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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 21

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Iroquois indoor goccer HOUSE LEIAGUE Jamn19* Everton Graham Ncholion Blaclipoo Jea"i Smlllle 4 Jamon Grlm.dliteh Manchetr Utd. a Oldham Adam Vanderbroek 2 Christopher Wood' Evanfloyce Jan. 19 Blackburn 2 Liverpool 3 Kyle Barber Matthew Lamab 3 Stephen Brady Ja. 19 Edmonaton Brtckmen 0 Vancouver 56bra 3 Claran Thompson 4MIchael N#rmmn David Morgan North York Rlocets 1 Montr"alsupra 2 Chris Wynne Brandon Teixei Brian Macinnon Hamilton Steelers 0 Toronto Bliazard .3 .Davd Berx Jua. 19 BOY « 3 a PdqmaleCI. 10k 4 S.t Méavid 3 Mlke Harrs 2 matthewwhelan KevinBallard Chlp Truck 4 King Lloyd Auto 3 J. Van der Ven 8 Kevin DaSilva RtoisDuncan Keviamope MarkB@wman Whtby Optlmust1 Shaun DeverM 8 JoephLcngo DylanGranmvills2 ArrirulSaI" Jeff Penne 10 Californa Franka I stemenRace' CheckersVariety 2 DeWMllePnduce FqO>gmna Justin Collins mmus Pyne ý Davd Wl.hart Jan. 19 Brooli IGA 7 Jan Allen JauonJohuo Armanddo Subrizat 6 Donut Prmua a OmarEMbehlr2 John Hou"to Whltby Royal Lgg 4 Bram Petern AlemPsyne Rya Peter. 2 CR05 Contract , 0 BayoporCaM8 Lewls Chekluk iîn Ralton Checkers Varlly 8, Andrev Langtion James Mullan EVan William. 2 whtyoptmiste N. McDonn.11 Hardiman &Mount Kyle Gardner 2 Franco Scanga 2 Rabert Lyon W T L F A WhltbyR.oy.Log.'8 0O 0O'37 1 Brookln GA 6 1 2 39 i Wldtby Optlmlata 3 a 2 39 2 CRC5 Cantract. 4 1 3 28 2 Checker.Variety 4 O 4 31 3' Esy'.porta» 2 1 5 25'& Rar-dlman &Mou. 2 0 6 '16 3Y Donutrosa 1 0 7 23 MI Leadxmg Goalu et Jau. 19 Armando Subrizi Omar ElbeWary Aiex Payne Mratthew Payne Derek Colauonno *Scott Sawa James Mullane Curie Joda Dan Emmpco Andrev !Ndly Jknathan Allen Lewis Chelgaluk FIE 16 il 9 2 Jan. 19 Bay Sports 1 Thruway MuMier 1 Michael Wes.ellng Luca. Harricon Ptingle Ck. IGA 2 Cedardale Carpen., Paul Shannon 2 Steven Forca 6 Rcbert Nicholson 2 Graham Bonnetta BroolnIGA 0O St Clair Paint 2 Neil Hubley Matthew Klrlnclc Hlghland Van 1 MitohelI Inaune Matthew Mogan David Crabbe 2 Adam Nicota Nicholas Headley C.R.C.EL 2 Hair Care Ctr. 2 Michelle Aflan Kyle ConnaUy Jeremy Zara AIea ichardson Brock GOUL Bard. 0 Roymal.Laglon DannyCaird Garnier -in -hockey fi nal Charles ..uGarnier' Catholic School will be meeting up with Paul Dwyer in the hîgh sehool ~junior boys hockey final. Garnier bat to wyer Jan. 9,i a tight 3-2 gaine bt camae back- the next day to beat Anderson 5-4 to advance to the finals. Against Dwyer, Sean Hebert and Ben Markatti were the goals- corers. In their win over Anderson, Chris MacDonald scored twioe with single markers from Sean HebertDaniel Evans and -Ben school basketball Tiar One GWL F A FIS ?fk.lg 8 8 0 503285 16 O'Neill 66 51 480275 10 Ax 6 5 139391 10 HeLyt. 7 52 442 399 10 H=ok .3 4 352 430 6 Bowmanvllle 6 2 4 30233U 4 Ublge 6 24 283S8 4 Anemn 6 2 4 285 33M 4 *Dunharto 6 0 627238M 0 PortPery 6 0 6 243391 -O Ter Two Raberts 7 7 05M 3W8 14 Courtice 656 14t6 278 ý10 Dr 4 4 0 274 214 8 =n < an 3 227W224 6 Dude OCnnor 5 3 2 278 224 6 McLaughln 7 34,06380 6 Grier 4 04 1323370 & mazy'a 5 0 S 143 277 0 Central 5 O 6 12830M 0 Highý schooi hockey 5ude Bqye WL TFIPM 6 1 1 la 6 10 12 6 2 O 10 4 20 8 3 2 1 7 3 41 7 3830 a 3 40 a 3 40 6 16a 0 2 Durbarton Denis OVoeîn Dwyer HuuY Brock Andeo owdE CA-r Markaiti. The one-garne final wil l played early in February. Whitby men's- hockeyF W LT GI <CA FIE MelaxdePrlngies Il 1 2 86 41 24 Roy'aEnterprime 9 2 3 74 41 21 C.K.Auto 85 1 68 52 17 O'rooles 64 463 46 16 DavidsonCblys. 7 61 51 48 15 CutomAuto 7 7 0 56 56 14 Woodycrest 6 6 2 44 61 14 Cliff Lane Plwn. S7 2 43 45 12 RUand Lumber 37 439 49 10 Camej 59 0 49863 10 NESEmIWty 48 262 74 10 Attersey Tire 2111 30 81 6 BownesFrigà Jeu. 16-1 David@on Chrys. 9 Attenduey 'Dr. 6 melaie Pringles 4 CJL Auto 2 RWY Eterp riu 9 Atterdey 'Dr. 1 1161andléunber 6 DavkduanChiy. 1 Cliii Ian. Plum. 6 NES Remlty 4 WoodycreSt 5 OTooles 5 Ca" y6 5customnAuto 4 select hockey- MMOu NOVICE Jan. 10 Wbltby 7 1.NHLJi3riin 2 )MichaelAstao.2 Matthew Taylor 2 Matthew Ras Brandon Mcflride James Ilinkmon Bsubomgh MalvOF Tmrnmnm Juix.12-13 Wlxtby Kyle Ruttan Stoeen arquham lan Watson 2 James ilinkion Whltby Matthew Taylor lan Watam 2 Staven arqïharat in&: r' 1Humber Valley a S Scar. WstHlll 1 4 Scar. WexIord S Oh WMM BYFME PRESS, WEDNES9DAY, JANUARY 23, 1991, PAGE 21 Silver,, .m.edal f..or petites Whltby iÀons petite >B 1ringette team earned la*silveriedal a t>the, Port Periy' tourânient' Jan., 12 and 13. The teazn swept through'to the' championship gaine before loing 6-5 in overtime. Whitby won ail three gaines in the round-robin. hthirfin gaine, they, defeated Port Perry 8-,Christine MacDonald led the scoring with four goals. Angela Poland and Stacie BeethÎain added two goals a piece. Assista came froin BeethaiMacDonald, An la Dunn and Brea Bli ght. the second gaine Wtby defeated Stayner by a sc ore ýof 7-8. LisaVanderlip scored thre Bantams w in first ini playo.ffs Facing one of their toughest competitors of the season, Whitby County Town minor bantain A teain defeated Unionville* 5-2, Jan. 19 in the first gaine of the playffseason. Te Whitby team started out strong with a quick first gal by Stephen Cooper. Although the Unionville teain tied the score, the second period saw Whi tby score four unanswered gas .1Scoring for Wbitby were Mike Hlickey, Chris- Stone, and Christian Skelcher with two., The ,hard-fought conbitest resulted in numerous penalties on both aides. The second gaine in their total seven-point series is scheduled for Jan. 18. Wood rink, takes bonspiel The Marilyn Wood rmnk of Whitoywon the Burtinsky & Brants F1o shjo as winners of the ladies' twoday invitational bonspiel at the Whitby Culing Club Jan. 9 and 10.1 With skip wood were vice Pat Gibson, second Jan Palmer and lead Marleen Shaw. Runner-up was the Annandale rink of skip Jessie Everest, vice Dawne Campbell,, second Gail Bain and lead Rita Alexander. Consolation went to the Lake- field rink of skip Sharon Yale, vice Bey Kuyle, second Wendy Dunford and lead Phyllis Hamil- ton. Runner-up was the Whitby rink of skip Gerr* McCammond, vice M ar a, second Sharon Munro and lead Wanda Coates. Second was the Whitby rink of skpAnn Chapelle vice Sandra Wo*od second BaL Jervis and lead iàelen Collins. They won the Wesley World of Travel Trophy. Runner-up was the -Oshawa rink of skip Wilma McLjaughlin, vice Peg MacLeod, second Jean- nie Neal and lead Janice Gas- >keli. Third was the Whitby rink of skip Jane Toýoze, vice Gail King second Marianne Wright ani lead Lorraine Dixon. TGhey won ringette NOVICI "=nC e b adi e uolaeBtn 8 Whltby S Whtbyl 8 whthyl 4 Kathlen iWaa2 Melim aMacDonald2 whltbyfl 6 -~-V 4 gasand had an assit;,,Poland * oefa and two asssta;an singlesfrom ,B'ethain-,Sah Larocque, and Laura Crawford. Luanne MhacKene contributed' two assista. .The third gaine .iaw Whitby totally- dominate Ajax to' win 10-2. Poland ledthe-ocoring with five goals.'MacDonald and Karyn. Peacocke .each s cored, two goals... Beethain' scored one goal and had three assdita. Other assistawent tô Vanderlip, Lindsay, Millard, CrafodPeacocke andBlight. In the championshlp gie Whitby bast te Port Perry 65 in. overtfim Vanderlip and Poland. each scored, two goa nd, Peacocke had a sing1e.Asisata went to Dunn, Vandfelp and Beethiain.. On Jan. 13 ýWhitby defeated Markham 9-5 in a league gaine. Poland , and Peacocke each -scored three, goals;, Bethain scored -two goals and MacDonald one goal. Assista- went ýte Lajrocqu'e,ý Beethamn, ;Peacocke, Poland and Maýcoald. - N M ~DODGE Dpnal le, YSLEIS SALES- SERVICE 209 Dundas St. W. 200. Dundas St. W & 200 Dundas St. W. 430-8100 686\142 (AJAX line), *~W< WHITBY IROQUOIS wSOCCER CLUB REGISRATIO 199 SUMMER SOCCER REGISTRATION TS JANUARY 26ý, 1991 9,':OOAM TO 4:OOPM SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23,1991 9:OOAM TO 4:OOPM SATURDAY MAIRCH-24,1Ï991 1-0:OO6AM TO 3:OOPM SUMDAY After these dates registrations will be accepted only It.>pce Is availlaible. PLACE: Banquet Room, Soccer City, Sunray Blvd. (Just forth of Consumer BIvd. between Hopkins and Thickson) across the street from:thene bingo hall. AGE GROU PS: Ail boys and.girls born in 1987/86, ,ROOKIE 1985 SHRIMP .'.,1984/83- SQUIRT, 1982/81 ATOM7 -,1980/79 MOSQUITO 1978/77 PEEWEE 1976/75 BANTAM,, 1974/73 JUNIORS 1 the-following: For more information please caîll668-.2009 Free, Soccer Bail For Firsi 500 P'layers Reglstered (!i perso n onlIy) Bring birth certîficate. Girlsl1981 and earlier please bring pictures. COST: $55.0O per person, $1 10.00O for-2 people, $1 20.00 for family of 3 or more. Save $1 5.00 per person by registerirfg by March 24/1991 deadline. After March 24/1,991 ýregistration date the cost will be$7 per person. SNo'Exceptions w - - - - - - m xhwtm, gi AK ONTARIO STEEL'COJIWPýANY,, 'HOPKINS ST. S. WHIT éy'

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