PAGE 10, WHfl'yFRPMPIUESSWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 61991 AhMonthy, Fashion'and. Beauty R'vi ew Be\autif be innlni by Grog Macei If there' a catch word for the bride of 19911, it would be' "individuality. With a. host of styles, fabrics, and even coblours te choose froni, the wedding -gowvn is becomig aCustom >outfit, made te suit the needa -of the individuaL Wbile ,anl that 'cholce makes thï selecion ïprocéss easier for some brides-to- be, others flnd, the, whole exercise rather confusing. "Some ýgirls know exactly whatthey want, and other girls have absolutely no idea and try on as- many as 20, dresses," says Marilyn T horriton', manager of Dianne's Bridai Couture at, Dundas St. E. and Hickory i Whitby. Thorrton recomed you makie, an ppontmnt and plan te, spndan hour'te an'hour and a haif on the' initial consultation. Dbianne's Bridai Couture carnies wedding apparel by Toronte deigner Maria Jung. Accordng te, Thorriten, while the d sçer tends te stickwith traditinla] styles for wed.- ding gowns, custom work is also dons. 'We'll do anyh= gth bride wants, (n)lkes te designi with the individual bride i mid. .The range of fabrics for wedding gowns has become more broad. "Before we used to only carry sà &,, now we Carr a ful Une 0 f polyester fabrics, says TrhÃ"on. 1WhiIe white remainsa by far the most predo nhant choice for the gown, ivory ls gainig hi popularity. Thoriensays shesalo noted -an mcrease ithe numer 0w f hiquiries labout the soft blush pink shades that enjoyed - some popularity a number of yeas go Thorrten adds ttaiof the dresses i sk are available in either traditional white or in ivory. Another major consid- eration when plannin the fashions for.thewedding party are the bridesmaids and mnothes-. liera gan there is much more variety and -selection. One trend that senis te, becoming more evident is practica]ity. "The majority of girls now want some- tig they can wear aan" says Thornton about dresses, for the bridesmaids. A common .problemi occurs' when the bride selects the type 0f dress, colour, style, etc. Undoubtedly there'il be somen the party for whom the particular style wont best be -suited. Thorrten ays that problem is easily overcome. "With it being couture, everything is desge with the idiida bridesmnaidi mincL" rIn other words, 'mgh alterations, like the ,u o the dress or sleeve-style, can be made te comblement -the individua'éframne. The ne of colours available for the' bridai party is-quite wide. "Iich deep .,colours 'are. veiry populari".according t- o, Tlhornton, adding, they tedte p hotograph bette, that- à hoüld be 1a:major consideration When maigcokýr slet'ns F -raeare also, quite .a common choice *at. thie Another. ,-Whitby oùtfor féthé bri.dai Party that o , s a unqu alternative., Fat Barre opened her faciefor- Ms.Emma-Designis --laui Septemibèr and :has, been quickly ga>nng -,a reputation for the, hand-woôven'Du-piýonisk' drsesfrthée 'Mother.1 o bridesmid. r The dressesare madeim 1.niad 'areai ýlblein a range of colours Barre. dec ae as being "jewel,- ,cari b5,doneto ,suit the ideaoplaaheaand.giveý yourself lots of tlime te make -fashion choices, »arre says in her case timing isu't critical. "As a rule we don't have that much of a problem because our things are Istok"' la situations where custom .design, 'lwoik ,is invýolved, Ws best te ýgive f ourserf se erl onh lway. For- suinmer weddings, the staff and the designer at Dianne's Bridai Couture like about six m Ùonths notice ý for the w edding gown, but. not as muÃœch advance warning is needed, for. dresses for the bridai party.' Ms EMma De signs Cornesee our-c(asic esgqns iu naturaffibres, Xothfer of t/he %ide or Groom ané BridsraiL.e 131 Byron St. N., Pearson Lanes 666m9368 Whitb_ f L'w lw 1-