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Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1991, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WMMTY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1991 Whitby ma dmits killing his w,.Ife A Whitby man has admit ted shooting and thon mutilating the body.of hEis common iaw wife. Raiph Dogla Acorn, 47, for- il yof11-rêndanbrok Dr., gleadedjiiity Monday to mur- ermg ristneSîochowicz, 38, ini August, 1989. Acorn will b. sentenced March 8 by Mr. Justice Richard Clarke of thé Ontario, Court's gênerai divisibn. Acorn's gtuiity plea to second- dégrée murder camne one wéek into his triai on a chargé of first-degreemurder. Thé .jury had béen exciuded froin procéedinge iast week while lawyers argued over the admissi- biiity of certain évidence. Acorn, a former. Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police auxiliary officer, was charged foilowing an eight-hour s;tancloif withfDurham Régional Police on Aug. 2, 1989. Police discovered Siochowicz' body in hér home after Acorn surrendered. Thé uppér portion of thé wqman's body had been mutila- ted and -she had been dead for four days. Siochowicz had three children from a prve Marig. They weré atthé homeofa relativea the time of thé murder. Court was toid Siochowicz was killed after an argument with Acorn. After shootiig her once mn thé back of thé headAcr put thé body in thé bathromtub. Hé later telephoned a friénd in Saskatoon and informédlm of what hé had done.* Thé friend subséquentiy caiiéd police. P CBs to, remain on boat for nowl FIROM PAGE 1 Soetene was not availabié for immédiate comment on 'thé issue. However, Durham Centré MPP Druiimond White said Robinson wiil not hé permittéd to store thé PCBs near his scrap yard until Whitby's concerna are satisfied., Whité said provinciai environ- ment ministry officiais informéd him that no -cértificaté wili hé grantéd'as long as thé Town is opposed te thé application. Last week council voted not te considér any proposai until fire Icode volations and municipal »byiaw infractions against Robin- son are settléd. Lest year Robinson was char- géd by the municipaiity with operating a, salvage yard without a vaiid licence. Eariier this month, hé was charged undér thé Ontario Fire Code in connéction with tire storage at thé yard. Robinson lias an estimatéd 100,000 used tiros on his pro- perty. Thé proposéd PCB storage site is about one-quarter mile from thé tires.- Attersiéy, who bas demandéd an énvironmentai hearing before thé POB9. are allowed anywhére ini Whitby, said some senior government officiais are biaming council for the impasse. '«Théy'reý saying it's our fauit because we wouidn't ailow it <PCBs) te go next te a dump with tires"» said Attersley. Robinson's yard was one of nine Ontario sites which had 24-hour security guards posted by thé province -foiiowing iast yehr's H-agérsvilie tire fire dis-. aster. A fire burned for aimost one month at a' Hagérsviile, Ont. dump containing 14 million tires. A group of young offenders was chargéd in -connéction with thé fire. Resi*dents worri*ed' FR OM PAGE 3 who move ' M may want bus service, je cn'ttae iway thal Ji gIli said Town policy is avoid bus routés on local roade and evén if it did *not, no one bas réquested thé service. "That's not an issue, that's a perceived probiém ... I suggest to y ou .mi thé stronUest temns that us fin not an issue, wol've not iookeat it,»said Bugelli. Scuse replied It'. because no one ban sat downand iooked at it, that it couid hé a problem.» Councillor Joé Drumm saiuted Scuse's group for working with t6tli ucipaity- and ureédthem Draum admitted thé site is net thée«most idéal spot", but said it will eventually hé thé centré of town as Whitby grows. Ini response te a comment fromn résident Bob Stéffler, Drumm concedý that council' érred in. not consuiting with résidents prort maiing its décision. rBut Drumrn said résidents will ultirnateiy realize the benéfit of having thé centre in their néigh- bourhood. Hé said néw subdivisions are comprised primarily of familles with young childrén.' «You don't sée many seniors, it might hé good for evéryone con-< cérned te talk te thé seniors,» said Drunim.* Picking up on Drumm's thème, councilior Dennis Fox said, "Hav- ing* seniors in our néighbour- hoods is a plus.» Fox said seniors. providé "a good source of histe and wil à seve a addd - sSurtynby ini the park. pam Scuse teid reporters later hé 3was uncértain hie group will i appear before council next wéék. '(Thé committee did not make tany recommendation othér than ) oaccept thé staff report outiin- ngý thé resuit of meetings with résidents.) «At this point I don't think we wiii go te counc*l,', said Scuse. "Perhaps th next décision wiii hé made at te Novémber élec- tion.» Scuse said hé remains uncon- vmnced Bradley Park is thé beet site for thé centre and that Brad- Iley Dr. will not bécomé a bus routé. "I think if council had asked for imput in thé éari stages, as théy said théy should 'have done, it would hé a différent bal gné»said Scuse. According toe Scusé, one impor- tant question has not been answered. «Whén thé seniors gave their support te this location, was it thé board of directers or the seniors at large? «Do théy know where thé site is and thé probiems involvéd?» Scuse said that déspite failing te obtain a ccdmmitment about buses, hie group accomplished its main goal.', «We wiil have savéd considér- able open space for the kicda ... if it cornes te buses down Bradley Dr. we wili fight that when wé havé te.» Planning staff to revi 'ew, loss of grieenbeit area By MiheKowali The ramifications of losing public ownership of open space land in north 'Vhitby wilihée investigatéd by thé Town's plan- ning departmént. Town council last wéék référ- red a p roposai for an estaté lot subdivision south of Ashburn, back te its planning and dévélop- ment committée. Thé committée had réconirnn- déd thé prévieus wéek that devé- lopér Néal Grandy hé allowéd te build 30 éstate lots on thé north sidé of, Brawléy Rd.E.,bétwýen Ashburn Rd. and Dufi's Rd. Despité thé objections of coun- cillor Marcel Brunelle, thé coin- mittee agrééd te thé deveioper's r,îuest that a codition of appro- val imposed by thé planning départrenthédeleted. Staff had recomméndéd that land on both sides of Lynde Creek, which flows through thé proposéd development, hé désig- nated public open sp aoe.ý Thé créék roughry dissécte thé approximatély 80-acre site in thé mniddle.. Staff felt that land bordering thé creék should hé dédicated to thé Town at no extra cost te thé municipality But aaspokéseman for thé dévé- lolier argued that résidents- would object te thei akad héeing adjlacent to public prort and perhaps evén a future walk- way along thé creek vailey. Although Brunélié said thé land shouid hé képt in public ownérship for future générations, thé committéeféit othérwisé. Councillor Joe Drumm said designating thé property public open space couid léad te pro- blême with poiicing thé area and incréased liability cote. Howévér, trying anothér option, Brunélié- last wéek asked for thé miatter te hé sent back te committee. Brunèlié said this wouidalo staff te comment on théfimplica- tiens of- thé open space iock béing kept in private ownérship A reférral motion is not ýdeba- tablé. and Brunéllé's réquest was, appr.ovéd by a vote of 43 Meadowcrest's lOOth day Tuesday, Feb. 12 was thé lOOth day, of thé Meadowcret public achool jear. Thé classes wéré involved in many activities with thé number 100. ThéeIindérgarten pupils made 100 pancakés toeéat. Other classes brought in collections of buttons, stonés, shélis and hockey carda to display. Math lessons involvéd counting 100 objecta of all kinds for display. Grade -3 studénts brought in 100 stuffed animais and thén used them for graphing work. Ail around thé achool could hé séén artwork such as potate heart pnnt;s, nowfiaké people and 100 hate t maké up thé number 100. Thére weré evén pictures of how soeé mght look liké when they are aged- 100. One intermédiate class had 100 hearta numhéred around théehImUwalls with thé number 100 hidden for soméone te find. Israel makes mistk To thé Edito- A dangerous moment bas corné. Thé décision. of thé Israeli governmént *to make Réhavain Zeevi, leader of thé Moladét Party, a méinhér of thé Cabinet in thé Likkud Coalition bas awésomé implications for thé future of Palestine. Hé has opéniy promnoted thé forcible évacuation of Paiestinians from thé West Bank and Gaza and other parts of Israël. Rather than this war i the Gulf opéning up possibilities of justice tbrough an international cnféren ce and recovery of respect for UN résolutions on Palestine, thé réal poesibility now is that thé rights of the Paléstinians in their own country will hé forevér lbat. As a young man in 1947, 1 was1 sZweptalong with thé majority of1 énvisaed a Palestinian staté in that land, and international protection of thé rights of Paléstinians who resided in that new state of Jsral. I expéctéd that Imrel would abidé by any UN résolutions and provide justice for those Pleiin alréady living théré. Many Israelis have sharéd my viéws, but sadly thé présent Israeli govrnmént is taking déterminéd action te turn Israël into a Jewish staté. Whéthér thé UN likés it or not, théy plan toeéxpand théir bordérs te thosé of thé anciént Davidic Empiré. For thé rule of law, and thé upholding of justice, this is a far gréatér issue than Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Ironically, this war in thé Gulf is going te push thé rule of international law and thé uphoiding of justice farther into thé background. This war must hé stoppéd! Canadlans in voting for thé éstablishmént of an Iaseli state Donald M.L Warnée CHIDRN aged 8 to il recentiy bers Joyce Edwards- and Jennifer tookpart in wmnter craft activities at Carney.n -j

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