PAGE 80, WHYMB FREZPRESSI WgMDESDY,,JANUARY Me ï9pi LETTER: GST 'Lack- ofunderstadig PROM PAGE 6 le why the federalgovernment decided to miake compest pyments .(the'fret chqelof Which han alread been sent out) to cuehion this adverse effect. Thom mayor may not achieve thedesredobjectve, ini which cam thr in noting to stop, ny federl vernmnt from mc- reasing tc payments, or mndeed adjusting themi by a coit of living factor. Tii. GOT ie anticipatod to ho revenue neutral,'butlot us a hope tlIis seren per ce nt levoil provides a suls, ince it bas been indicated any such surpus would likey go to pay, down our horrendous national' debt. This curret national debt requires* 35 cents of every tai dollar colected just- to pay interest-charges, 1 aving'only 65 cents to provide lus withthe -many services and benefits we domiand, and which we muet pay fe b~y'se means I I 1 noethat mnywrtersci ('including'the W Mit o rea havi.ta.e psy tuis smen per cent 08T. I have not, however, seen where any of thom wMi sià ultaneousy refse t. mccpt thesocal]servces, oldag sécurityq 'etc. wl9ch. this0T helps ,provid9 to 'ail Canadian citizen&. EAFste Whitby Laco's explodnggs tanks stili annýoyreident s By MlkoKowaloki Noise from exploding gasolino ,tanks caused by Lasco Steel's automobile shredder is still both- ering nearýby residonts. Although the explosions have annoyed area lomeowners since shreddig operations bean a few yoars ago, southWhitbly rosi- dent Margaret Carney said -the noise of rate has been particu- larly unnerving. <It'. not constant, but it's not infrequent,» said Carney. uSome- *lPices are per persan ln US. dollars twtn occupancy. Minimum cruise category for sale price: Cat. 4. Pices range from UJ.S. $890 (Ca. 4) ta U.S. $1200 (CaL. 12) dependlng on acomodaton ateo~ sleced.Port charges and taxes are extra U.S. $4.50. This is a tlme llmted, capacty controlled offer, subjetot avalabillty at lime of booklng and may not be combined i wth other discounts and promotional ... offers. Please refer ta Camivas 1991 Brochure for comptete details and booklng conditions. Reglstered ln Uberla and the Bahamnas. times days-gby'n e o' hear anthng. n ewd However, what made a recent series of explosions memorable was the Urne the incidents occur- red, said Carney. According to Carney, six explo- sions went off over a 12-hour period *dunng'the third day of nostiites i the Persian Gulf war. "Peoploeithe neighbourhood thought that maybe American plnswere- flying over and breaking th esound barrier. f te WaI "It'. incredibly ironic, youre watching bombe go ôff on tel.- vision and you hear explosions i 7aà (Lake Ontario Steel Company) recycles old cars for me M bycrushing the vohiclesi a shreddler located at its Hopkins St. factory. The explosions result when gaoline tanks not removed prior tosredding are crushed. Residing about' one kilometre from tho pflant, Carney said the explosions are powerful onough to shako her house. «It doesn't cause glass to fal down, itfsjust alarmIng, espe- cially right now.» .Carnoy said residents have complained to both Lasco and Town officiels since the shoed- ding operations began, but nothing has been donoe to eli- minate the noise. 8h. said the company has made no offer to- enclose 'the operation or muffle the. sound. Lasco spokeeman. Ron Deoth admitted the. explosions are a problem bIut said, there in no cme answer"to correctingit.. tDeeth said .Lasco hasnm prov te its spection pogra and the. explosions are tess fre- "GneaIty, it'i from the ga tans tatjet'hby us,» said Dèeth. "Ites on. thing t. see a tank on the. bottom of the. car, its another thing if its tucked up ineide.» DIe.tb said Lasio bas tried various-measures t. control the. problem, and will continue searcbingfor asolution. But he -said'tii situation in not peculiar to Lasco. '"tes arblem that plage the idueW. 1v. boon toM'il- wauk.e to ses a shredding ope- ration and they. have tho samne problems there.ý Deoth promieed Lasco will con- tinue t. monitor the situation and report any propess to the. companiY's public liaison commit- tee. "We've looked at a lot of thige and we!re still roporting t. thomi.. Its not something wore trying t. mun away from.» Althougih Carnoy would b. ploased if the explosions stopped e said that ie not the residents1 greatest worry. <Jarnoy .eaid -homeownore are more concorned- about the- environmental impact of "fluff' producod by the shredder and Léascos plane for a 'permanent dump t. store the. wa d fron* «Weredirectly downwind rm Lawsoall of the fluff stuff fronni the sfireddeèr blows around the noighbourhood,' said Carney., «Wre also concerned'that it (dump), ho givens a Proper enironmental assessentY. Laosn proposai for a massive landscaped berm, capable' of holding 15 years -worth of waste, is now uidergoing an asseosment bi the. Ontario Ministry of Environment. Ifaervd the dum will storerubbL, plastic, clot£ glass not recycled when cars are shrodded. In* addition to the dump and «Mfuf," Carney said-there is alo concern about a oemporaiy dumy being used until a decision à s rendered on the permanent pro- Carneay said residents are wor- ried ab-out effluent from the DyChris Bovi. Thi. term"'stressmanaemnt has bocome inmcreinly familier to manymintoday's oi1y Whitby's Ron"y Kaeson who worke part-timùe for; the Ds tress Centre -of Durham, has started her own stress manage- ment service,,-Klaassen Manage- ment Worksbops. Whilo some such worlcshops are limited t. employoes of large compnis. or to those- who can affoMrteým, Kiassen le provid- ing a seie that is accessioble t. everyone. At workshops, participants are encouraged.t. ask uetions and spoak out, and practice what le being learned immediately. Ses- sions, wiiichcost $125, combine both work and fun. There are «euh-goupe' fr-om stress, and' these suca are handled in separate w oops. «W. also offer training In assertiveness* active listening, dump being pumped into the sewer system., The. effluent, termed «l9ea- chato,» which 'results from rain- wa;tor filteringthrouhthe waste iqatelis céllectema-holdn pond, treated and thon-PumP mnto the sewer. - But this is only done if it meets regaations contained* in Durham Rions sewer bylaw. «T gadLasco le srecycling steel from ars, but what they do wihthe shredded stuff' is another question',» said Carney. «Frankly, were a lot more con- crned - about Lake Ontario got- tmngpoiluted with leachate and poss. ie environmnentaldegrada- tion of Corbett Creek mars-h and' ThicksoW'sWoods.» Atterid.aice is hg at this Hideawgay >Hidoaway Bingo may have beon even harder t. find since moigt. Le Gala, but atton- dane in the new, modem Man««... Dav. Woody whoe wife Catherne manages <eGala, moved Hideaway B*ing from iti previous Dundaist./Garrard location to Sunray St. im south «Wemedoing very well. We don't have any beugles withi parkig or anyone getting ticke- tod. Wood eaid. ginc. tii. ove 'i >October attendanco bas been bigb, approm at 5 rcet aWé have a emoke remo- val ese, odmi I wma prblm hi ourold location. Witb the. new location, Wood feels b se 'dedlbyattract in~Osbwaa Aairesidents. Wodolwant ai seior stop iHet for the. intersection of Sun- ray St..and Consumers Dr., Urne mangmetand group dynémic! »> semn said. afraid t. turn té . aide holpt deal with .their 'préome. r rentlyw*iththewar M'thiePor- sianÃ"bufZ Klaassen has heard fr-om people with family . momt- bers or Mrends that 'are sorvin»g overseas. «Years ago you didnt admit you couddt handle stress. It's tough,"esp*cIlï for mon, t. adit Ãthey enea2help,» KMassen said. The distrees centre is under- steffed 'and dospratelynee More volunteers,ý says Kisason also a momber of the Violence Prevontion Council 'and vice pré- sident for the Volunteer Coor- dinators'of Durham Region.' SIn Northi Amorica- thore le, on average. a 'suicide every 35 'minutes, and the Distrese-Centre în Durhaà m -gete more suicide cale than the. provincial averae Th. contre, which le funded-by the United Way, 11k. other agen- cdes in.the. area.- will féal the. pinch from lack of funding. .KlIaasn points ont -that Iiav- img some stress iW botter than Iiaving -none. The. t.ugh part in .,digpositive stress iln what you enjoy, and learning, t. deal witb negative stress. Whule Kiassen in not a coun- sellor, her worksiiops handle. per- sonal problemns that stem fr-om thet tpcon'which se.focuses.' 1KLaaesen has organizod two workshops at 'Cullen' Gardons. On Feb. -19. there- wilL bW an asseriven se sminar, and on MaLrch 12,& stress management ACT NOW -i & SAV ENJOY A 7 DAY CRUISE & TOUR VACATION Act now and criÉse for 4days aboard the CARNIVALE to the Bahamas and enjoythe maglc of Central Flda for 3 days. Your Cruise, & Tour Vacation.. indudes a 3 day pass to WALT DISNEYWORLD.,ý EPCOT. Ceniter and Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park (valid for onelattraction per day), Kennedy.Space Cénterls Space- port USA..and 3 nights accommodation in Orlando;, plus youl enjoy unlirited Write~ment, casino ato and great meals while on board. 7DAYS IhPER Sae .S $00pe cbn n FROM J(!8 PERSON' SaveUS' $40 pe cabn o(CAT. 4) departures between January 20 INCLUINGMR FARE FROM TOOTO and March 24, 1991. 3rd. 4thmand Mhperson:U.S.P6M9 Whitby service helps with strùess mnagMent 01 lm w; MI M twol *fi 7 M & Join us for coffée and donuts this Tliui-sd,-iýiJaii-Litiiýy ÃŽ)Ist between -1- and ýpm and meet our new iiialiao»el» - Denise VanDoleweerd. 80 Thickson-Rd. 666-8266, ï,eî ý - - . , >