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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 17

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WIWH PBYFREERSS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2%,1991, PAGE 17 SLOW SPEED-.IGH RISK As a driver, what do you do when you glance in year rearvlew or aldeWlew mîrror and neo another voehil approachlngut hlgh speed? meut motoriste rucogaize the potential danger the approaching vohicle presents'und rospond by paylng a' little more attention and preparing te, take some evasive action if necessazy. 1Hope1filly, evon the sedn motorists--regurdless of what we mlght thlnk cf hs or her attitude--lu watching and antlcipatlng the meivements of, the vehicles it's Î .He or she may not ho able toop in timeé, but at eutey wlll get a good look ut what they'r about te it. .But vehlleu .donthâve to - etravellngat h1ghs peed te present a yotontial dangethey onl hay te hob un ourlier colunin, 1 noted that it lun nt the absolute apeed of a vohicle but the speed differential (le. the differonce hi-l speod -hetween two vehiclea) that ia the critical factor i mont accidents., Two .vehiclos, each travelling at 100 km&h cnly inches aert,, will roinm inches apart us long. us thiey h oth maituln exuctly the. urne speod. But, if the firât vehicle' slows, dewn or'the second -vehicle speeda up, a colisioni wlll cur. T ho collision force iU doepend on the dIfference In upoed botween. the two 'vehicles u the The key Poinùt lai that àny time there,, js a speed diffrential, there la the potential for un -acident. The greter the difference in spoed, the greater, the accident' potential, and the greater the need to exer cis caution. Simple enough concept. Now corne the tricky part, upplying' thia prïncipe t our everyday drivinq habits., One comm n'drlvlng situation where tlus rpncp1e should be, but fr-equently la flot, applied'probuhly meurs several times on almost every tri p we take., Travelling 'on a -rcad that hua two lunes i each drxection, the left lune. has stopped or.lu moving slowly becaude one of the car up ahead lu wultig te, turn. The, rlght lune continues to move. unlmpeded aet the. legal speed, limft. Your a.re fortunate enoughte, be i the rlght lune. As you apprcach the tail end cf the queue that hafcrmed in the le u ne; what is the one thlng ycu know about almost every driver I the'slow Jane? They wunt te he in the fust lune! Your lane! Why la this a rlsky situation? Firat, traflice i the slow lune wiHl be tightly spaced. For uny car I the Uine, the vehicle ahead wIl2! force a lune change to be made ut a sharper angle than desirable. The vohicle behind wlH obscure the sightline cf cars upproaching i the fat lune. This unoertainty cften leada motoriste te use the cress your fingeru and houe' method, for important decisions as they 'jump'lntctheé next lane. Once this drive bau stajted te, jump .lunes, *ho- or she ha vlrtuully no abillty to take any corrective action if unother vebicle lsauppmuaching i that lune. .Second, muny motoriste if the fuat lune driving ut the speed imit, are not uware cf the potential danger cf thia situation.- Conseuotly, they are net paying uny particular attention te traffici the, slow lune und are flot prepured te take uny evusivo, action when someone 'jiumps' out i front'cf them. The resuite are (freqently) obvious. Vihose fault lu it? It really doesnt matter. ýDefensive 'drivlng means » drilngte,'pÈévent accidents ispite cf'the action cf others. The -driver chunging lunes may have cau se the accident, 'but the approachiig nmotoriste.could 'have, avoidod it. 1 -henever you're diigon a multilune rouad, where. coe lune, is' moving fauter thun the other,: reenimber speed differe ntial equals accident potential. Méorists hate te wait, theyepartlcularly hate-to wuàit frother motoeîris. Puy a,, ttie- extra, attention ýte vehicles in the slow lune. You know they want'te move inte the faut lune. Watch for and expect someone te turn out in front cf you. Be propareddnt lot someone olse involve you in their accidient. DRIVE SAFELY. -SERWING DURHAM FOR'OVER YEARS m peýoplenot buying- By Mike Kowalskl Although automobile prces may bene-fnt from thé GST,'the overail economy is preventing people from buying. A, random survey of, local car dealers ha foud that* while consumera appreciate* cheaper vehicles created by the new taï, sales are still - 'down from- last year'a figures.,- "Vie are down, ne question,» said Rex Th îma8 of- Whitby DoCe ei d people net to buy )efore Ji.1 s.! fotheyheldoff purchasin. "?Iw they come. in and see the stic"ker price ls lower but then they uéeo the tai. We've not sold uny, more than in the p're- -As Thomnas explainied, the replacement of the,.formner m anu- facturera' .sales ".tax with the seven per cent -gooda and se rvices tai ha reaulted ini loua cstly automobiles. A $10,000 car for example droped to $8,896 when the old CÎhddnWýmanufàctureraW tax7 wm"as no longer rieflected'ini the a-ticker price, said Thomas. But -whereathe eight'er cent Onturioales tai added'. $800 to the.base price-of the car, the' GST combined ýwith -theplro- vincial tai now adds $1,353.80 in taxes té the base price. "In effect the car la $580 chea- per than béfore -,but . ypu, pay more itai,» sadThomas.ý* The'new ;tai .becomea even' more_ apparent on higher-priced SER PAGE 22 Thik aoutthe MONI SUBAR .. $A GREAT INVESTMENT $RELIABLE $ SUBARU5 If you think about it, youilII 9wn, one;ý MOTOS 1705 DUNDAS.,St. W. WHITBY CHEVROLET'S FINEST* 1980 Malibu Sedan, ' V6 Auto, P.S., P.B., Radios' 1 owner, sharp car OLDS LUXURY 11983 Olds Cruiser Wagon, Air, Fuli Power' otions ncluding seatswoodgrain, leather trim, Iow, km's P1-0.....395 ONKOWNER 1984 Arles K Car, 4.cyl, Auto, PI.S., P.B., Radio, Vinl Top, only 68000 'kr's P-O1S........----95 4 x 4ECONOMY; 1988 Suzuki JX Plus 5 speed, Hardtop, Mag Wheels, Excellent with only 55,000 km's P -015.....595 SUPER ECO'NOMY 1982 Datsun 310 GX Automatlc, 13,13B, AM'/FM Cassette, 2 tone, lHatchback, only 70,00 *k ml P-01........$...-1.,'- 29995.: D0NT MISS. THIS ONE <1982 Si 0 Pick-up, 4* Speed, P.S., P.B., Fibreglass Cap SptIsonditioni GREAT>WORK VAN, 1985 Doidge 150Oustomi Automaitic, P.S., P.B. Cassette, Insulated and Panelled Interior P-00A..;... .*3695 C Qaity at Affordable Prkce, Please give geperoi tô RANDY MeLEAN 88 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SEIUE IN TRAFFIC SAFETY.. Mk. McLean has reviowed thousandsof Individuai mnotor vehicie accident reports and his close worlng relatlonships with police agencies, goverrnments. uufeéty associations, industry and the public, have given hlm a true overview of trulfic saiety Issues, problem and- solutions ln Canada. 'a sij fflý thru brake centre muffler &

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