among girlsaged 11land 12. Allison Dunlop and Uisa -Del- mastro completely dominated the girls agedl10 and under division. Dunlop won. the: 100m and 200m bireaetstroke and 200m m edley nd 50m .fly, adding three secondplace finishes and a third. Delmastro won the'.lOOm free- style, lOOm backstroke and 200m backstroke, with sec'ond-place finishes in three other events and,, a -third-place finish in Whitby men's hockey W L T GI GA PMB Melonleringle. 10 1 2 82 39 2 Bey% Enterprime 82 3 66 40 19 c.K.Auto 8 4 1 56 48 17 07IM . 6483 58 40 15 Cu9tmAuto, 76 0 62 61 14 WavdssrChrys 6561 "41. sa13 Wêcraun 66 1 30 48 13 uBs ealty 4 7 2 48 68 10 Ciiff Lam Pium. 3 7 8 37 42 9 Cass 48 146559 9 HolnLumbor 27 4 33, 48 8 AtteaMjre 29 132 63 6 Soou s Jam. 10 CIL Auto 6 Wooyret 2 Melanle Pringis. 6 Davideso Ciury& 3 CIL Auto 4 NRSRhhly 2 >Roy'% Enterprise 8 Cousys 4 lloland Lwnbor 6 Cliff Lem Pluso. 4 OTooles 3Aiieraley mm e 1 Jan 13 Oua Brown Steve Wings3 Hernr Kaetta 3 DarrylWade Whltyr.. Prss 9 Mark 01>.11 3 Alan Montgomery 2 Mike Lawrence Jason Hommes Jullua Iserenveui Chad Harvey Jan. 6 Barry &Bryan 9 Warren Davidoon 3 Scott Sarguson 3 Mike Williams 2 Gene Murre WhtyFPreoPrs2 Paul Brown 2 7 Tribut Chria Ainsworth 3 Jeff Pola& Dan Riaddock Bany & Bryan Mike wlllams 2 Scot Sergoson 2 Gene Murree Tribute Chria Ainaworth 4 Jonas Derka 2 Jeff Poland 2 Jon Joneen Mark Ainaworth Oua Brown Steve Wing 2 Paul Caasidy Phil letta Dec. 23 Whltby Fr.. Press 3 Tributs Mark O'Dell 2 Mark Ainaworth 2 Paul Brown Chria Ainsworth Jona. Dorka Barry & Bryan O Gua Brown Philip ialetta 2, Henry alotta Paul Caaady Steve Wlng BA JanS6 Whltby'Kinmoen Mike Boucher 2 Geoff Cory Mike Carrol Joseph Jameq BUI Pagan 6 Coomcn Paul Moore 2 Chria Llndgren Wihi Opilrit 10 Greek Tycoo BarryProut 3 AdarnmMurre. Geo&'eylonpard 2 Bobby Baldwin Cameum Polanri 2 Jeff Mclmtyre Chad Joudrqy Robbe Dixon Midas Muffer Scoit Dormelly Nonl Yetman Jeff endrcka umcViscoti Jamon Paee marcGrey Dec.23 H & B Signa B. Farqubarsn CalgUMnakr Jason Langtbrd Corey Bread' Egmond.à .Saturday's matchup against last year's ali-Ontario champions, Aurora, saw Whitby corne out on top 2-1. Van Egmond,,connected on a Brian CriIly pass for- thefirst goal and Grant Souter hamîmered home a Wayne Richard to Scott Young combination to round out the scoring. Strong* goaltending from the Rich Sanders-Johnson duo helped ensure the win. The Peterborough contest. was Andrew As"b. Mati Norton Jeffe al Roja Enterpia.. 5 franklln Food& Ejon Swift 2 Tyler Derka 2 BlairRegu WarrenAX12 Km C&alWa Juatin Portier 2 JasonCunnlngham JamesGrie Dec. 23 Boy%. Enierpisa1 Blairagular Blades Skates. Braci Nicholos 2 5 Mark Burns 2 Mati Bongord Ryanflorwood DaMylPigmua 5 Franklin FOOd& Ryan Mmonight Stovon Towrle James Grimve Jan.13 Provincial Signe 2 10 Joel Johnson Brion Nelson Duffa Towlng 8 Todd Farquharsn 3 Nichlaiflse 2, David Farquharsn JulianRidi TlM Armstrong Kinamen Club Stophen Coroy Gary Ehao Koth Moreau Whit. Flrefghters 2 Andrew Ashbee Donald Scot 7 51,31 Constructon 2 Chadwick Parker 2 3 ProvincialSigna 1 JeffRondal MAJOR ATOM Mclvor Insurance 0 riT Cannon Paul Hoirlck Tim Hussey Jeff loan Kirk Iorovend' 3 Whltby Audio Luke Power Jamie Barnti Chad Mceonsle Jan. 6 ITT Carmon 4 Whltby Audio 5 Paul Helnrlck 2 Cbod McKenolo Joff loan Paul Matualak Stephon Race Provincial Signe Joel Johnson 2 Tlm Fnerm.yý Brion Nelson Greg Sauve Sean Sorenson Kinsmen Club.1 Ryan Blon Chad Elli - chut oui Der- 23 2PlrincialSigna Bob Coton Bria nolsn 1IM Fonnessey Whltby Audio a .Jameli.u.t3 2 Chad McKsnue 2< 2Anthony Comenza flT Carnm BrentImza8 Kirk Lerevered Paul Hoinrick a DuffSTOWIhIIS'. ToddFParquharuon JuMmanidi Mclvér Inise 4 Klnamen.ckt DougClàrke DuffaTowing ToddFàrquh well-balanced and ended-in a 2p2 draw. Sandées wa"very stable in net and was asisted by the strong dfnvefot of Rya McLeod, 7yson Peel, Ada MacCarl,- John Lang, Mike Oartwright and Bryden Denyes. Crilly opened the, scorng with a de ernine short-handed effort aided with assists from Denyes and-Dan Thorne. Richard potted number, two with helpers from Van Egmo nd gnd Young. WhtbyDwdg Sot Dormis StephemHBarngn Anderson Vetnlnr Michael Gubbles 5 8. Farquharmn 3 Matihewnlae Richard Miai matiew Porter WhtbyRlMamon Paul Wlnkley Whtiy Dodge Ken Towrie Chria Trinkuase Grog Leblanc Dec. 2à Whltby Kinamen Scott Messengor Nichlas Cowan StephenHEur"b Brait mao 4 Andermon Vejinarl Matthew Portier a ilKimmCrouch 2 Scot moor St@PhenHureae 1 'HOMOn& lurl 3 Bruan Stanton A. Y.amkmvich Ian Cuthbertsoa 3 -BrookllnKlnamen 5 Cameron Munro 3 TrorBremner Azrdrov Allison 2 Brooklin Kinamen 6 Jamie Gibb 3 Comeron Munro John Ca"*Oul Bruan Whllrul. 4 Kim Crouch 2 Whiby Dodgs Stophon Hureoak 2 Scott Dormi.3 - Grog eblone2 Home&ARural Ian Wataon 2 Ian Cutirbertson 3 Kovin Powell Cralg Connell ri Amder"netnr Michael çi*bls s MattheW Boe- Anidrew Ho)lme Chad Aikinson ?MORNOVICE Jan.12 2' Whtby Toyota 2 Whlthy Optimsi 4 MarkLombW2c ',. MlchaelWod 2< NlcholoaMhe 2 McTeauo Mer-. 2:Brooklln Concre.1 s Ravin Coanely McheDmalo 2 JamleEllck Jan Roy'aEntorpri»o 4'ý Dom'. Auto 3 rnce yoFrrw . Kvin eol BryaBatogefo ~ Bron"anPeil Julien Owen Chrl.topherhl.on Hgigland an 4 BecMtord Servi..7 b '2 Dameainad GregJorniton 2 Natl" Cit~ Jetf.ry PI:chut SSn Erseke Ian Wtrok Dan Voneâcholta aron 2 Ben.Stanier2, Androw bris.r2 mark orr S. Mclvor mn.race2 JasonIrwin JefiChartier imoit ATON* 3 Whltlry Optimisi Cameron Poland 3 BRobbie Dixon JeU collcutt Midas Muffler 7 WMhyEKinmen Andreow Jamioson 2 Mike Boucher 2 Mark Visconti 2 S. MacDonald 2 Neil elman BillPagan Maithew Swift Bobbto St. Pierre Andy Mathere GreokTycoon 5 Coscant Tyrone Estabrock 4 Paul Moore 3 Jason Torrena Darryl Pioche PREWRE Jan. 13 BRoy's Enierpria. 6 Provincial Signa Byan Swift 2 Joey Caino 2 BlairRegulor Andrew Sorichotti Todd Ba.nbridge Kevin Graham Jason Cunningham Whiiby Fireflghters3 Simon Aahrop 2 John Paul Liriano Franklin Foodo Tyler Derks 2 Shawn Kearns Robin Mcflougafl James Grieve Darreil C. Dion Sevill Construc. 2 Brooklin Kinsmen Trevor Harvey Chria Hortweil Matthew Rliddell David Dougherty Jon. Blodes Cuatom Mati Bangard 4 Gavin Fnder 3 whlt. Fireflghter 2 Donald Scot 7 Brooklln Kinmen I Graham Underwood Provincial Signa 4 Mati Andrea 2 Jan. 13 Chria Mooy 2 Mitchell Bro.. Maithew Smith 2 TMyBradmore zachWryMenard Jan. 6 Coscan Evan Johnmton Mitchell Broc. Matthew Smith 4 Darron Burley 2 Terry Bradimore 2 Zachary Menard a Whltby Optimiste Brant FWlahry 3 Stuart Shorpo jean UmaCron 4 mffing ])Dilera Mark Thompson 2 Jason Schlelffr 1 SmlllnsDriller> Shawn Hnatko 9 Whltby Opllmlts Brant Plaberty' Jean Marc Coron Dec. 23 Coscan 4 Mitchell Bros. Evan Johnston 2 - Mati Sm.ith Stuart Bailey Christopher Mooy Whltby Optimiste i Smillng Drillera Brant Flaherty Shawn Waters MAJOR NOVICE Jan. 12 Brooklinlamen 6 Cameron Munro 2 AaronBurke TrvorBremner Mathew Radford Brion Wtruk Home &Rural 6 Ian Cuthbertson 2 Ian Watson Cralg Connell 2 Andrew MacDonald Whltby Kinamen 4 Mlm Crouch5 Cbod Kawuaak 2 Barrti Church 2 Scoit Monmger 2 Mati Camenaull Tommy Rici a3 Dec. 23 Beckford Service IByan Haber 6 5 Jeftry Plchui 2 GregoryJohns lllcklnaurance Bon. Stsnton 2 3' MarkOrr Whltby Tropby >BPbe Ra id 2' Motthow Taylor TryleraRrim 1 KIYllmkilde., Brandon McBrid. 4 Dom'sAuto Chris. Elson 3 Byon Mathews S'. Dec. 16 HlghlandVan Dan. Dainard 3 2, Nichlas Headey mathew Taylor 3 Chris. Siznpson 8 RF Copy Centre 2 lan Pocher' BryanifMantie, 3MarigodLlàncln 0 6 Boy'snierprise2> Byan Farrw 2 6 Hghland Van 4 Dan. Dainard 3 NicholosHeadloy 4 WhitbyTrophy Il Matthow Taylor 3 M. Kubrynml3 Brandon McBride3 Robert Raid 2 KCP Copy Centre Dom's Auto 12, Bryan Mandle 2 Kevin Peel 4 Jochua Turctte Brandon Peel 3 B. Kortekau 2' Byon Mathe. 2 Chris. Eluon Marigold Lincoln I RocMiord Service -8 Tommy Bicica Dan Voneacholtz 3 ' Nathanlel Andres2 <RfyanHabor2ý Gregory Johnaton Boys Entorpri» 1 I Vck Inaurance Ryan Farrw B«. Stantoir 2 Andrew Greenn Aaroulorley Mark orr Whitby mnor hockey BOluS LifAGUE ffYluENBZ 11 -4

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