PAGE26,WIBYFREPRESS WDNSDY1FEBRAYJ,19 N THE CLASSIFIEDS!1 You'Il save time and money if you shop the ads in the classified section first! It's the place to find the big bargains you're looking for. Ban tams hot ini playoffsý '~THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETING >MondlayMarch4, 1991-@ 8:00P.M. Meeting Hall, WhityMLwipal Building Whftby, Onlarlo A Public Meeting will b. held by the Planning and Development Committo. of Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider an application ta amond the Wib Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law 1784 as submitted by Mr. Gary Aas Tihe subjeot property is located on the northwest corner of Thickson Road and Cmwfrth Street municipally known as 420 Crawfortii Street as shown on the sketch below. mePIN -LLS fRo. ISr PROPERTY DUMAS SEET MAST The purpoSe of the app lication is toa amend dhe Whitby Officiai Plan and Zonîng By-law ta permit medical offices ta be used by a Physician, Tberapist and Chipactr within the existing residential dwelling unit on the subject site. The purpose of this meeting la ta provide adequate information ta the public and to permit interested persans the opportunity ta make repesetaton n respect of tie rmzoninq application. If y ou are unable ta attend the meeting, your representation can be fled in wnting by mail or personal delivery ta meach the Planning Department flot later than regular warking hours on March 11, 1991. Intersted persans may inspeot adclltional information relating ta the above application in the Planning Dparent Level 7, 575 Rtossland Road East durinq regular working hours, Monday ta Friday or-may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT E SHORT Demoof lhannki Coporaton of"lb Tomn of WNUiy LABAIS]BLUE LIGHT DrIVISON OENS Whltby TaWplw !ouse Whitby Wesdman Ferma Poazn Internations] Raycan Pinanclal Hakeruriture FlnWdhng Clermont Collecter cars Trop S6SoRF m &mee Cooper Dave Pindar BiHl Bsrker John Mclpheun lme Gaudet George mlard Trophy Houai BakerPuri. Pin. 4 Whithy Weedman 3 perma FaiRm In. 8 Raycan Pinan. 7 Claremont Col. 7 W L FIE D.xyfl Norto Servies 48 30 48 The alyFianet 48 32 46 Dodd &Sout« ro.dloom 43 36 48 Gsuy Ceppns Seies 30 48 30 MikeAîkey15 GnRrd McPlue lis EliaaAckey 63 mark Amkey 60 Bob Boit 7 Weék Som Dodé&Souter 8 Darir to .8 osyeppins 8Daly ph"it a victorious, by a 3-1 score. Whitby took the lead earlyinrýtheg'me on a goal by Partridge and nover quit takidng the gae .ta Oshawa. Medeiros scored Whitby's next twogoloh on set-ups from defencmn ikRodrigues. Whitby's only loss was to, ............. Whitby PrecisionLitho major bantam A tearn juznped out to a fast start in their round-robin playoffs last week, winning three out of four games.. Whitby began with a 2-1 win over Oshawa Red Wing, in an exciting game. le Lang scored Whitby'is f on a pas from Darrn Prrd with Brandon Wall rounding out the scoring on a fine set-up fm Erie Ivail and Sandly Cohen. The second game saw Whitby put their offence into high gpar, outscoring Plékering 11-1. Cohen was hot this might, sorig one goal and assisting on four others. Scoing twice ea*ch for Whitby were Brian Medeiros, Mike Rowland and Partridge, wlile Lucas Hodgson, David Silvaan Paul Kahler scored once each. The Whitby defence bail a fine night with Carlos Roebuck icIng up three assista while Mark Lanegger and Nick Attwooll hail two assists each. The third game was a rematch against the Oshawa Red Wings and once again Whitby was Whitby select MMOR S5QUIEr *Sponaoed by tCaretold Ltd. Jan. 26 Whltby 0OtOhawa Canadansti Jen. 26 Whltby 2 UnlonvUhe 4 Jan.27 Whfiby 3 Ohaa Lon, 2 Ib'n Pirrow Bon Stanton 2 Sott Rapci No miaToenoezi Pib. 1 Wbltby 8 Predonle O Bon Stanten 2 Aialrow Genan 2 Jef Pichut Rfan Farrw Dune Danurd Pib. 2 Whitby - 2 Brampton 1 iryan Farrw Dam Dahurd Whib~ 2 Whoetfied Pub. 3 Whithy 3 Brampt 0 Ryan Matthova Andhew Gumnn Dam. Danurd Wednesday night dart league Chechelrs a riety aWhltby Optimta 8 James MulIan. 2 Scot Sawa Chrisinie Derek Colaaaunn Broaklln IMA O Wltby RayLegoeu4 Matt Pâyne 8 Peter Owens Pib. 9 North York Rock. 0 Edmonton Brick. 6 Krl.tlan Cunliffh 4 1ývler Mettin 2 Hamilton Steler,0OVencauer 86ers 1 Michael Norman Toronto Blizzard 0 xosqurmo Pib. 9 DevilueProduce 4 Devid Henderuon Cliff oppolino ira Rotff David WIWaer Chlp lTruc Roi Duncan 4 J. Vandervn GOrge Meer Montres] Supra BrandonTIMer Prngle Crk. IGA 3 Peul Cebo JUoliesentos Peter Neogobeui 6 Cheokera Veriety Marcua Payne Whitby innor hockey Boum LAGUE MflINORsquuxfr Plu. 10 Cm2adten TIrs Scott ae Brandon Powler 2 Rtyen Hnetko Guitarzan Marc MacDonad Derr=nDSeye2 James Lieke 2 lcyle Musueman 2 Ryen Peyman 4 Maste Bedrom Chria Jackuan Thomearqohar.m KareParquharm 8 Style Above Eric Coina Jean Hackoy Paul Lomberdi Whltby 2 Speedy Aute Glass4 GeofWeull Wade Brnch 3 GrogWillllains aul Ranger MAJOR SQUIM Pib. 3 Boys Enterpriu Darrl Poney =B'ryaBttael Hlghand van & St. 6 Jean Gslipeeult 2 Devid Beur Nathan Cotter Chistopher Powell KP Copy centre Bayan Mantde Justin Belliviau PûmRPtbertmo Justin PoLter 3 Beckford Ser. Cir. 3 Plan Haber 3 Vick Inmuwance4 Ma& orr M ichae Puge Brandon Altamuro Shawn Stephena 4 Whitby Trophy6 Matthew Taylor 5 Brandon McBride Marlgod Lincoln 6 Dom'a Auto Parts 7 Justin Giles 3 Kevin Fel 6 Tommmy icic 2 Brondon Kortekas Matthiw Graham IMNOR NOVICE Pièb. 9 MacTegu Brian Abbey KyleRuttan Jonjyan Brien là ni Brooklin Concete 4 pt"n mende lchai Denalo Aiora Rhaumd JShua Vannan MLAJOR NOVICEC 4 Whithy Optimist Matt Gresty Whitby Toyota Jin Nicol Fe. 9 BrookluiKinsunn56AndermonVit. CamirnMunro 2 Matluow Ra roman Wtruk 2 Matthew Prtier Matthow Radfoud Home éRUnd 4 CxalgCeansl2 Andrew Yerasavltch hua Cutlhbotu in Crouch Coller 8 Burret Church 2 Scott NaoeM Petebruh 4-2. Hodgson and Rowlan caed for Whitby in a gaewbich saw Whitby corne up a lIttle short agaînst- an aggressive Peterborough team.' Goaltenders Andrew Martin and Adamn*Clay continued their steady play. Rin loyd Auto ev Da mmv KadiaPpom 8 &wx alfraPranko2 CiMaRotb ~Iku Eblay8 Whltbi OpimiatO AWà oymbl"a Feb6 9 RBa"Club Ga Moyer 4 Royal CmLon DaneMailla VaDis Fruit lMark. Michael Sohielfer 6 cacs 7 Anâjetbon 8 Matt Paclga2 2 Hazrcid&MIt.2 Scott Adimusn 2 A Bey Sport O Donuirm 0 O Igue SeeFIsILa IL Kiokowuki 4 AneRmacon RobetnLaCdz Suai City 4 Wbltby Optimisti JauaMmurphy Kevin Taylor wiAntoyFlina 2 Big Donute JamnEvelyn 8 squIwr 8 D.LS. Inauanco Pib. 9 Royal CanLLegin 8 St.Clair Paint 1 Dmnm Cird38 Neil Hobley Mitchell lnm 2 Cidardele Cerp. 1 Devid Crabbe 2 Stevon Porce Hair Caro Ctr. 1 ThrumWy Mllr AMUchardai. Brook Gin. Hui.4 Brod Bowin Luc» as ejor 8 CRCS 2 Matthew Dougla Jes.y Zen BrooklilaIGA 0 Bey Sparts 1 miel Wisauing Bighlano Van. 6 FringleCrk. IGA 3 Kyle Murdock Paul Siuannon Matthew Margea3 BL Buchmaate2 Rtyan Jemy 6 Wbltbyflodge o. 2 Stoflin Drillers0 1 Coaen 4 Stuart Balley Chria Mcy 2 Swean Pr"yab 3 DuifaTowlng 2 NicholaRai Devid Parquharuon 4 MclvorInauance 3 Brà ly Blakey 2 Kemith St. John 1 Kinamen Club 5 Geuy Ehasoo 2 Rtyan B. Chad Parrich Tyler McDougall 2 Blades Skate Carm 4 Matthew Bongard 2 Gavin }'lnders Gooifr aHrris Roys Enterprise 10 Mark Duggan Ken Calway 2 Jason Cunningham 2 BlairRegular Ryan Swift GerthUnderton Sean Kerestens Kevin Graham - 8 FroinclalSigna 0 GA 11TS 13 18 40 16 29 14 29 Il as 10 39 a 72 2 1 Mida Mollr 2 Clayton Hamura Jaaon Fiddle a Coscan 1 Spencer Lloyd IHéBEIgni 2 John Grahama Rihad Farquhmaso 1, * Whitby Iroquois soccer HOUSE LEAGUE SHOP Whitby in mo chad K&aeska T,. Bradimoe whtby OBa Jan IMrcCeam 3 MAJOR ATOM FéPb. 10 David Moonlght Luka Power rrr cann.. Bront I.e.i>3 4 Joey Walsh provincial Sgna Stenoka" Franklin Fr. Po%" Brent Johnat" suawn Kcarns Brooklit Dis. KCinamen 3 David Dogherty DominliMmnont KNis Amm , SivillConir. Donyl McClintoeo Matthew Riddell Colin Appleton Tmuaikaieing BladeaSkate Caro iWmEnterpLiu Frankin FW. Pood& Wh ltby Pirelightfrs Provincial Signe wS EConstrcn Brooklninmn BAfVAU Whltby Mm-no Richard Welne OlkerLeverly 2 Nea les Bue RBic.hards Tyrune itibrook Adoa Murn Optimt Club m Prout Camean Polnd 4 ILDIxon "j-, Pib. 9 Bay Sport, 6Hardiman & MaIL a Loevia Chekalu 2 Jaansponoe Robin Halton 2 PrenS Sceau Chris Joda Rbot Iffon CRC5 Contract. 6 Grame Whyte 2 Rbetalpin Creigoula, Doout Pros Omar E"chah 3 JaienDykÉa