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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 19

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*iWHryFMREoss, WEDNE8DAY, JÀN'i-AIRY>2 "9' uî, PAGE 19 Stee Haks'season starts Tursday 'ome'>in PtroughBranfr PINOAGOSTINOk of Denis- O'Conor» goti -a !r ough senior hockey: action*,reent. O'Cona »Y OhM BoRvie Even tho h the Whitby Steel Haks pro 1acros0 teamha llned -vp home dates, the -,lub* may not see* action in Durham .:. Region'this year.- Club presidenit Paul" Cotton sayas "home' dates will'include forgamies in eterborough and" two in, Brantford, the,-location of other teami iii the ,ýleme. The'club w-asUnabl to get ice. ý time at Iroq'uoj Park, areÉla. ~~ ~ ~ Whilethe club wn' aveloa rcipts "ho . me'games in 4 *~ thé other arenas. The, Hawks. wil open with iee road *games Jan. 24' in, Guelph, ý-Jan. 25 in Irantford and p Feb. ý2in Buffalo. Home games are,'ýheduled, in Peterborough« at tlýë.,Mémorial ~. Centre for Feb. 15, March 8, -Mach 29 and April 2., Home dates,,xn. Brantford will be played Feb. 4 and Feb. 15.. "It' a disappointment not affectedin Whitby,' Cotton saicL "'Alhouh Ctton 18 disappoin- ted ýoveér .the 'l'ackf ott teéa iva« rcéed s80 ar he èiS 'cnieiýthinÏgs will be worked outnet1eaon ý«We havehadev indication that if we hadappjed sooner thirs cul, ave.Jeen worked, '< Despite ail the turmoil sur- * rounding the--Steel Hawks, the saohas,,,ta3rted 'and atten-7 dance, was high for the opening game , btw Qnuel 1an CottMý also, mentionèed that next sêaoôn the club will be goîng after .sorn players that are curreently plaing south of the ýÈ.- border in a pro league., On sc payrmay be Peter Parke, leading. scorer last year in Ontario major làcrosse, who is ior ~ playing in Detroit and will'suit çkor #ipup fôr the Redmen once again tels season.- Parke bas been fre-- *ueting training camp practies'l own tgdSr îty t 1 -W -atom in, t. urnamen JVS Construction minor atom selecta' recently won the chanipionship- of, the Tom Mfilîs Memorial, .Tournaient held in, ScarborougliJn 1-3 SStrong goaltending by EriMc Carter and, Rob',Ferguson:carried Whi*tby' throughout the' tournamnent., Wh.itby tookthe first match against Pickering - by'a 6-3 ,score. Goals-for Whitby were sàcored by Chris ]Reid (2), MatheW Smith (2)i,'Brant Flaherty and Luke, Power,. In the, second gamne aganat Agicout anadians, Whitbh w1o .-.C Goals f!or J Construction, were 1 scôredlb Heinrich and Read. PoÏw and Heinrich, one e ach and -two-' assista. The Most, exciting gaine matclhed> Whitby againat the Agincourt Lions. Whiltby led the' firatý period with goals froin Hein rich'and Dale. Agincourt tied the score in- the second, period. Powýer scored in 'the. third peiod for_ WVhitby. and Aginicourt. retaliated with two goals.ý1ý ,ýýýý With 1:59 left Smith scored for Whitby to, force overtime. In the five-minute .overtime' ero> there were great saves and plays shootout, Whitby came out victorjous, with great- goaltending, bCrtrand'scoresbySit and Heirich.ý' In the final game againat Thornhill, Whitby won 5-1 'on goals i-by, Heinrich, <2), Power, Smtiand Paul Matusiak. In regular season play, on Jan. 19, .W'hitb ginpayd'the. Agfincourt Lions-andý came ,away- with ýa- wýin o!f -5-2., Goals were,,by Farruîgia -(2),-Ardy, Mueller (2) and. Heinrich. Pjwer ganed three assista.,, On Jaàn. 20- Whitby, met' the East Gwillim b;îry atom team. After .a .slow start ,in.- this aggressive maý'h, Whtby came away' with a 6-3 win, on gSols by' .Mueller.. (3), .Heinrich (2) and ike Mclvor. Whitby SMS Marine. minor peewvye. AA hocke'y team won ý the 'interenational silver « stick, tournament 'held in Newmarket last weekendc.- Béhind ïhe excellent goaltending of Troy Jérikins (one shutout) and Marc-,aheridaii (two shutouts), the team allowed.only six, goals in five gaies *hile scoring 19 gas Whitby wntunefatdin the fivegaies. oweerit took. an overimegoa byGavnProut te defet Mrkh m ii the. ,Terry With 10oi nts (seven goals, thre asista)followed 7.b defenseinan ,Gavin Proiut wthZ nine .points: (one goaleight asssto).' O0ther te=m players who contributed ,to a strong teain effort te, wini the tournament are forards Ron'Sheath (four goals), Jeremy Lawson (two goal), Craig Lanegger (two goals), Rob Vitale (one goal), Paul Webb (one goal), Coiyi Hass (one goal), Chris Géring Mark Reid and efensemen Rob Dancey, Matt hoô cke BIOUSE LEAGU Jan.1 Roy Enterprim lan Hierbiaon 2 RF Copy Centre hmnParker 2, Joshua Turcotte 2 AndrwPirm2 RonRobrta Redkford Ber. Ctr. Natuaniel bjndres 2 Highland Vanter. 3 Nflahaotter Souri Brmke 7 Marigoid Llicoln 8 Matthew Hircock 83 Tommy Ricica 2, Gregory Brown R-""PobertEbery 1 VickInaurancm 2 Aaron 5OMIY Whitby=ohy 2 Domn'a4"toParts TIer Hamon 2 Daniele Tim stady. WhtbyTrophy Doms Auto Para. ýBeckford Ber. Ctr Vick Inaurance Iighland Van R.o/aEnterprime Marigold Lincoin .KPCOpy MINOR squr Jeu. 20 Pauport Whitby Ban Power 2 Mdm .Thihodeu 2: RogerM(ao Gregory VWi1aàe' GeoIY WeDa2l Matthev Doucette CGF CA'r ý64>33 l8 57 338 ,12 à7, 24 10 29 26 10 41 49 8 28 43 6 25 45 6 .*59 2' I 1: Bhawn Demain JameUDora MarcMacDonald .peyAuto (lia. Adam Daath Jami. FnK Ryan Blaao Paul Ranger 5 WadeBman -Tanner Twtning 10 Catiadan Tire William Deir 6 Brandon Fowler Maatýer droora . 4' Bt>.1e Ahovo Name Farquharao Michael Houlden Robin Cote 3 Erie CoUina 2 Jeremy Brimble' Jan. Il Bpeedy Auto Otan, Ryan Siaao2 Paul Ranger 2 Andre Loebei JaimieFoe2 TanerTwining 2 Joui Erik imer.oo Ppot Whitby Geoff Wons Adoa Thbidaàu *Brian Crawford tCanadian Thw William Dwur 4 Bd. Bowlei Brandon Powler BANTAM Jan. 12 H & BERS" Corey Broad *Chad Peteraoe Whitby Klnuen Rtyan ,MacDonad 2 MileBoucher Adam KeUNne Ricard Welner ChriaïKilloan 3 MflkCarroli. Midaz Miuer-. Daniiel Dvkiia2 Matthew Bwift2 Nid eftnan BCttDmnafy Kare FRnp"hraon 9 style Above Jean Hake, Erie Colins 2 Piul Lombardi 4 6 (luit aý mMrc D nà 2 Or. kTycooeý Brodielicharda GoomyBmird 2 cottlyde Mfike Bavefle DennlaCanner Darayl Plombe Peewees,,captur sl ver stic

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