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Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1991, p. 23

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WITBY FE PRESSI WEDNESDAY, -FEFBRUARY 27,1991, PAGE 23 Job When the company closed, 1 realized my skills were not as up-to-date as they should be. Going back to school is never easy, but if you find yourself out of a job due to a company shut-clown, it can feel like you have been "backed into a corner". 1 decided to take a Word Processing Secretarial Course, which 1 oompleted in just 6 months. The new skills and computer experience 1 gained, helped me to get a great job at a local company. The Toronto School of Business was just the answer for me... it canbe for you too! Change your life today! PICKERING CAMPUS 420-1344 OSHAWA CAMPUS 723-1163 Over 20 career opportunities to choose f rom, > Financial assistance available for qualifyîng students > If you are 45 or older and have been laid off within the last 6 months you can qualify for a $5000.00 grant. T 1 oronto School of Business LOOKING FOR A CAREER change? Wo are looking for a commissioned cellular sales rep. Will train. 432-0088. - TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time to train for your Class AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job plcement information, contact Merv Orres Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. WAITRESS/Waiter (experienced only). Oscar Steak Houso, 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax. 427-9319. Apply in porson. ~ THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY DAY' CAMP DIRECTORS CAMP COUNSELLORS PRE SCHOOIL CAMP COUNSELLORS The Corporation of the Town of Whitb is currently seeking qualified candidates for the above positions for the Community Sohool Summer Camps. LOCATION : Pngle Creek Communit oool Palmerston CommunitySçoo Bellwood CommunitySohool Glen Dhu Community School An person intmrsted in applying as Day Camp Directors, Camp Consellor or Pro School Camp Counsellor, please apply in pemson on or before Friday, March 15, 1901,to: Personnel Darment The orpration cf tue Town of Whitby 5'o75 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LI N 2M8 NOIE: We thank ail those persons who app~ but advise acknowledgement will onl be forwarded teose applicants who are invited for an interview. THlE CORPORATION O THE TOWN 0F WHITBY VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS If you're looking -for an opportunity which offers a challenge, provides the potential for an attractive compensation package, recognizes achievement and allows you te mako a vital contribution te, your community, thon wo have the opportuniîy for you. The Aire Departmnent is expanding and we are Iooking for committed mon and wornen of good character, compassion, and couraeo. You must meet tde basic requirements for th Departmnent must be able to suocessfully pascademic, physical ftness, pril and medical tests as prescribed. Rienywithin the municipal boundaries is a prerequisite. The Departmnent has four (4) locations: Station No. 1 - Broolin Station No. 2 - Manning Rôéad Station No. 3 - Brockç Stret South Station No. 4 - Myrte An% person interosted in serving this community as a Volunteer Aire Figter, please applyun person on orbeforoFriday, March 22, 1991 ,to: Personnel Department The Corporatiobn of thé, Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Roe1 East WHITBY, Ontgndo APPUCANTS ARE REQUE8TMOT TO PHNE THIEFIRE DEPATENT. NOTE: We thank ail thosepesos who appjy, but adviso acknowledgement will only be owre to thoso applicants who are inviteci for an interview. .. . . .... . . .. WORD PROCESSING service offered ai competitivo rates. Résumés, manuscripts and reports, or any business needs. (Legal5scretai oxperience.) HOME REPAIRS and renova- tions. Electnicai, plumbing, carpeting and drywall. Installation of washers, dryers, stoves, dish- washers, heaters, vents, etc. Big or small, we do it ail. 20 years experience. Gord, 666-4573. GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers wmother-in-law" dlean every timel Environmentally friendly products only. Employées are socurity chocked, bonded and insured. 725-9177. PRIVATE DUTY NURSE availablo. If interested, please contact 668-8383. COMPLETE WORD processing services (letters, essays, reports). Reasonable rates. Fast service. Cal Eileen at 668-7243. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgato lit. Furnituro & appliance removal. Clean yards, basoments. Sarages. Cut. trees, etc. Cai 55-3004 anytime. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall - taping and finishing, trimwork, ceramic tiiing, painting, generai repairs,'foncing and docks. Cail (416) 576-7503. *Uncontested Divorces *ompletion of Forms *Immigration Matters *Peaplos Advocacy *Incorporations *Simple WilIs j e (46 e 28-26 IiiANI RAW CaiqAbu eopl s.. rl HURT ELECTRIC. Residential and commercial. For ail your electrical needs, including installation of dishwashers, central vacs,. garage door openers. Free estimates. 668-5974. VISCAR MASTER PAINTERS. Ater 23 years you got nothing but top quality service at aprice youllI t md economical. o down payment, and financing available. Cail Norm for prompt quotes ai 655-5030. OCA. SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. Spcalmzinig in ail marine outbo&ds, lawnmowers, chain saws, dùrt bilces. Minor repairs to complete overhauls. Free estimates. 668-5322. RENOVATIONS, cabinetry, addi- tions. Kitchens, bathrooms, paving stones, fonces, docks, roc rooms. Free estimatos. 416-432-6865 or 705-887-2017. GUITAR LESSONS. -Beginners and advanced. Accoustic or eloctric. CatI Lou 66-9, Whitby. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles and couples welcome). Phono 430-0014. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER, môther, will caro for, your pre-schooler. in a stimulating environment. Excellent roferences. Reasonable rate. Garden-Rossland area. 430-3825. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home. An y age. Garden/ FaIlingbrook/Rossland area. ECE oxperience. Playroom, lots ef activities. 430-3592. . . 0Ye \ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY INSTRUCTOR/GUARDS Tho Corpoation of tho TownofWib is currentiy seiodn9qualiflod candidates for the abovo ostin= n the Pas & Rcreation Departinont. DUALIEICATIOtff: Must havoetho following qualifications or a suitablo combination of qualifications and expennc: Current - Royal -Ufe Saving Society Bronze Cross, R.L.S.r instructr, Red Cross. Water aft nstructor, Frst Aid; expenoence in teaching and working with c=lde an asset. MON UUUAY.ýReporting te fthe Worlcng Foreman - Aquatics, the Instructor/Guard will bu responsible for instructing Canacian Red Cross Water Safoty and Royal Ufo Saving Society Lessos; preparation of lesson plans; completi of worksheets; water safety supervision inclucing prevention of accidents and enforcemient of Town aquatic policios and procedures. HQUInS11F WORK, Rotating Shift and Weekends. SALARI: $7.61 per hour (under review). AMy person ntmested in appying as an Instnjcter/Guard, pleas apply in-person on or beforo Fiày, March 15, 1991, te: Personnel Department The Corporation of-the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LUN 2MB NOIE We thank aIl those prsons who appty, but advise acknowledgeient wiII oniy h forwarded te, those applicants who are invited fbr an interview. ~1 'fi ~Lij .... .............. ... ......... -- ------ ............ 1 1 f 'l' ! !ý 1 1 1, fýýj i7l 1 -Y e - il-j -e Y

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