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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 22

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JANUARY 2; 1991 PA~~ 2, WT1 E~ ~~~îgq r~fl~pr~ '~-a riw~ RODGER Lappin (above photo), principal of Col. J. Farewell public school, bad his hands and- mouth ful during- the annulal race between Rodger Rabbit (Lap- pin) and Turtie Taylor Moec princi pal Doû -g -T ayl or), held recently to promote yearbook sales. CM. Bove photos ANDRO - e. By Sctt'Cumre Martin Luther' King Jr. had many dreains in bis time. They, were dreains of equiality between wieman and b ack man, and, world peace. This Nobel Peace Prize-winning figure was honoured last week at our sehool, when students discussed bis issues sud read bis most famous speech, 'I Have a Dream "given in the -narcb on Washington in 196 leq3 . n"- - - Last week also enabléd students to tie up'lbase ends, before exains, in troubléd classes, sud' finish up with music rehearsals and sports practices. In the meantime, préparations were' being 'made >regarding auditions for Anderson's musical production of Rodgers' and Hamerstein II's 'Cinderella,' te be presentéd at the en d of April. Thé cast list will be posted at the beginning of second se mester. This er for theý first tirne Leading robes went te, Ryan Land, Lisa Kennedy, Tracy Noftle, Scott Currie and Junior Aniderson. A chorus of 12 others was also posted. Our first semester went by so quickly that itfs. almost frightening to think how fast the second one migbt go. Providing ail of us do webl on our exams, sud the teachers don't strike, Fim sure the next half year will be even better than thé one we just experienced. TR G L A C ASe~ 1 7T±L:W 1t M E [eOLe r-UAUiio ia, witn signa and aver, aur scnooi wiii be entering lJy Lare Jimenez éxtra-curricular activities, are visions of peace embedded in our the Séars Draina Festival (early already well underway, rsuging ninds, a one-minute silence was March). Auditions for the show School bas bégun, and many of fr volleyball practices te held on Wednesday morning, to 'Harrison* Bergeron' were held us are readjustingt thé early auditions for 'the Indépendent bonour and pray for ail troops' in beoeCrsia ra, u ee mrig u ats nights of Schools' Drama Festival. thé Gulf. sunouncéd our first week back. homework. Oui~rnidget, junior sud senior After a full week back, our volleyball teams bhave, been chosén, sud already have several successful gaines to their naine. Our annual school play is PriceslIowr but no one b uying ~~ hp girls will hé perfiorming'Ws month. cent Ontario tax. Side Ster'i Arl PRO PGE " The gênerai economy is sa, tar Labriolla said he bas te devise Paet had the opportunity te vehicles, Thomas adds. down it will take an interest rate ways of absorbing the tax bis méét our teachers on Jsu. 18. at «It's $4-$5,000 on a $30- drop of three to four per cent to customers' must now pay in Parents' Night. Thé evening $40,000 car, before it was about gét things going. order to stay compétitive. began with a réception at thé $2 700 in tax." Thmsa dd that Chrysler's «lIFI pay the GST or work a picplsrsdne obwdb 'Ihornas said thé government décision te, sebi cars at «GST way around it,» said Labriobla. dnnr and interviews. bas made a point of stressing thé prices» last fali may also have A ski day iplan1ned for Jan. savings te, consumners on ubig contributed te, fewer sales. TeS fMriodLn 25. This will hé su excellent ticket" items such as automobiles Mike Labriobla of M & L Mater coin- ercur says thé tax bas opportunity for thé éntire school and appliances created by thé Sales échos Thomas' rémarks. béén a boon te new car dealers. te, get out sud bavé some fun GST. «We're sbowér, it's about 70'per "Actuably, thé GST bas had a tagéthér. As wébb, it May hé that cent less business," said positive impact in thé. price -of needed incentive to- convincé But hé questions thé govérn- Labriobba. cars, it's goné down substan- non-skiera te challenge thé sbopes mént's tactics. .«I bbame 20 per cent on thé tiably," said Souch. for thé first time. «This is thé only place where écononîy and 50 per cent on thé Prévalent in thé school is a its worked but people are not GST. Hé said éliminating thé forMer feeling of sadnéss sud sugér over buying cars evéry day. The As a uséd-car dealer, Liabriolla sales tax sud replacing it with téstaini h ess uf things that y ou use every da1 does not beneftfrom removing thé GST bas resulted in about a tNeeds t a y i teveryn holfs and are taxéd aren't mentionéd. thé manufacturers' tax from thé two-to-three per cent» savinga attelis in aiy wiîî oon endpe But GST or not, Thomas base price as do new car dealérs. consumera. ta hsisnt ilao n bMarnés ovërall economic . con- Thé GST simply means adding. Soucrsales of new vehicles ýbefore much more damage -is d tioînî- for- fwer- ar- sajles-thwa - -seven- per- cent- te- the- oight -per--WeextremeASBDO -*-.- 'By Samni r i 9 daitheday thatsini the endofexam% , so thpe Hawks are hanging in there.. I espci0l empathize with- the ACs1udents whos exams are mandatory. After exams are, finally over, 1 arn sure'that many student"~Ill make the solemn resolution notto leave ail their, studying to the last minute next time. On the brighter side of tbings, students will receive a bit of an extra break te recover. I know this will help« get everyone rested up for the commencement of the new semester on Wednesday, Jan. 30. Despite the stress of exams,. Henr.ys athletic teams stili manage te find the time te practice and compete. The midget, junior and senior basketball teams played Anderson last week. The midgets defeated the Anderson team by 'a score of, 57-38. The seniors also triumpbedi by a score* of 64-53. The junior- boys now .have a record of 15 wins. and only two losses after a 40-17 victory over Anderson. The nidget and senior teams will hé facing Uxbridge after exams. The senior girls' v-ýolleyball teamn travelled t6e Brock last week and competed in -league- games aanst Brock and Anderson. Hery defeated Brock 15-4, 154. In the second against Anderso!ni the Hawks .won the first- game, 15-11' but, then Anderson ,camne back 'with a 15-9--win-in -the' second match. In the. third, sud last match, Henry came out,'t9, take an 8-2 lead, but .Anderso came bgèk te win 15-12. Alo ,,congratulations,,te-th nordic sli team- for their strong individual efforts, at Harwood His on Jan. 16. There will soon be some Hawks on the road for the first time. Driver's education aplicatiïons. are now available and e sring session -will be starting soon. By Dam-a Perroni Austin's junior boys basketbal team made wildcat' bistoiy as they achieved their fifth seýasoa victery, 61-41 over G.L. Roberts. The, defensive lime-up paved 'the path teaxother commëtidablè teamn effort, leaving way for tep scorers- Sebastian Jarzebek su ad John Barber. School s-pirit was renewed ?as students attonded 'a' Wildcat hockey gaine on Jan. *11. 'The Junior - boys hockey - teain competed againet Harwýood, tying 1-1. Near.the game's finish, Marc Visconti scored the tyi:ng goal. With only, 25 seconds, left ini this energetic game, goalie Earl Chamberlain made* a game-saving step on a Harwood breakaway. Teain members skate, again obn Jan. 15 in a game againet St. Marys. Adding te Wildcat, sports news a curling teani bas been included in the list of Austin athletics. Jan., 16 marks the initiation of the Austin curling teain. The- Austin student - body dedicated a time of prayer. and reflection ' for a,, peaceful settlement of the Persian' Gulf crisis. Students sud staff support worldwide efforts te, resolve ,ýthe Middle East struggle and*.hope that peace will flow freely among -i .;..A

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