WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1991, PAGE 27 I couldn't believe my lite would change so much in just six monttis. 1 was scared to death about going back to school. After being home with the kids for tweive years, 1iwas afraid i wouidn't fit in. But from the beginning the teachers were soheipfUi. They gave me the confidence]i needed. When i finished MY course i dîdn't want to leave; it gets to feel like a famity. The Job Search Workshop gave me advice on how to look for a lob -and what toexpect on an interview. Now i have a job I reatty enjoy and i musing ail the skiiis i iearned at The Toronto Schooi of Business. Change Your Lite Todayt r- PICKERING CAMPUS -420-1344 OSHAWA CAMPUS 723-1163 Over 20 Creer Opportunities To Choose From. Financlal Assistance Avalabie For Quallfyng Students Oshawa. Ontario [S -ToonU~ to c lof usiUWI nssU TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is thé time to train for your Ciasî AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job plcement. information, contact Merv' Orres Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. WANTED. RELIABLE part-time hétp fr Wenesday evenîngs onty, 6:30tol1lp.m. Must be abe toîrIft somo heayfurniture. If interestod, Cati 683-0041 or 985-8161. il GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers wmother-in-law" clean every timet Environmentaily friendiy products onty. Employées are security checked, bonded and insuredi. 725-9177. HOME REPAIRS and Renovations, Electrical, Plumbing, Carpontry & Drywatl. Big or.amati we do t ail. 20 yéars experience. Gord, 666-4573. ...... .D ..........NE.... i eTUCIN SEVE LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. Artijur - Murray, Dance . Studio (Lýngtes and couptes wetcome). Phono 430-0014. COMPUTER ACCOUNTING for smati business. Statements, tax rotums, consuting. 579-7060. GUITAR' LESSONS. Beg inners and advanced. ^Accoustic, or oloctria. Cati Lou 666-1979, Whltby., PIANO LESSONS. Ail agoes weicome. Taught by a untversity music graduate. Saturday times availabte. Free introc %r-lSson. 668-2275. PATRICK'S GENERAL Services. Complote rénovations - residential and commercial. 430-1422. UNIVERSITY STUDENT neods extra money for school. Vf you noed your home cleanod at a roasonable rate, cati 432-3017. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywalt - tapinq and finishing, trimwork, ceramic tiling, painting and cgênerai repairs. Cati <416) 576-75803. HANDYMAN SERVICES chimnoy sweep, cleaning, repaira, rénovations- and od jbs 427-1674, ask for Art. PAINTER AVAILABLE for interior painting. Reasonable rates. Daniel, 571-6102. HURT ELECTRIC. Residential and commercial. For alt your etéctrios, inciuding installation of dishwashers, central vacs, garage door openers. Free estîmates. 668-5974. LOOKING FOR an experienced, energetic, reliable cieaning professionat? I work evenings and weekends. $25 per hour. Ptease caîl 432-8261, Lisa. PROFESSIONAL housectéaning. Reasonable rates. Cali Lucy, 430-6812 atter 2 p.m. or beave message. HOUSE CLEANING, avallablé. Pérsonai service. Reasonable rates. 433-7895. j ~r l'A DANNYS ENERAL Prtéct Your Invealmient ,Wltt Quallty Repairs and ImprovemoritS Basement Apartments Roc. Roomns - Painting Skylites -* French Doors WaterProofing Kitchens - Bathrooms. FRE£E LESTIMATES 666*-2821 _______________________________________________________________________ I BABSITER . rspositeRESPONSIBLE MOTHER of 3 expeiencd, ofersquatty dy yar olé offêrs quatlitydaycare ln expeienèd, ffes. qai.ty ca; er home. ýFlexible'-hours. Méats caro. Flexible- hours, any ?,e. and .-snacks included. For Rossland & Garden. F or informiation, cati, 666-5452. informration, cati 430-7631.___________ ,,,,ÀÀ'Six Months Chancied MY LIFE FR1 VATE- HOME DAYCARE. Rlossland/Garden. Rogistored nurse<Bri) 24 hours service. 7 days perwokCaIli666-0484. BABYSITTER AVAILABLE -to ovre for your chiid/rên in my home. Anyc age. Days orý attornoons. Fncod yard. West Lyndo aroa. Cali Susan, 668-4236 aflor 9:00 ar.. WEDDING DRESS. Unique Itatian import, size 7. Fittéd bodice, ontirely. hand beaded. Paid $3,000, asking $800. 436-3492. FIREPLACE à WOOD STOVE owners why toierate down draft smoke and weak chimnoy draw? Instal EROCAP. thé guaranteod solution from J.M. Industries. For fréo literature 416-986-5417. SKIS, POLES BOOTS-$7 and È" Svrai pn'airso sisand boots for sale. 6836638., GOOD BUY - Red and green velvet chesterfield and chair, $150. Play pen, $10. 668-4972. ...............- i1 A 1 i i~~~~6agîiwî -à %+f'1 -.: tzL1 ê' .. GUV RID.0F THE WINTER BLAHSI Caili ALS DRYWALL Spoeaizing in.. Homne Renovations - Rec Rooms Designed Ceiings - Plaster Mouldrings Caii AI at 666-1657 or 668-0535 Pleasé check your advértisoment for érrors on thé flrst day of publication. Thé Whtby Free Press will flot bé jiablé forfallure to, publish an a d, or for typographic errors -in pubtication béyond thé cost of thé space occupiéd by thé error up to-a maximum cost of, thé Insertion. Thé Whitby Free Pressréserves thé right, to ciassify or rejoct ail advertlséments. PREuPNMD (Cash, VISA, choqué received beforé déadline) $5.00 for 20 words; 120 eaCh additional word BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 eaChadditional w'ord AUCTIONSIANNOUNCE.MÉNTS 810 per agiate lino- (14 agate linos per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 billod DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS <Ada with bordera, picturés or graphics)-, Regular display rates apply - 860 per ýagate Une Minimum size 1 coiumn Inch $12.04- (14 agate Uines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 6*68-0594 DO YOU HAVE a special service or product?,Cati the classif lods and find out how to sou IR. Whitby Froe Press,668-0594. PART-TrIME BABYSITTIrNG services available in your home. Ages *3, and up. Referencos, avaitable. Registerod nurse. 668-8754. MOVING - Househoid iRems for sale. 433-7895. Also, apt.-slzod washer & dryor wantod. WOLF 314 LENGTH COAT. go condition. Asking. $200 or bst off or. 666-5452. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Face cordslbush cords. Dry h!ardwood. Pickup or delivered. Pruning trees and evergreens, cus adn basemetconps. Cai 649-3183. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionats - less than haif rice.u Large selection. MocKeen' ~urniture, 524 Simoos St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. M ýý 1