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Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 7

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WHFBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 160, 1991, PA GE 7 PAGE SEVEN CANADLAN PACJFIC HOTELS AND AIR eCAN A If ou travel hnesae-o ilnotice that Canadian PaifcHtlsi ýReot and Air, Canada, are making some changes towaïds a hWtbi0r enroment. - the autro of 1990, 'Canadien Paciflc Hotels & Resort (CPH&R) unidertookthe deveopmentof* a,.program t nttt bghsadrso nhoinmental re. nuib yat each of CH&REs 24 hotelà acroas Canada. In..the pasit *to,yersIfnubero tela in the CPH-&R nètwork have bedr-i màkrÈgindivi*dual efforts toreylwae and& conserve - èergy. Wowever, ,thée launch (of the company-ide rgrmimarks, -the 'beinaning -of a compréhensive environmental plan for alliCPHRi hotels. As the. first, stage ýiný,developing. a company-wide 'green p an,' CPH&R je going to ,the front line!' - and àasking its.10,000 hoà ernpWyees across Cazàdaëfr sug gestionrs. 'TIus is aunquJapracto developing an envirornmental p etra .< .aysAnnChckley, CPH&RPs director -of -public reltiions. 'In addition to asking outside consultants, where environmental ù*mprovements can beâmade, we're asing our employees. They know better than anynehow thinge work at. our hotels, and are often, theefirst ltà reali-ze w'here improvements cari be made. By combining employéee ,suggestions.andpof s*oalreomedatione, we can build *anenvironmhent p hcy*ic is both effective and realistic." -At each -hotelý*, members of ail departments will- be asked about tLheir procedurea' and facilities. Employées i the. hotel laundry are, askedý abouît eveirytb*ing from détergent use to water température, ichnworkers discuss composigtafo .*ýsoae The s-urvey wnll discover where -environmientallyý- friendly products cen-be- introduced, how waste cari be reduced, and how each hotel's. relationship with the local ecology cari b. iimproved At Air Canada, four Toronto employees feit that recycling aluninum cans was a sensible idea. Little did they know that 'their enviroiental concerri would sweep the company and spark a regcding revolution witbin the airline. Tlheir initiative began as a pilot project last March, spearheaded by' an ad hoc recycling omttee made up of pursers and ffight attendants. The jgoup devised a systeni to obtain cana from ail planes flying into Pearson International Airport, and have them placed into at 1,125-ilograni Alcan recydling bin. Due ta the success of this employee effort, Air Canadat plans to expand it on ail fights ta Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax. "Neyer doubt that a small group of thoughtf'ul, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed its the only thing that ever bas." - Margaret Mead, antbropologist. By 7êrry O'Shaughnessy * Old man winter hesn't looked this tough in years. TIt seerns that every time you turn on the television these days, another business bas been forced to close its doors. What with the current rough ride of the economy and fastdmn ishing confidence in any irnmediate relief, the onset of bitter economic conditions is putting Canada's confi- dence into deep freezefo r at least the time being. A recent public opinion poli, for state of the economy. Certainly in recent weeks there's been bad news at every turn. Inflation grew to 4.8 per cent and is expected to go higher;.the unemployment rate jumped to 9 per cent and is likely to increase; and retail sales are down significant ly. If recent reports are to be beieved, consumer and business con- fidence has plunged to' one of the lowestlevels in 30 years. The latest bad-news indicator cornes from the resuits of a biannual confidence survey conducted by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. The survey, entitled "Na- tional Business Watch" shows just how far small business confidence has shrunk. For exemple, independent businesses in Ontario and Alberta are currently having to weather the iiiofiis stormiest taxation and regula. tory-conditions. Despite beingamong the -country's wealthiest economies, these provinces have been labeled by CFIB members as Canade's harshest operating cdimates for small business. example, shows just how concerned Canadians have become about the Firms operating in the other downturn in the economy. According provinces-Newfoundland, Nova to the poil, 25 per cent of respondents Scotia, New Brunswick and Saskatch- put the econorny as their number one ewan are expecting no improvement in concern-a 13 per cent increase since their respective business climates. May of this year. Perhaps most tell- The survey concludes that what is ing of al is the fact that the constitu- underlying the economic fears of the tionl dbat-th toQ24cer of.the Canadian public is adeep loss of faith Canadian public for months now-- in government to steer the best course has been toppled by aimqW83ti Jfo~1iiU4if ? IRESIEDENCE 0F GEORGE CONRAD GROS%, C. 1891 This fine brick bouse was built in 1883 at the corner of Byron and Coîborne Streets for George Conrad Grass (1807-1893),' a downtown bardware, mercbant who was borrinh Germany and came ta, Whitbyr by way of England about 1859. W b y Arm ho 10 YEhE ADO from the Wedttesdlay, January 14, 1981 edition of the IVMM MZPR-M *A Durbami District Health Counicil study says the Whitby Psychiatric HaSpital should shift sorne dits role ta, the community. * Te twn oucil lcosdering designation, of the 1860 home "Inverlynri" as a heritage buildi n u s os " Toll-free phone service between Wbitby and Toronta is being considered by Bell Canada., " Mayor Bob Attersley bas directed the. town staff ta look into ways te improve failities for the disabled. 25 TEARS ADO from the Thursday, Januairy 13, 1966 edition of the WHIrWEEKLY NEWS " Three le bave been killed in auto accidents ini Whitbhi three weeks. " Counicillor 'Bob Attersley is ta serve on the Whitby Industriel Commission, Annexation Committee and"tawn band board in 1966. e William J. Anderson Company is planning a 4,,800 square foot expansion to its box factory on Eucid Street. *Wbitby Deputy Reeve George Brooks is a candidate for Warden of Ontario County. 75 YEBARS ADO froni the Thursday, January 13, 1916 edition dfthe .WHIIB GAZETI'E AND CHRONICLE *Billets are requdred by soldiers of the ll6th Battalion stationed in Whitby. *Arecruiting meeting will be held at the Royal Theatre on Januar 16. *ERL Blow of Whitbhy Wi instail!the. officers of Sussex Lodge SonsiaElaànd, on January 14. *Harry T. Thonipson ie selling work shirts at 50 cents each and tailored suits from $15 ta $20. I ~-* ,. - - -'1'~ LMainstream Canada Economic forecast bleak and gloomy' I ~ i jrý!;

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