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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 5

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Resid en ts dîvîi By Mike Kowaloki Residents of a new Whitby subdivision are stili dividod over the best location for a neighbour- hood park. As. a resuit,' Whitbys parks and recreation department wil try to arrive at a possible com- promise solution. Residents of the ERDF subdivi- sion, north of Rossland Rd. and east of Oochrane1 appeared before Town council s operations committee last week aru Itheir r espective positions. Last year the Town received a ietition fromn 146 householda in tearea asking that a park be built at the west end of Briar- green Ct. However, the Town also recei- ved a counter petition from 13 oer househoids opposing a park in that location. These residents, whose homes back onto the site, would prefer a, Wparkbe built either north of Whitburn St., in the Equity sub- division, or behind- Kapuscinski Ct. A.staff report noting that.the exact location o# the Equiîty sub- division park canrnot yet be determin1ed, b as recommended against a playground on Briar- green at ths'tme. ~lyndhurst' Ores. reaident John. Christie wsone of seeal'- sp*eakersin', sup>port oý.f; 'aYB"r- green park., Christie said a park in the Equity subdivision will not be built in time te serve children Ialready living in the area.' And be rejected staf's sugges- tion that a parkette planned-for the nearby Stolp subdivision Scould ' serve many of the rosi.- dents. «TMat parkette is too small, it will be overutilized,» said Chris- tie, "Kids can't even fiy v kite on a parkette.» But even if itwas larger, RDF SAV EU TO 50% OF SV SELECTED; ITEMS, 20% Solid Cherry Canopy Bed, - On Prints, 3poSectional UPH Grouping, u'Lghin9. Pine Armoire' Ch"rryWàll Units. anAceors WHIIB FRE'PPSS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1991, PAGE S led over parkocatýion 1accessiblity and parkin. However, Carl* il o f ail b ru f said Edwards. She also said that i Pthe -pak Kapuscinaki Ct.,r siaid supporters Councillor bennis Fox aE is te serve people witbin walldn~ were not advocatin!g a massive urged the residènts towo distance,. it should be locateâ playground on the site. tegether. residents would stili not be satis- fied said Christie. «Ã"ur subdivision does not have a park, we should not have te use a park in another subdivi- sion.» Christie, tookumbrage with a staff re?ort whicb said the sub- divisions9 estimatéd population of 721 falîs short of the municipa- lity's minimum requirement of approximately 1, 148 people. MTh provision of a payground in this area would be well in excess of the~ provision level for playground structures," states the report. Christie, boWever, said the subdivision averages two chl- dren per bousehold which exceeds the Town's average. "We were teld by the developer five years tago LC i ULUAi C park here. Ve don't see it pro- posed in the current time frarne. "We're not askingr for a higbly developed park, only fora place for kida te play.» H But accordingt elen Brooks of Woodhaven Oe. any type of payground on Briargreen would. ewrong. She said several residents *paid a premium for having undevelo- ped land in their backyards.. In -her own case, the prmum on ber bouse was U$20-$25»O00» She iaid many residents would bdietyaffected by a park and asked the opposing camp how they would feel if t he rolea were -"I wouldlike those who signed the pétition (for a park) tthink of something -being foisted" on their backyards,»" saîd Brooks. When this fact was pointed out to park proponents, «soine of those sanie pole signed my petition as we l,»said Brooks. Other reasons cited by Brooks for not locating a park on the site included problems with fiooding, To the editor: copy4ofletter - "We don't want a huge park, juiit a p lace te sit and watch our kids play. We don't want play- ground equiprnent in the fiood- plain,» said Willson. «There is a central area away from botb bouses and tbe flood- plain.» Willson also rejected the Kapuscinski pro posai, saying cbildren do flot play tkere now because of niosquites. .She said "fur or five» acres of land would have te be cleared of trees and horneowners oppose removing any trees. Councillor Tom Edwards felt both sides presented their argu- ments well, but said comprom- ises will have te be made. ,"I feel confident in view of the commente made tenight, we will end up witb some faclity we can 0o 'k "When you have neigbbour against neîghbour it wont solve the problem, there bas te be a compromise," said Fox. But Fox admitted he was not sure bow te best settle tbe'dis- pute. "What y ou have bere is a feeling Of tremendous frustra- tion,» said Bugelli. "People are wonderigwbere there parkai are, but this is com- poundied by the people on Wood- haven who paid a premium for privacy." Bugelli promised that the pro- blem will be addressed promptly "Let's lot wait te see tL Equity proposaland Stelp, it's more urgent than that.» Staff was directed te inyestiý- gate botb short- and long-termn solutions. i 4 * I I te oertooeiiut I amn a big fan of yours, -and I look forward te your cartoon every week. After a long, tiem Wednesday, I turn straight to, your cartoon. Styx is my favourite character. Could you please send me an autograpbed sketcb of Styx? I will treasure it and put it on my wall. Thank you. Day. Trotte whitby STORE WIDE SAVINGS UP TO 25% OFF On Stock and Special Orders for Every Rooim of your Home. Quality Constructed in Solid Cherry, Oak, Pine +and Mahogany.., -wýfl>P The summer is gone- so is pasture putt'. The hilis are ready * for winter fun. Remember our pies & tarts, avoUlable year round. on- For more Information, cali 15 miles north .of Whitby, Lakeridge Rd. 655-3091 PIea~e Pecycle 11i~ ~e~spaper IrorBEER Lovers oni 'AIL- iurtner soutn, in thle centre of the development. Councillor Joe Bugelli, com- mittee cbairman, sttressed tbe fiooding danger mentioned by Brooks. . Flooding is a very real con- cern, the lot lines were developed te avoid flooding,» said Bugelhi. Honest people To the editor:- Yea, we have some honest people in Whitby. I would like to thank tbe lady who found my nxoney at the Whiutby library. Many thanka - a donation bas been given te tbe Salvation Army. Thanking you once again. D.W. Browna IEnoy cartoon

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