PACVE 20, WHIFl'BYRFE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, jANUMtRy 23, 1991 Atomsunheaten, Whitby Raycan financial, major atbm AA hockey team rec ently completed the'regular sËeaeon without a loss. Whitby won al .19 games and also won chanipionshîps- in the regional silv'er stick ' and the Newmnarket tourna'm'ent. In ,-theewmarket 'touprna- ment, hefd Jan 11-13, Whitby def:ted orotoAeros 4-,Sd bury Raiders. 4-0, Mississ4uga Noréth Stars 44',and theni Picker-, ing4-2 in the final. Mark Haynes had two 'goals and an: assist in the champion- . Mkebçrýonhad a .goal. and an: assiât and Ryan OULaiyha two a ssists, -while Jos3h Evans made' several big saves, in the win over Plckering. The two teains wiIllmeet in playoffs to determifte which will advrance to the ail-Ontario cham- pion ship. ,Belihouse awarded. ,5th 1dan black> bei.t, D uring a recent JapanTsu Yoshi -Cl instructor of -the -I Cto RYU ,Ka Association, gradu Bellhouse of Whitby, KaaeSchool :to 'f111 lelt. In addition4,. Chitos Bellhouse terank, which signfies sÀ instructor. The Shihà infre.>uentyOgivenMin IcarteandBellhouseé visit from ^fouth.,.recipient' in ýCanadien- itSe, head Chito IRYU. rternational The Whitby Chito RYU Karate iate. - Do 'School., wasfornied i'1985 by âted t ýBelihoùse -and bis wife* Loi Chito 'YUherseif &'third dan, and has be ,14don blackan --iwtgiralpart' of theWhitby > -community îecreationpogS e arared hit .18i taught, of Shihan ý-throughout, the progam at 1.master ,.Pringle, CreekBel4 oGlen'.- inrn 'is Dhu iüd PalMerstn,ornmunity. traditi n*nal swhooôls under the su'opervision of is~~~~~ onyte SihnBlhue.- Bstke consolaion- The Brooklin & Whitby Dis- trict Kinsmen,,major ý~vie Bs3 won. the consoilation _jtIte at a tournîainentin Be3lleviflrecently The Bs' were' supposed to be'in over their :,heade, at this tournanient. that included alMost ai Atéanis. "But Whitby went' on tocapture Itheir division wvith three straight wins.' ýWhitby'first opponent was an AA t à ':ani om K'ingston TownÀship wfo were outsc orod - 4-2.. Sécond was theWiodat Hawks -Who were not only' held scoreless but also,nevrgot a shot on the Whitby gëoalie. Whitby'won Third was the AA teamfrom' Ajax who fell to, the Killer Bs,,4-3 in .what,,,was anail-bitter .from start to finish. The win over Ajagç gave .Witby the, division: title. The Whitby AA' and% Belleville teams wvere the other two division chamnps,-and the', Mississauga Braves took the wildcard spot. The' Éà faced Bellevill n tht semi -round and lost in -the 'second ivetUme period, by a score of 2-1. ,The Bs'won the consolationgame, -4-0 overWsisaugâ, and placed. third'overali ,-behi nd Whitby ýAA Mnd Belleville AA. ýTop point-getter for the Bs was, Brad McNaughton with' seven goals and three assists for 10 points; Danny Small, had, goals and two assists for nine points; Jason Peyman, four -goals- and two- assisté; Jordan Fitzgibbon,'six 'asists; 'Scott erethree goals, one assist; Janiie Gilies aà nd Jeif Church, one goal andl one assist; Jared Brown, one goal, three assists..1 Steâven Pigra-M rný and Ryan Callaghan .were- once again hot between .the' pipes with .two shutouts, and allowed only seven goals while'cobllecting 24 goals. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, COMMUNITY SCHOOL WINTER, PROGRAM OPENINGS Opnn s dsili avalab6le in " m' wnter community school programs ofidt the following schools. Belhuood Community School Glen Dhu Commfunity Sohool Pà lmnerston Community School PdinleCffeek Commfunity$Schoèl For furdier Information please cali the commun«i ty sdcooI of1 your cholce. 571-4770- 666-0969 666-0959 668-0666 Whitby rep hockey -Sponaored by Belamys Jan I MWltby 13 Broakyllle JudStevensoan 3 Matt jardin a Scot Be= n2 Marc Lmr 2 mie iefforlzsg elakl B d ' Shutout.' Daid ChantlJeff Jackson ,Jans. 12 Mike Hamilton 3 Judd Steenhn 4 Semis Hà ynes 3 Nick Owen 2 Anda'w Mar.baf Jin. 12 ýWhiij' . Kyle Crouch Marc Lamern Andrew Marahal Sehn iRaynes Scott Basaun Bellel#2 Napane. S-i.FI'jsl Jan.. 13 whitby» Sean Hayises Marc Lamer. Judd SteveSWon 8 Miaai.aanga Jans. l8 Mike Hamiltai Marc Lumen Nick Owen Miatt-Jardin MAJOR NOVICE 9B Brefad McNaughton. Jordn Fitqdbbon Jami. ailes Jeff Church Ouhgwa Brna s Eam lGWMIlhiuayTOea...È Jan. 5 Whitby -2 Jordan Fitugibbon Jel Churh' Rlcbmand MHIE 2 Jais. 6 Whitby 2' Bradford Jasis nPoyman Dnny SmaD shutaut. Steven Pigram/Ryan Caflaghan Jais. Whitby, 8 Woadbridge Brad McNaughton CaaoyDupant ,iKy Mac. Shutou., Steven Pigrm/Ryan Caflaghan Jin. il WhltbY' Brad McNaughton. Jasais Peynsan King"tnTWP. whtyIl -Wp1owda1e O Bad MeNapghton 3 Jaeoi Peyman JaredByown sutout: Rymi CeaghaniSteen Pigram Jan. 12, Wbitby' 4 Ajax AA Ja a in Peymax Darmy SmaU « Jans 12 Jeff Chutch .1 Befleville ,couu.atlo Fiua Jan .12 'Wbitby 4 MaduîingAA 0. Brad McNaughton Jauon Peyman Danny Small Shutout 1ryan Callqhan%/Steen igram Leg.sGCae Janis1 Whltby 13 Pickerlng O JauaesPëyman a rqan Dancy anySaD 2. P&ulGadsmith 'JwdâWIM Gsff ' JaafodfBrown 0 ShutoizL' Ryan Cellogharylkeven Pigram luNCh NOVICE Ah -SPaniared bY Cintar Gmumdskesplng Whibhy 8 David Marma Babby Xcfl"d Maine Down ShutotL Paul V'alatig Jam .il Whltbyil t Lu Arehambsult 2 an Haywood 2 JOUFYEruw2' ShutoolL. Paul valalu. Jam .12 Jay larries Tan Haywaad KyIs W"l Guelph Oalivili. " .8 1' StoguyCre Laseu Ou.. O Jam 13 Whitby Babhy Meflrido Main. Down Michael Koniocany 8' etrboaroqgh MAJOR ATONl Ah -Sponsaed by Raycn inanclal 401h Auial Nwnm*alTo.uan. Whltby 4 SodU&Iyaddoea O Utmoeh Evan 8 Jm 12 Jais. la ,VMtby *%anaan4by Clim Whtby 9 'Aux CeeBrick 2 jeBru.i1 MAJORBANTA119 Jai. 8 &EM&Brwn, 8acoioe abitbutC d M ibnlaiby »*idrwSd Jis.14' ji2 Jais1 Jais 19 Wiby Chdis affe CMd *kl 4 E. GwilHmbwy 2 E-te E-te lier 2, Aoms -win Bri-ghton,, towý,-nament Whitby Dodd & Souter atom . Bs won their tournainent of, the year mAjoî firsi wher Fosà ter fr-st' in.Windsor Whitbyý figure skater TMfani Fo'ster won three goldmodale at theWindsorinivitational Jan. 11- 13' Foster was firet in junior artis- tic, intermediate compýulsoy and interimé diateeélementary. . She 'was 'also -second inovice creative figures an d third -.I senior solo dance. Qn: Jan. -25r26 at the- Great Lakes Festival, -Foster won siler in' juvenile fee à "skatend, the bronze for overalcomptitioni intermnediate provincial Whtby Fiee Pieu CARR:lFI1IER I c>f i- Leigh-Anne 'Connelly - who has delivered the. Whitby FreePress in the West Lynde area for two, and a haif 'Years has been recognized as the carrier of the mont.. EACH CARRIER 0F THE MONTIl WILL RECEIVE. A UtMflONAIMS, W-ATflH AND tCflhPfNR- they captured Brighton's ,A chaxnpionship over- the past Lweekenid. Saâturday's firet 'match, against. Aýjax "wa's a, seesaw bà ttle that <saw Whitby, camie out on top 1-O. In front of Rich Sander's shut-out goaltending, Grant Souter cashed mn a Dan Thoqrne 'ý.pags with approximately -two mnutes remaining mi overtime to seal the win. Brent Johinson cam p bgi the - net ,and Whitbys -sniýpers, scored four to.hanÃd'Lindsay a 4-1 setback in. their. second 'game. Goals- came. off the sticks of Biyden Dne~SueDerek, va Egmond and. Brian Crilly with. assistè from PaulGry Scott Young, Toà rýne,' John. Lan <g and Souter. The two victories set the stage frthe championshlp co'nte'st. wih' Uxbridge. Onceagn Sandersled the team, stoppin them' to a, 4-0' ,vietoiy. -G.ray,'was .a . domnnt force scoring twice and adding an assist while Young also piked -up three points from 'a goa- end'w assiste. 1Tyson Peel'set:ùp:Young, for' hie marker and VanEgzond' rounded, out the s'ccriýng on a pass from IThorne." -Textbook defensive play was. maintained' throughout "the tournament by Peel, Ryan. McLeod, LangLrsClay,'Adam MeicCà rl ad pue Cartwright. Sollid"positional play coupled with, strong, forechecking by Joli Sanders was selected MVP for the' Whitby iquad. dart league Wldtby Txpl HaSu Bsrmntnuiuhln EqcaFin cma MEilrkr Lues Gaudel. 475 297 282 267 266 Whit. Wéedm&Ln 6' ClaremÃœant Cal. 4 78W. pM w Dadd & SautèDradlaom 33 Gsuy Cappins ervices 28 E«dliAd S Joui. l(ur lun MisNath sars1 4 Plheng AA ;2 8 Whltby 5 P. Kable.r . 'Juil.17 Wbitby E. litvysm OiL Black Bwks *gsocnmdbCemWTomv TareeutoEastEni.rsO EhILS Dar~Hur.t PUFI 41 89 71 M 74 66, LAEATI~ CARLSEEINJ DIVISION L PME 278 9' 80 38 sa 33 ýr it