Until charges resolved- PUBs yarvd By Mike Kowaloki Town council will oppose a proposi to store PCBs near a north Whitby tire dumnp until ail charges against the owner are resolved. Byîa vote of 6-1 council agreed Monday not to consider an, appliation for P(5B storage submitted by Whitby business- mn Art Robinson. ___________________ Not until fre code violations and municipal bylaw infractions against Robinson are settled is council prepared to deal with the aplication Iaddition, council is demand- Mg further 'information about Rob is proposai, before mak- mobile scrapyard on Taunton Rd. near the Oshawa-Whitby border, has applied to the Ontario Mimes- tyof Environment for permis- sion te store PCBs next te the site. The PCBsi (polychlorinated biphenyls), which have been lin- ked te cancer, are currently con- tained in two transformers aboard the derelict ferry boat in Wbhitby harbour. Robinson owner of the Prince Edward Is1Uad ferry, bas been given until Friday te remove the J500 gallons of PC Bs and ail other oils from the vessel. Environment Canada ordered the clean-up following a- sinking of the boat mn December and has twioe extended the deadline. Although the PCBs will not be stored at the wrecking yard, but on property, adjacent te it the site is close enoug oa <ump containing 100,000 sdtrs te warrant concern. The environment ministry has delayed issuing Robinson a certi- ficate of approval for the dump until he complies with ail muni- cald fire code regulations. to 17 1::tyea Robinson was char- ged by the municipality with operatmg a salvage yard without a valid licence. Earlier this month, he was charged under the Ontario Pire Codeéi connection with the tire Councilior Ros Batten, who introduced the resolution, said it is imperative that ail charges againE Robinson be resolved beoecouncil considers the apcarenl we have a piece of property that is for tire sterage, aniMy estimation therear 0 ail kinds of illegalities with the site » said Batten. 'Ârea residents have mao concerns, it's a fire hazard and there are charges agaIsthe applicant. We have te have these resolved before we consider it wher isit.further." Adding that he also bas "real >k concerns with the PCB sterage Whltb busiess~B application, Batten said the pro- Entertbiness 10 fosalrnust be deait with at a Lettes 12While he supported the itent Brooklin_____ 18 of ]Batten's motion, councillor Joe Wha's onl_____ 18 Drumm would not vote for it. Spoots - 19-21 cimi>te Ontario govern- Schol nws - 22 ment bas Un omiga fine Jig with respect to t he PCBs, Drunim said Whitby should not SEE PAGE 22 Whitby buses may soon go to O shawa By Mike Kowaik Whitby Transit buses could soon be taking passengers te Oshawa. Town council Mondayappro- ved asidng Oshawa otfcia ost allow Whitby buses inte the cît. If given t he go-ahead, Whitb Tiansit'a Dundas St. route wil b. extended te the Oshawa Centre, but only during off-peak hours. Operati'îg durmng this time will flot resuit i any additional coot te the municipahity. According te a staff report, officials of both municipalities began discusing the possibility of linking their respective bus services last year. Wbitby Transit currently pro- vides service easterly to e Garard/, Kendalwood Rd. while Oshawa Transit opeates as far west as Each transit system was asked te develop its ?wIi proposai for connecting service. Oshawa Transit _proposed rerouting its horton Rd. run te serve te Kendawood Plaza, Whitby Mail and Toys WR Us store. T1he service would b. provided during ail hours of Whitby Tran- sie's operation at an es Imated annual cost te Oshawa Transit ol $60 000. do;wever, Whitby Transit's proposai would flot invoive a cosi te either mumicipality, states thf B gy-ixeni Dundas St. ser. vice te, the Os awa Cntre, con. nections couid be made with foui Oshawa Transit routes.. It wouid also be more practicaý as buses would only be requirei te stop once while i Oshawa. SER PAGE 22 By MikeKowaiskl It will be some time before the economy mpoes, predict locai officiais. DL MOesite a few promising signale, most busi- ness and goverrnment figures surveyed by The. Free Press expect the recession te, last a while ohgh no one anticipates the, current economic slump te rivai the recession of 1981-82, ail a"e times are tough for many peple and businesses. General Mtors in in the second week of a two-week iayoff of 7,500 workers due te slump- ini sales. - h e layo bas affected severai omailer «fee- der» plants such as Lear Siegler Seating and Woodbridge Foam, both in Whitby, which su py parts for GM. Lar iegler, which produces car seats, laid off 400 workers at its Vorbes St. plant. .Woodbridge Foam, which manufactures félurthne famfor IZsécar ats, fol- jobs te return te next weelc, thesame cannot besaid for 180 people employed by a Port Perry company. Johnson Controls, wbich makes car seat tracks for GMW; Ford and Chrysier, plans te, shut down by April 15. The compaytemving production te plants in the Untd tts in an effort te consolidate operations. In Whitby, the value of building' permuits issued by the Town plunged dramatically last month. SEE PAGE 3 No at Vol. 21, No. 7 Wednesdayq February 13, 1991 28 pages fi Recession may-last a while longer t I :1 't