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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 27

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MHFB E PIRESS, WEIJ SDÂY, JAMJARY 2S,1991, PAGE 27 To the. editoe: -Congratulations ta Mr. .Anderson and bis campaign against the GST. I arn one of the few Canadi ans that can honestly say that I did not vota for the Conservaves in either one of the lest two elections. Plitics .aside however, -I felt'comýpeleýd ta wrnite and express. my opinion regarding the (JST and the government in general. .One of your readers cmentedthat the xis ne ta pay off 'the enormous. deficit that successive govermnents, bave pile Up- and.-therefore "Just.live Revoit long with- it." As Canadians we have b4een living with itforway- tcîb lo6ng. The reason that- our deIcit las so bigh- la because we a reone of - tbe most over-legilslel over-governed ..counttrie' free:world. 'r too long,11 Canadians bave- been ai Anoter freedor To tiie editoe- - Way ta go, Doug, ites about time somen stood up and did. Before Jan» ws ve oerId already sholléd out $3.49-lu GST, along,,with,,the *8.32- Id been cbarged. back- lInOctober, for concert tickets since the shows would tale place in 1991. (The Sonate was stiil in the middle of the, fiibuster at that time, but .-- Ro gostngforthe tax neverthelesi. I wrote to Bilan and got back a - nice forrn letter, but I didn't get the iefind I ssked foi'.) I -wouldé't mind so - ruch. if it weren't for the folowij Il. -1he stacklng ofgSoae if the tax isso great why did ho- bave ta bond therules and bring. i more croules tPM-a _tWhy wouldn't the Liberals have '-rèalzed-, how important it was and let. it-pase withoutan delayis? Do they know sometbing- the Conservativjes donot?* 2. ',The n.ational' .debt.. If the GST went>,ta pay it, off,. I would gladly Pa Y my seven Per -cent and' maybe more. But I know that it ,won't. It ,Will be squandered on other little thinga; it will begiven, Out by the millions t apay counr who endsanbassador over on a viit (why did South Afxica. get. millions ,only days.after VIA, Rail.ý was runed?, itwjrllbo'usedtô -paypln fare so eMile can atedher .childrens' 'Chrisitmas pageants,-,.it wiIl; be <,ýgiven a grants se that People, can sit and count the seagulis on. the- Leslie Str-eet spit. 83. The tak on býooks. Illiteracy is One of the crimnes of our society., -and' flot just the. fact, that bome peole ant radanyhig ... try Setting letterns-these days frorn lawyers- that arene' filled. with' speilig errors. ýFor. that maàtter, try gtting auýyone ,ta answer you -G ST- confusion To the. eitors This la an open queston ta al those mïerchants who say -thyar doin g us a faourý by add*ing the: GST ta the ticket-pnice c hi itemùs. < Ii what way la it a favour?, If anyting,. it, i. more coiifusng. Now we bave ta ffigure out what the origin'al price of the itemiis lu order ta make sure -yqu are not ca]lulaon th original ocf an item, not thâeorginal cootplus theGST. If you wsnt, todousany, gra avour,st istngthe o)iina coSt, the PTt 3 and.the fnlca. otryt beave thinga as -theywere and we can, calule our, own. 15 par cent tai. Or, stand up ta ou r so- csled-- deortc governineût and Several of, -us in. this nelghbourhood have decided -ta boycott anystores'including the GST ou thelr ticket'prices.W urge othersg to join Us. We want ta know -our soparate Costs. How else aremwe supposed to kuow how ich the Mulironoy governent la cpsting* Us? WeaÙ& know itis time toget hirn out of -office, snd .what a great way'«.. keeping.,track-.of CaroiRobinson Wliitby Beware nextt elction To -tii. editor An oen -ettej" ta the mnembera ofthe federalgouernment. Ladies sudgenitlemen: Our, stalwart. ploneors have been -"ialt the ultimate' degradation - the aneak, through the -boack door, 'via the, GST, ta efeively de-lude;- hWpensions you were, afrald ta touch -dur.ing your firat term.,of office.. W. can me, by -your .proud, smirks that you, consçieryou.bave made the coup,,detat. But, ý'beware! -These' are ogld, but canuy, groy heads you asumeto deceive sud can nvrbe bought with tax goodies.« W.bae our options made dlear uo.We can ,be mreiibr n"l our thoughts, we can "reforrn" rtics, be com ssionately. socal," but nevér G. Tor-eed.- Our noble brave - veterans, Our proud pensioners sud rg&senior to enjqy;a nigit-out iISh 'boys" and -"girls" at .a local restaurat, have bèon dealt the fatal: blow, below the waist. Either their pension is gouged 'or they are,,forced t tay at home,. The irouy la that you promised faithfully, \with honour, that y ou would niot 'taÏ their food. The truth now is that ail food will bo taxed (except for mll, bread and a few basics -to give a -smidgen' of- truth té the blatant lie). 'A six-year-oldtold mie that food was stuff you 'put in your mouth ta est -tell the restaurateur- that the stuff he's stuffing is not food. 1 Canadians - b ate lies .and parceived liars. The "grey crusade" làaan, enormous group,, sud, with our cblldren's support, maybhave the last imirk anà-ri ourelvs f the _'parceived dictaashp for we. see you as connoissmurs of imperfection. -(Be ware the Ides of neit election.) IIaroldEmlden - Nanioos. Bay back- with a letton- Boola ony oucewe havefo inforationWe have.ÇUTo àa a crime.,..: " 1,*' 4. Th GST, that was- early. I wovrk at à-C ar . de and every, service. (eitended warranty) théâ in -the lattrrt cof 1990 GST charediouhat thoý warranty ýwbich- wc effect ii 1991. Myconcei -purcbasod iii-1990, wer -Any service bought -in 11 would takeeffect..in l1 taxed., Isn't t>he ýgenerali i 'o pytho tai whenyo item? When Aid this ssii off ting ',*the -futurîe cà effect>-'Bythe way know forsuebut«given polticanslsohold stock in. the Gulf, even though Canada is supposedly ,an, oil exporting -r ~country*pyatr tax of $5 per tire, those sanie, tires which are now GST'able,. and therefore tax 17 ~ on a tax; and" even, thoughI seldom drink, $40 pýlus fota -bottie of scotchwhchasweko is predominately taxes.- Evezy yearI watch a the fderal and -,provincial -bigger chunk of My p c eque. ted and government whatthey are going Eveiy year I héàr-hoDw i 61 in the ta do for this . problem. àind tliat are gpxng to bavé ta 'tighten their too miany, problem ta the point where the' belts* I -watéh in-ismay- as skdig the government i ias got its nofflin [easmrr after 'freasurer brings- every 'corner.'of Our lives., They in a budget, that .tàkes more -. jst eepcretingn- pogam money out of my pocket. And still and the nO«cessalybureaucracy to the deficit grows. With eacb. new suti'hem in -answer ta lobby- a te ttmlto help the very tiyingoo r with crédits 1 adfl rebates. <.mure their own re-election. Al re . vsar> ca ..'trag oe \,-weatlthy- 1 ae -able .-ta the while "the *average" taxPayer shelter their incorne so, that -they Who ,is ,just r >ig A m a do not pay, their fair share, that rs are -the living.keepaetting-it iLn the ear. leaves us--the middfle class, the r alil the I, took you ede' idie and aerage worker Who basm two tax them took a, look et thebenefits that J- mortgages, idds with teeth that * get,- frorn -ýthis great country of nieed braces, acar that needsaa collected* ours. rrn in ,my'niid-thirties and- new trans>ison-' and 1990 ealership,, have, neyer collected one cent of Christmas ý,bils pourig in ta contract,*u nemployrnent insýurance I amncarythe' bogd--again. The it weý sold'-lucky .ta baàve ýbeen blessdwith apenàdiîg,;bas go astop. The 0 had4 the. excellent health and Merfoe governinent bas got ta learn that orton of maIeextremely'little use o!,' r they' cannot be ail things, ta ail )Üld take health care system;,- "imlïarly I1 people.* rt tickets, h lave.,been luckýr neyer ta haàve Mr. Anderson's tax revoît la e ae. needed a"ssistance with ýhoui'ng ,or long overdue. However, the 1990.that welfare. Asidlé froIgetting agood message that I want sent --taý 991- was education wbich Iagee hould be 'Brian Mulroney, -Bob Rae and dea Ithat a governrnets -main conern, - anyone else Who as pres ta their i buy the- what exactly are these'benefits positions is "Cet the heU 4~tof mne idea. that I-arn. getting? Shouùld I be my life and out ofmiy wailet." iita,- thankýfifrpaig60 cents a 1 don'tltreforgaohn'e and watch the - JTiernay 1as most prices fluctuate *j'th the -events Whitby. kas...'did those peop.ewfo bougflt "tilture tbroughthir ý<broker aet~ into theMrpseuon19..? 5.Ottawa, now -bas, a million unadtai collectera worldng for it. The government' hlas actually said thlatt doesn't care if consumera.. paythe'STornot,- since *itfs-the reÏtailers that will be actually. remitting to- the government., So if. tbe consumer refuses ta pay, the,-retalergts stung. This la a democracy? Wait a minute! Did I gota6b<done_- night.inCanladaandýwake up the next n'mnng somewbere else?, 6. The random taxation. %alted peanuts versus unâalted peanuts?- Are. we,,governed.,by a'dulte or moon? ,B the way, Doug, those- were casews,-not.peanuts.1).And then they expiect b .usinesses ta, collect the tax. fairly?- Thè ,wor8t part, is that someone' got-mor ney thanI, wilprobably see in the next lOyears just ta, ait down and tbink about one-doughnut- versus-six, siced -meats-v ers us- ýwhole,, ,-alted-verous-uusmdted. That la scary. 1As a freelance writer, arn I, expected to ay <381'outhe work -- I seil? I don't know, and furthermore I dou'tý plan ,ou fiudiug out, since I arn not going, ta pay it. You, can couit, me as« one of your "freedom fighters" as' weil, Doug, sinoçe they can go wbistle if they' want. seven per cent of me. As for me, IMl refuse t ay.my seven per centon my earnings as long as I have ta. As 'an Amèrican citizen, I arn moving> Èback to the' Unitad -States sometime luW the neit fiv ta' 10 years. - Ive had euough; rrn Ilgolng back ta where' -he goverument wouldn't evren try' a ometbing' like this. Remember how pepie hated the looney- but ,tlIg gave iu and putup with, et 1h U.S. mint came out with the Susan B. Anthony dollar and - theyve stifigot $50 million worth of thern in their vaulta. That's because the general population. doesn't give iu. Iàke, the Liberals, and like yourself, they fI!ght; as ong andý as hard as they eed ta, in order ta ]et everyone know that lie govèrnment le -there ta represent the people Who elected them, and not; themselves. THE CORPORATION '0F- THE TOWN 0PF WHITBY NOTICE* 0F INTENTION ý STREET NAME CI ANGE, ý-- *The Council of the Corporafion of the Town of Whitby lntend by-law to change dme name of Bradviow Drive ta Bradford Dr The change nstreet .name wilapply, oaU of Bracvi Registered Plan 605, as'shown blow.The purpose.of- M sbuet name 15 là avoliany possible confusion in naie that- between, BracMîeW Drive and Broadvlew Avenue. Broadview located'on the west skde of Powell Road, south of BracMvew1 L ~ jj LL'sinusj -ILI SSIEE The Planning and Development ComÈnittee of Whitby Counci on ",e evening of Monda y ,, Februar 4, 1991 'l'n the Meeting ýMunicipalý Building, 575-RoFsland oad as t hyfor i of heajirg any person who'-claimsh*te or her Land will ha affected by'the by-law. Any person wishin to meet with thé1 Committee is asked toi0 Town Clerk aocorckngly no later Ian'Thuraclay, Januaiy 31,1 - Donald G. McKa. ,Cakk Tii. Corpm.Uof thlr Tm,âdWdbv-

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