THE CO THE TOI Wodnsasday, Febeuay 13,1991 @a7-.00 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whltby Muricpul Building Whktby, OnMrio A Public Informalon Wodcshop wlil be helri by.-M Plannin, * Dpailent atthe above-noted lime and place.' me purpoe of th, warkShop wiI be Io, revlew bclmud iformation îlld ln th ,Prptionofboth a.,Compre'hensive Zonlng Amendment anldUrba Deéin GuWir«that wviIIý implement the Downtawn Secondaiy Pli in teTown of Why.The extent of tetudyra s ouined blow. oui DIJLiz jw[P i il.. IL 1L; ~~lIII ~~1c The purpose of this InformatIon workshop la a Io -oMida, adequate Informhation ta the public ýanhd taupermt interested persons the lnterýsted pesas Vayinspect additianal informaton relad totahle abave applicaton Intlie Planning DepartrMnt, Leai 7;>5756R >8sIM Boad East dingu a> worldng houMonday7teaFri day -or may' cotct lie Planning Departinentby talei0honing (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Dketarof Pklwm Ca.oSUa aioflte Towmn WhbSy CORNEIL'SAUCTION BARN FRUDAY -FEB.1i AT< 6 Pi& GIGANTId CLE ARANCE SALE,ý FOR DISCOUNT GIFT STORE, LINDSAY Very lg. qty.ý of wooden'craft élocks, new toys, gaines, pictures & oit parntliogs,,figurines, ceramics, tablelamp" , base &silve rwarel- doîts, hais, T-shirts, sokteaher, bets,, radios' & electronics watches, air compressor. A good âoportunity for smà ll business, flea maiet vendors or priae individuals to buy good quatty gift store items. DON & GREG CORNEIL RR #t, LITLE BRIFA IN -(705) 786,-2W8 AUCTION SALE, *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSI, Every Wednesday, ai «630 pm., Located onBrook Rd., Pickeing,3 miles' north ^ai o-,l.lwy. ý401(Ext- #399). Featuring eveiryý Wed. 'an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass china,. cailes, pQmitives. Îac the unusuals. So' loin us every Wed.-.and participaie in one, of "Ontario's true auctions with n boy, b 0cksror reserves. 'Consigni ment and- estaise selling aur specialty.w Cali us today. Previewsfra OOn1.0p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 the. oWner of the kiuronia 'Business Journal.has a-numbor .Of business.. organlzedýýto place their taxinii a trust fund; - Simýilar truet4unds are, 1 under.way -or plinned in le Edmonton and-Vancouver.. le withb<Olding, ýtaï dollars" IP through trust tii - and the like M, is flot jillegaL The persan ,or business that does it pute themselves into- arrears,.and LI ,hence are subject ta a statutory penalty-of 6 per cent* of the a,,amount owing plus intérest. For -most people who are- angry entouh ta consider'atax proteat, the half-percent it will coot them is a small price to pay ta defenîd a principle. Mýy discussions. with local business people over the last few weekslead me èto believe that there are potentiallyrhundreds of busines éses -ini this a rea that wo uld'be 1interested in joining suchaprotsand Iwouldlike to hear frorn as man more'.as are The pockets of reuistance wil grow rather than diminish. The poktagether are. already in' organization to lead the fiiht, Karate master FR OM PAGE 15 as*hego from schaol ta school ta ntut Because there are:no separate classes, .boys and gfrls are .ini- structed, along with aider, more expeînIIdm zem rsi. '¶1he:main .thinig.we teach the kids i. discipline,», says Bell- -house. aý,After a while the kids' begin ta ,discipline themsielves. I don't e xpect- thein ta vi ve up. other activities'or use it in p lace' of ,h'omework, but when they comne-through ,,the door for the: noîttwo, houirs, I want them ta put-everything else out of theirý mninds.»' There are rnany discilines Of, karate but the Imore traditional stylIe of Chito --RYUmay be hard for those not 'involveo,,afnind its distinction. ýCertain disciplinies atrbuedffeérent sp'ee-d-to- strength ratios. "In, Chita RYU we have a ratio 'of ý70 per cent strengthta30. per cent speed.» .The- name Chito.',is derived from tw ords: 'Chfi' i the Jaganese ympolforý1,000, while 'To depicts dnasty.- ,About 50 people of al ages are curenlyenrolled in' Shihan Wllouloy'sPr ogram.> Cororatechleg '1he IWhitby oai unrse Club will hold a éorpora'te:chai- Iele, skate'-a-thon at -Iroquois Pairk arena.on MondaLy,,Feb. il, 1la.m. to 1 30 p.m.'Participating9 buisinesses cari. make pledges; Prizes will be awarded to t fundraisers. Alm-rced ROSEMARY,. BROWN 190CENTURION AWARD WINNER Wayne Hlanc.ock, FR1, President of Century 21 Hancock Realty Ltd. is pleasedto announce that Rosemary Brown has joined ou r. growing> Sales .Force, of Real Estate, Profession'aIs; Rosemary has7 been Awarded-the covetegd Centurion Award 4 years in a row.. -Th e Ce'èntu'!rin Award is an award'grà nted'b'y the I nternatidnal. C 'entury 21 System with.offices throughout North America, 0lapan, Franc e, M exico, Australia, New Zealand and, the United Krnýgdom. Rosemary's sales volume was in the top 2% out of over 100,000 sales people ,world widle. In« this, challenging Real Estate,,whether1 be wise and 'cati ROSEMARY BROWN-for Centù Bus.: 433-2121 - Reg NOTICE 0F, INTENTI( STR.EET NAME'CHANI The Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whi be-Iaw ta change the naine of Bradytew DrivetolB 'The change in street naine wili apply ta ail of Registere Plan 605 as shown "ivo. The purpt street naine la ta aVold any possible onfusion Ihnr between "Bradlview Drive and BroadView Avenueëi.1 lôcated onthewest sida f-Powel Road, southc0f1 r. Se lling 'vice. 1-3 504, pasm a ýroalvewAvenue 15 Bradviw Drive. D<JtDAS -STREET The Planninp and on lie evenîngof, MunicipaL Building of heartng any pE affectedby lie by- Any persan wlahin Town Cierk.accorc SUDJECT STREET. wno claims nis aor -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Ir .- .---. -- *.- o si Newman' Pii S, ne uo#. a. 41% >-rOmui cu.3re= .~ i M-1 e i 51