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Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1991, p. 10

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J r' j By MIke Kowalskld Directors of Durham Recycing Centre In<e. are ýrecoummending that the organization dissjolveé. Chairman Gerry Emm. said such a recmmendtion 'Ill ho present ed at the centre's annual meeting in Mrch. SThe directors will ask that the non-profit orga iatoreaet exis mnditschrertrndo the iproinclgame nad Emni. «Weillmake a-redonmendation, that the charter ho dissolvod and haddback to tho* -Province,» BALANCE ,YOUR BUDGET, AT-HOME Most of us have ýsome type of budget for our personal finances. Our income seems to remain stable while.expenses coôntinue to soar. A good start in keeping controI of expen ses, is to take a c lose look:at what it costs to shop out-of-town. liii ~ ~ ~ Before you jump into yu a n liii~ -take off for* the big City mail, stop.and ___ -~- ~.jot' down travelI time, gas expense, parking, costs,. lunc*h, or dinner' ex- 4 pense, and. the cost 0f returns if necess.ary. Apply -these'expenses MC against your- expected savings and you'll see why your' budget doesn't - balance. SO HERE IN WHITBY,-- 0 PIE. YoulIl be glad you didl « 7th of a series Kee p rt of th dollarsiyou peni: HOlA ITBY i FiR:VM Ronald L. Salsbury, 430-3988 PRB Bookworks, 200 CrawforthSt., 666-2760 APPUAN A AR Small Appilance Repair Service, 220 Ash St., 430-8378 Totten, Slms, Hublcki Assoc., 1500 Hopkins St., 668-9363 Big Ben's Collisio n Centre, 3625 Brook St. N., 666-381*1 Ken Mclvor Auto Body, 608 Garden St., 668-9822 Central. Bakery& Delcatessan, 110 Dunlop-St. E. 668-6020 BOOKS:&COIc The'Boo k ýBet B 1wen,-,1136undas St.-W., 666-2442-. CAR &TRUCK RTAUS Rent-a-Wreck,'1230 Dundas St.--E., 666-3361 Computer. Learnlng Centre, 3rd Fl., 121 Brook St. N., 668-971 3 Batten Business Group, 1621 McEwen, 436-5126 Whtby Fence & Dock, 1380 Hopkins St., 666-1400 Total Reproductions, #16-17, 1751 Wentworth St., 434-5651 Yvonne's Esthetic Boutique, Pear son. Lanes, 666-471 5 rFnm.oAR Oide Silver Thimble Quilt Shoppe, 119 Brook St. S., 430-0297 Durham Squash & Fitness Club, 1450 Hopkins St., 668-51866 Devile'"s Produce, Hwy 12,,427-4311 HAUIR TVLUGMO i:&EA I Fair Lady and New Mien, 116 Brook-St. N., 666-4051 ivan's Hair Styling, 1400 Dundas St. E., 668-4321 Joseph's Hair Stylists, 104 Dundas st. W., 668-5691 Stranida Hair Boutique, Pearson Lanes, 666-0550 Brook Generai. Hardware, 856 Brook St. N., 6B661254 Go Naturai,"121 .Brook St. N., 668-2661'7 FennellIinsurance, #21 4,'l185 Brook -St. N., 666-2400 Dynes'& Lloyd, Pearson Lanes, 668-8042 Vasmenas Fashion Gallery, Pearson Lanes, 666-5526 Ms. EmmaDesigns, Pearson Lanes;,66.6-9368 Audrey Janes Lingerie, Pearson Lanes, 430-0647 Gultarzan, 115 Brook St. N., 430-2543 um am~CAMS C&C Motors -- Subaru,, 1705 Dundas'St., W., 430-6666 Marigoid Lihcoin Mercury, 1120 Dundas St. E., 668-5893 Midway Nissan, 1 300 Dundas St. E., 668-6828, Whftby Dodge Chrysier, 209 Dundas St. W., 666-3000 Avis 0flce Equipmfent, 2020 Wentworth St., 434-5079 Whltby Opticai, 106 Mary St. E., 666-3831 > Outdoor Inn, 305 Brook St. N., 668-0474, Gary Bowyer Refigeration, 668-6661 Famiiy House Restaurant, 1 10 Dunlop* St. E., 666-1412 Krebs Restaurant, 918 Brook St. N., 668-9369 Rays Signs, 300 Beeoh St. W., 666-1464 B3rooklin Cycle, Marine, Honda, 114 DundasSt.E., 666-1666 Sports Net, 124 Dundas St. W., 668-7911 -mROS Leisure Rooms, 605 Brookç St. N., -430-8621 CIrcie Taxi, 128 Brook. St; N., 668-6666. Bell taxis, 668-8888, 668-3333 "Russell Travel, 126 Broo'k St. S.,-668-5000 Nc mesngesýonrred y theWW14y b-rt'rs" !fri; iý-lFi 1t.ý5 ud woid noe SOi buinessliÈMon tUa pae, pewe Dll Ril God nt668- Oübiti uýary EMdward Harold',.Power of 'Whitby, died at his home on January 13- 1991. He was 60& Ho was born on Janui&,15,' 1930 - i-a Ireland, son of et and Christine Power.'ý'He marred Eva Power on August 31, 1957 i Whitby. A résident ^of, Ashburn -for ý18 years ýand Witby ,for tbree years ho was involved in sales and ;elticla work. .Ho la survived by bis wife, son Bar snd bis w iifo " Patricia, daugter Gail *and, her husband Peter, and granddauhtrs ran- cine, Courtney and, ilar. Also survved by- brother Ernest and sisters Muriel and Pegg. The funeral service- was held from the W..C. Town Funeral Chapel aànd at Thornton Crema- torium on Thursday,,Janýuaryr 17, 1991, Rev. MeClurecoenductfng 6 Geneatons ,of Servioe, Qual4 i &Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Marker *Cemetery Ltterin *Sandblastfing -Staffed Mo xumeütS' 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby After Hfouri 668-4460 or 666-15183 l.-ja iw PAGE 10, W1fMY FM EPIRESSWZDNESDAY, JANýUARY 30, 1991, Recycing cetemydsove sald Emni. "What wo do in the -futuie depends on the, membershjùp. We cant; exist (ti- its present forni) without the (Durhamn) Pgoü» Inýcorpoated-ti March 1980, terccling centre was r~esp- sbefr the oiôiectîon and po cmsinig of Durham's blue box reSrcbing ogran. aln-en commitment of work fo h Region forced théo centro'direc- tors te sluspendý operations laut November. --*rs.dpr1tn, Durham'sé.wrsdeatot took over processng, operatin Dec. 1, whilo local municipalitlee assumed responsibility for collec- tion. Several mxmIIci!palit'i, includ- mg Whitby, votod to contract outý blue box' collection to, a private Musc*Ho Transpor Ltd.-of Kleinbugwas1 hired te peiforin this sevce foraài1-Mont penod. Many of the. recycling contre 100 o,.mployeos were sub- se quently hired by, eltier Dur-, hamèor Muscillo.> Although- hoated; ,wordiwre exchanged between - ýEim iand Reglion officiaIs last failErm wîshos the' -Région -Well n t r'4tJ'tke eil ofsIdland foresight te malet7his a succoa,»' said Emni. «Wo proved our, small point that it cari ho done wheni we we registered i the eighties. It would h disastrous if the. Region Emm,1aformer Whitby coun- closaid'centre officials ýhave, voluntary. capacitybut 'what forni ~ % *ttks ilb decided by the menihorship. "Thes a great op t ni (n rocylmng) out-there. S;me day rd like te b. a part of it agai. The annual meeting had been scheduled for today but was nioved, te Marckh'13 due" té,.a~ delay'ta n- ipleting,,auditîd, The meeti *wbch starta at 7:30 p.m., lh od mla-board- on7 o f e Ct fOshawa administrato ulig

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