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Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 3

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[J I i .1 Itemýs f rom: Whitby-Coumcil agenda(s). January.'21 s1991 Planningand Developmient. Committee That a rezonlng appicton- from R ev-York lndut= a Estates Inc. to permit an automobile dealership and Industrial subdivision on the southwest corner of Victoria St. E. and Hopklns St. S. be referred to the Town's officiai plan revlew. The property Is now zoned and deslgnated Industrial and would require a change to commercial ta allow the developmemt. .Whlle Town planning staff do flot feel the project Is the best use foirthe site, the commlttee feit t was worth havlng Rt considered ln the overali context of planning. for the area. Recommended to counceil That a site plan application from Angelo Labropoulos ta add a 697.sq. ft. addition toa,.a two-unit commercial deelopment at 840 Brook St. * .be approved. Recmmndedto counil Thata rezioning application from Macs, Convenience Stoàre S for a gas bar and> store at-304 Brook St. S. be ciosed. The applicanths wlthdrawn the original 1989 applibâtiàn. À new.application will be requlred should the owner corne forward with a new p roposai ln the future. Recommended to council That a rezonlng application f rom 379061 Ontario Ltd. ta permit a c ellular phone sales office and Installation facility ,at the northeast corner of Thlckson Rd. S. and Wentworth St. be circulated for comments from public agencles. Referredto plaiýning depawtmhent Operat ions Committee That the Brooklin and District Krns-m-en Club be commen-' ded for its donation ta provide north limnit. The road is a joint responsibilfty of the two,, municipalities. Whitby will undertake the maintenance work and bill Oshawa for' one-haif of the annual estlmnated 'value. It Is estimnatedthat the 1990 costs -of maintain this ro ad ls .$3,265 and the Town would recover $1,632 fromn Oshawa. RÈ~commedto couneil By Mike Kowalokl The union, representinig Town employees isdemanding another inspection cf municipal building recently checked for asbestos. Canadian Union of Public Emplayees spokesmaàn Jin Woodward has wrtten the niuni- ciaiyrquesting a second se of inspections. The union is upset that a worker. representative was 'not included on the ,asbestos management committee which checked the Town's 19 buildinigs. The - camm ittee -was: coxprised Of two supe rvisors appointed by Town admini*strator Bill Wallace. "Two management people were appointed ta t he'inspection tean that was the committee, for lack of a better terni,", said Wood- ward. According'ta Woodward, the Ontario Health and Safety -Act stipulates that a, union official must be present for the inspec- tions if the employees are repre- sented by a uni-on. "As.I understand'the Act, the inspectors muet be accompanied by someone from the union if it's a union shop" said Woodward. The -checlc for asbestas' was undertaken following the dis- covery of a simaîl quantity of the material in the Centennial- Building last fall. .Althouh not deemed, ta be a health h azard, Town. council authorized.spending $17,500 for its removal. «We requested back in Novem- ber for a p1erson ta be on the committee,» said Woodward. «We were waiting ta see who would be appointed or what their answer would be, when the n ext thing We see is the repart. "Our rights underth e Act were not adhered ta, we want that right.» -..Areport ta council, hast.,week. stated that exposed asbestas was foutid: i i:, tlLýé'Anne, Ottenbrite ciool nd Luther Vipond emoriâl 1Aiena. But according ta the report, the a reas are not accessible to the public and do not represent a health hasard to employees.- Work required taorrec;t the problem -was, completed at a cost of $1 15e~ ."ÀbÉ;stos bas been designated as. a controlled (hazardous) sub- stance by the Ontario Ministry of Labor. Once widely-used as an insula- tion. and fire-prooflng- material, expo ,sure ta boose or open asbes-, tas- has been inked ta some forms of lung cancer., * However,. regulations do not require its removal provided it is propierly secured and on-going maintenance beundertaken 50 Laco dump", FR OM PAGE 1 sion or seek permission ta store waste at another-location. Hughes said Lasco's proposai is travelling the standard route through'the ministry and was not aware of any undue delays in the process.< Zut 180 employees will be involved in the production. of. recycled newsprint and tissue., that it 'poses no risk to workers or the public. Woward stressed the union is not "pointing fingers» at anyone with respect ta the accuracy of the inspection report. «We're notsaying they're not true results, but it leaves a cloud in our minds because we were not part; of the inspection," said Woodward.' «We're asking for a reinspec- tion. I think we have the right to be Oet ur rights as a union werepnot0evenconsidered.n Ontarioa Mmistry 'of. Labor spokesman Wiebke Mortensen said Whitby will, not have ta reinspect its buildings Altough the legisiation stipu- latès that.the.union be provied with the, inspection results, the employer is nat. compelled ta have an employee representative do the actual, inspection, said Mortensen. Councillor Tom Edwards, who pushed for the inspection when, the problem was d9iscovered at the Centennial Building, was, pleasedwith the report's fInd-, "If accomplished everything that I wanted it ta do, at a reasonably law cast,» said Edwards. "I feel confident that if a com- plaint is ever brought against the municipality, we have met aur obligations under the legisia- tion.» Edwards added that Whitby wiIl alsao be spared the "embarpssment» of the Toronto General Hospital. and' some; Ontario schéol ,boards. when. asbestos was found on their pre- mises. The hospital was fined $37,00 and the Mfetro-area school boards ordered to* remove ail asbestas by the province. WH1TBY FREE PRESS. WEDNEBDAY. JAHUARY 23.,191, PAGE 3 -DURHAMIREGION -kiceSd off, its new iglo e- ciuig -prograin on Thursday.* -.he,,gepasi igloo-,sbstitutes for bluùe boxes, wil be pkaced a dro-of dpoo a~ondDurhàmRegion to expand reccngwý' effi rts Corpo:ratessr, such as Laso Seel wil elppa fo t eprogramn(4,0 for compauy naine and logo o treyr) Fw PMr. hoto FREE OUNE WEEK' Vý AEROBIC PASS FOR YOU, AND. AFRND Eul4rpean Women's FREE'a lWeekof ýAerobîcs îfor TWO 1121 Dundas St. E., Whtby 666-4540 EtupflnWbllnasHf* e It Unon..denmaning asbestôsecec 1 x t; ":K ý, à

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