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Whitby Free Press, 13 Feb 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WIIITBFMEE RESS W NESDAY, FEBUARY 1, 1991 . . ........... Writer s'hould have offered real solutions to garbasee problems To the. editor. ]Re: LoUter to the editor about garbage coots, Free Press, Feb. 6. I read the lettor ta the editor ontitled, 'Half-baked idea,' and like.moot taxpayers today, agree that our politiciaxis at the higher levels of government waste our tax. dollars (on studies, etc.), without regard for the costs. Politicians should simply make decisions. But I was taken ahack by Mr. Chapman1s letter that actually suggestod that our local council was wastiNg money by reviewing a request b y councillor Lynda Buffett. She asked the Town to find out from staff what the average number of garbage bags most households put out each week, suggesting that a reduction of 25 per cent ho considered. I can't see how this possibly could cost us any money? I suspect ber request was a simple one: ask our garbage collection employees to tel coundil what this figure is, so they can consider the merits of asking us, the taxpayers, to start recycing more-seriously. .Sinco I have followed -local news BD DURHAM I know that w. now will have compost units available at a very reasonable cost now, thanks to Our regional government's participation in a new provincial program, (distribution of these units locally). With. this opportunity,, an even' greater use of composters and more use of blue boxes, I don't think, this idea should ho discarded '(no pun intended). It's much better Mhn asing us to pay by the' bag, like Peterborough just did. 4t a turne when we are being taxed to death, we 'hardly need* to ho charged more. We are paying now, i our taxes, for garbage pick-up. This saine man said that "other councillors (naines unknown)," also asked for blue box pick-up every two weeks. If we put glass, plastic pop botties, paper and tins inour blue box, surely ho must realize these items don't smell or cause health problems by storing them one or two weeks at a time, sa, what's bis beef? I guess maybe ho doesn't want the responsibility of the extra effort and, in turn, would rather continue to pay more and more taxes. Hi. suggestion of tbrowing our THE REGIONAL MUNIGIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBUC NOTICE IN THE MATTER 0F: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT 1he Council of the Rgonai Municillof Durham may pass by-Iaws authoriing constructon of the following projeots: ROMd No. Road Name 3 Wuichester Rd. Mwikâty Oshava/Newcs.5e TauibriRd. MPickng 4 Taunbn Rd. WN1thy 5 91h Con. Rd Picketfri 6 SaitlIeIdRd. Sawg 28 Rossland Rd. Oshawa 39 Road 39 47 Road47 Uxbridgo Brook 55 Townlnoe Rd. WihavalNwces»tie Ugrddng huom Road 33 HarmonyRd.) %0 Lot 21/22,Town Newcastle TauntaonlSteeles Connection fhum the West Duffin CrMo Bridge b Roe 1 <BmckRd.) Intersection Improvements at Anierson St Fmom west of Clammontwesbery b Mii Durhazxi/Yok Replacement of culvert Lot 18, Concession xJIIIxV Rossland Rd from Road 16 <Rison Rd.) b iersn St U gmdn umSRod norlhdy Zephyr Upga* fomRoad Reginal Boundary Towndhe Rd. hrum Hv.Ný2(KIg St) Ave) Plans showing dotails of the projeots and the lands affeded may b. seen at the officeoof the Chiot Desi9n Enineer of the Durha'W ' Deartnent. 105 Consumers Drive, Whitbiy, Ontario, Tolephone Works Committoe, boing delegated by Reggonal Council as the hoaring body, shall hoarîm'n sn or by his or hor counsol, solicitor or agMaypoison who daâims hNs or her land will be prejudicdally afetdby the by-laws and who appies on or before Mardi 5, 1991. to the. undorsigned to b. hoard at a meeting of the Works Committee on March 12 1991. DATE) at Whity ths 6th day of Febrai, 1991. AM M'wM&' M Wl extra garbage bags on the proetes of our elected politiciam n . ardly a responsble attitude to talc., smply because ho doosn't like their ideas. Maybe Mr. Chapinan should write a letter ta counèil and offer mie roal solutionsJ our garbago probleins, instoad of criticizing local politicians who Show more care. about environment To the. editor. I read and re-read ',Adazn Chapinan'a letter ta the editor (Free Prss, Feb. 6 odition) ta realize, incredulously, that, yes this mani was actually writing ta complain about the motion put before Whitby Town council to, lumit the arnount of garbage picked up at Whitby residences. Mr. Chapman wonders what a person is ta, do with bis fourth or fifth bag of trash each week? Well, heres a novel concept - what about working Vo eliminate th at fou11rth or fifth (p erbaps, even second or third) bWg What on earth are you doing ta, produce so much garbage? How many people live in your house? We are a farnily of five - two adults and three children, and we find that through a practioe of ýornpoeting, recycling and the relatively painlesa proces. of elimnatig oerpaekîaged and onvironmentally unfribndly items froin our shopping list, its no great feat to, consisterntly produce only one bag of garbage weekly.. As for the blue box pick-up every second week, *wbkitls-the beef there? Again, all it itakes is the elimination of items sucb as soft drink cans (bu y the returnable botties instead), etc., and youll find it won't .ho- necessary ta bave your blue box enxptied every week. I t goes without saying tbat the efforts of poople who care about the environnient are being undermined by tbe people wbo do n ot. Apparently, if -Mr. Cbapnan's attitude is the norm, and'I sincerely doubt that it is, the only way te try ta, solve the garbage problem i. ta impose a strict -unit on tbe nuinhor of bags per household, 'and charge residents for any number of bage over the limit (personally, I tbink two bags for pick-up per household is not unreasonable). Mr. Cbapman says ho'. fed up with politicians wasting resources and monies on ... wait for it ... "bia]fbaked ideas." Sir, may I suggest you stop wasting your tino and energy fighting -the garbage solution, and work taward it. To Whitby council, bring on the legislation, the sooner the botter. One final question, Mr. Cbapnxan. You wouldn't bapljén ta ho one of those people who water their sidewalks for* hours on end every'summer, would you?- .Just wondering. Cynthia van don Brook whitly McDONALD'S I NTRODUCES TWO HOT NEW CLUBS! QUARTfER PoUE >WITH BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO McDonaid's is where you'll find these hot clubs. Our McChicken Sandwich and Quarter Pounder are ail dressed-up with the mouth-watering taste. of bacon, crisp lettuce and fresh tomato. But hurry; these clubs will be gone February 24! WHITBY MALL Thickson Rd. & Hwy. #2 ALWAYS GOOD FOOD, F A ALWAYS GOOD VALUE. I ~"f ùOAL~~ j i'*W1two.~ w 114W*

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