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Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1991, p. 7

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i I WRTBYFREEPRE8S% WEDNE8DAYs, FEBUARY 6, I1991# PAýGE? PALI VEM -N\filMadess luks Sée, there was this day .when I was six and walking home fin ecWhool with Jack. Bell and a few other friends, and JackS was biger than me, and stronger, and h. said something, and I said umething and pretty soonone of ls drew a lins on the sidewaik. 1I dan you to cross thatUlne," on. of us said. along with, eight of bis fienda froin 1Uýahgrade@ Suddenly we were suounded by *theme biegr,ý really bigger, older giuys "Puch ùn n te .meone aid ý"Yuw'C1nt kih er." Shum ameptshiLW. appled, roled serais lawns, into figower b.d., underblushos, ail tswhIlefollow.d by ts ungiy. tpaeck, by now swelledl to -12, 1& Who knows? 1I1waaý too- busyte count. I the, neit few minuties w. *covered haif the. distance froen the achool to the. village centre. Then we pmrted, penting, bath confused 1y thebelligerence, baffied that w. wer. in the centre In the luil, mait of the mob drifted to thi. corner of my opponent, Jack. Ris brother* Dave; Jack Wettlidufer, who lived >. ,acrois thi ad re themi; Doug Forema, who would five ..~ years «later lmb aàfreS to the very top to- pluck a trapped. raccoon fromin the branches and pop lit fiteaW burlap sack,- and virtua llyal of the older grou. Te first and second graders had either fi or bad joined jacies gallery. Onl~ Bob Hannah, a big, hu]king sixth grader, remained by My S AdBrc Samuels a frightened firet grader, more curlous than Iqysi. 'rYou1re beàtin' 'm,," Bob kept repeating. "'Go get 'ImI" But what weemed like a mob on the other aide pressed toward us, puhing Jack before them with edvice of their own. Do'let 'Im push you around., Give him one intiie oye." And the. mob, with Jack at the. centre, .edged clouer, pressed toward us, and sozmeiiow running seemed not quit. tii.thing te do. And su, while Jack moved ever closer, stli not clear in bis ~. mind what hé wanted te do, fear swelled up in me, and the , crowd pressed in~ clouer and I could tes"te i blaod from my cut Jlip. - ROBEK]rr ]L QUINTON'S SHOE STRE, C. 1925 Tins old fr-ame building stood where the. vacant lot iÎLE now, north of the Earl of Durhiam on Before Jack could grab me again witih idsfarm-strong hands, Brock Street South.-Mr. Quinten had a shce repair sehitiier. froin 1906 te lus deati i n I wound up and slugged hum. 1958.Tii. buildingi dating frotii.h 1850w, wes demolibeMi 1961. lv. thougiit of tiie fight with Jeck a lot inthe lest couple'-of *NreCvOlsianwauo bledarspoendyBilfiure weeks as that collective figiit ctiled WAR bas- dominated our NurAdditionals srvicewiautnonce dewii >*urly busesteN renHihs n e sensibilities. diinlbssriei none>'ieiÏW é tàù ny Se., Jack aind'I bothi felt w. were right, but when it caine Street soutii froin 8:15 a.m. te 5:156p.m. down -te, it, that .didn't matter a bW dNo on. recalis what i. he fight was about., The' cheering of-the spectators did more ta, shape the. fight than any quarre'vwe bad. Ini aur collective souls 75 7m fl ARS Go11 lurks a madness. fri-c the Thursday,- Februa> edtoiqth In this Gulf war, as in any other, we first must feel that right WIBGZTE CRNÇL and God is miousdeEerwnr why the U.S. fights only* Town CounciL wants tiie Qu'en7s Hotel'atBrock ad obon Streetscl'o'Sedbec'ause of-l madmen who work'for tii. devil? Se., madmen bring war and licence infractions. deatii and -destruction ta womn and children and heipless * Whtby will b. headquarters for the. new 182nd Ontario Coty t"Bataon civilians. Hussein, you see, issucii a madnian.* Bishop .Sweeney of the. Diocese of Tarante dedicated a memarial-windo)w«t frmrMayor But even in demâcracies, people should pick their leaders James-Rutledge at AUl Saints' Anglican Church on January.,30. earefully. Very carefully. Miss- Minnie Viola Powell of Whitby, a lecturer for tii, ProvincialWomen"'Insti"tutes i TherWi'no telling.who in power will turn znad. the first woman te, address a recruiting meeting in tus tewn. .......-5.-- ~ -.-. -_________ __ ____________________nom£_

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