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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 3

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WHITB PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARYl16s 1991, PAGE 3' Boh ids ptmistie strike canb avere -Itemsfo agenda.(s) Monday, Jranuary'14,1ý991 Planning and' Developmnent That a rezonlnig application from the Grand Oak -Group tci permit28 townhouses on the:- southeast comrerof Brook.St.. N. and-Wallace Dr. -b. approved. espite a* 500-îaMe pettOn' fromf area .anythlng but slngle-famiiy. homeis on 1he site,councà yoted 4-3 to-approve 1he,., *developrnent. Even hougjh 'Ifs propertyls deslgnated- high denslty resldentlil ainthé: official plan, cbunir'Joe',-, DrumfèlthedeVelôper shouldconortth eçlstlng zonlnrg.,But oouncdlllor *Rois.sBtten arguedthat i ,.would b poor planning-to "s,ýandwýIch" slngle-famlgly homes between townhouses' almeady exlstlng t101h. south *and.a proposai for apartqient' Caurred That a rezonîng applIcatIon for a 24-unit apà building at 300 i, aàpproved but the units romai.n f l»E * :AthoughnloW de Tresidential, tho does flot permit, buildingon the s residenits*haàve f 'expansio .n propo building severai the years, theli attempt to add si That'arezoninigi f rom Esso Petrcl permit: a gas bai co nvenlence stci DudçSt.E. lb gas e-bar and, klos -occupytho sitej' southeast corne and*Kendalwoo ~ pannngdepartn Ifs aea la ïnow .by covnence: Camr Oprai That -the' Ontarlc permitted to use Park'Rocreatlor lits 125t1hfiannîver celebrations onE 1991, and that a $1.è500 be given reglmoint to defrm cmri Ttiat an Increase per cent in bingo licence tees chai munleipalfty bea Fées for an avei wlth a prize valug wiii romnain at tw thé total value of awarded, or $70. a serles of bingo Increase from $3 for each subseqt The change ls e) Increase Town rE $32,000Oto $34 0 By ie Kowalsold DurhamRgion's 1,400 public high schooltechers couid be on striko n two weeks. Lest Friday the teachers voted 84.S en e ect the Dur- h.. oard to d ucation's: final contract.offer. Teachers ao voted. 71.3 per cent in favour of strike action if further negotiations fail ta, pro- duce a settlorent before Jan. 28.> S But despite thie vote, officiais from bothý the teachers' .union and school board are optimistic a sottiement cari be reached with- out a strike. «Jt will. talc. movement, on both, siegaid S*hirley Smith, pro- aidenit'Of ' District 17 of the Ontario Secondary Schooi Tea- chers Federation. UW. are flexible in Our posi- tiqos, if the: boardcari showý the saine fleÉibility, a settiement cari b. reached.» Teachers* have been without a conitiàct isince'lest 'August. They were eèarning between $27,202 and $56,275 under the old agree- Ment. Although nô one issue i. dominating the talks, general areas of concern ta the teachers are working conditions, staffing, benefits,. compensation and retirement gratuity.' "They'ro al of almnoat equal concern, we have concernsei al areas » said Smith. Whle Smnith said Fridays vote indicates «strong su pport of the bargaining commnittesrecom- mendation ta reject the offer, board chairman I an Brown dis- "Brow;n, a Whitby trustee, said. thevote 'ta reject,.was predic- table, but.,the actual margin was <I-istori.,alIy, the outcome i. usualy i excess of 90 per cent," «What this meanÉ -.o me is that there i. a fairly signifficant pro- portion of teachers who see it as a- fair and reasonablo offer and are propared ta livo with it. Brown aiso feit confident a strike cari be averted. «I -don't thik it will corne toaa strike, I think wo're close enough ta get a settlement.» SavngGSTpaprwr FROM PAGE.i GST and thon wait to get, it baclc.» -Whilè eo «Il refueto pay the GST himsellf Halenda will' stILi coilect it frorn lus customers on produicto which, were formnally uubject to thé 12 pr*cent manufacturer.' sales taxe- "Won't b., denying the government thelir proper reveus only- creating les. Raperwoik. Hopefully,,thèel ire fwe PHaLcledhsttreiva reply to hi. letter. Noise proble m 1 mstr rtetAn Atlantic Packagling officiel. -llgh Si. lbe admits a noiqeprbm which. ýe numhber f ,câusedk'titheplanttasudoni 3d aI 24. amstery." 3signated- .HIoweyer,. geneýral manager ~urQnzonng Bob' Nelson was hope fui aurnt zpatmn engineers couid idontify the ante lpara, source «of ^the piroblim and, foi- 'Ioh owiïn-,a .trial run, the. lapnt ssfo r îlé . fuidbe back i opeationTues- times oer ..?ithink -if the -triasre test bëlein an uiccessful we cari statup today Mx more unîts. (Tuesday, »: aid Nelson. w application hAvenWt'-ddressedý thé problem, leumnto6e on< Nesô'persoýnaiiy' witnessed ýr and thè sàhutdown of the, nowspaper ire at 1903 recycing pient's,.zmachinery on edenied. A Sud W(eseparestr) sk now«oh honestwivdth you, when 'at 1h. you stand by it you cari taikia raof Dundas normai voice » said, Nelson. but - But'ho dW acknoôwlede that a mentstaf fel lowfreueny'.sound similar ta 'that-.of afoh "'iappeared ta ho ornnatn MI p equpment. stores.Yet, - once-outsiodo the factary, Nson saiid tafcnô Ikifro nendè~- Hwy 40- was loder- tan-any- hncomgfrom thopan >111i thôet t itan' onducting machmery.wil nt prateüùtil uitte te rcogize h ocrs'of ecitizens w r açi lo Regiiet b. ieusy. e'e cln innoise .qi i ', lsspcilists ad étingfirrnmea-ý i Complex for> surements,ý' - rsary Neson. ai-tatwl e i Sept. -14v cernpanyhpetrctfythe Igranlof, roblem- assoon as osila 10 the, quickfW.x" ië:not tii. answor. «'fier. is ýa Ilbng-teri s olution, ,ay exp9nses. we're worki -'. idenify- the led spec~iflc-soU:rceçn reti. of about ft Nlson aicithêérce ut 3pprved . Neéid ii.ublcpeeten o tper ê4t f tin. d >5 Vdlil't runn, aid i go. ep.o 32.5010 $34 «The lat . .etl'O stam uae bingo. -TJut ta ooket ai d seo t am roeô ensfom wa'aeitomedge 4 al.i.so prid ilati offiii Buthavesfreacoi ed the .pç>int we inspoct, the plant personaiiy. "W'rprepare.d .ta in~vite Mediatar David Fleet bas sche- duled further talks for Thursday and Friday at the Holiday Inn in Os3hawa. Although the strike deadline drawEs-cioser, neither Smith nor Brown have receive4 cals 'from concernoed parents.- «I have. not had any feedback from parents at ail,» said Smith. "That not to say others haven7t, but I.-personaiiy have, not.» * N'e been, a member of other clubs, but.these are by far the best facilities". Paul Grenier.member since May 1990 * uI joined in .19à5an the ongoing upgradesand new equîpment is great!" Gene Supryka member sînce 1985 * IIpiay a lot of racquet sports and find the numerous- leagues, challenges, and iadders great for my games." Graeme Macîver member since 1982 Brown said ho has not heard «a word» during curiront negotia- tions but did admit ta recoiving calîs Whon a -fact'finder'. report came out last faîl. ;The report reloased iOctober said teachors wanted a 12 per cent' rais. i a one-year contract. "I had a couple of calsa when the fact: findes report. was released, thoy'said no. way to 12 percent,» said Brown.. "But other than that, nothmng'. I 2ND SET'.0F.PRINTS I I pres Feb. 2, 1991 Corne on ln and weli give you a second set of prints on each rai[ I of C-41 colour print flimprocessed. WilI flot be combined with-any other offer. promotion or coupon. Coupon requird mrit 2 roils per customer. L ri ujs ail youroornegdvés and wèilmakéepdnts fo ro1n 49~ Of.E 110(11? AS ST TUS Ilm US' MOTO'PMOTO ccMALL 80 ThiCkson Rd. S., Whîtby>43O1-676-4 * The fitness tacilities and free weights are great.' Remo Romano member sinoe 1988 ul' take full advantage of the nursery service and aerobics program." Kathy Cramne member sînce 1985 * The ongoing social activities are an added bonus." N orma Holdcroft. member since 1982 ____________- WITHOUT A«DOUBT .. THE ÈINEST PRIVATE FACIUTY IN, DURHAM REGION! 'LISTEN TO YOUR NEUGHBOURS" FEAT-URING *SQUASH *RACQUET BAU.., e. FITNESS Ë WEGHNT GYM *CARPIO CENTRE eSPA' *MUCHO.MUCH MORE I a

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