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Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WHITBY PMEEPRE8S9 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY,27., 1991 ERROLS APPUJANCE SALES. New and used coin washers and dryors. Repairs to mlcrowavos and appliances. We wilI buy quality used appliances. 10% seniors7 discounts. 432-7734. Ail &Makes Compte Tune-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines from $5900 TOPUNE SEWIING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Ki(ng St.W Oshawa REE MICROWAVE & Refrigeration Services. Reasonable rates, written guarantee. Also smalî ap plianco repair in Whity/1 aa aiea. Caîl Ree 728-0692. HANK'S APPUANCES. Apart- ment fridges and stoves $350 a set and up. Guaranteed. We buy used appliances. Hank's Appinces, 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6.728ê-4043. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gettlng auto insurance because of agB, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. Qualit Coxwtrctionfor Hone & Bueiness. e Bathrooma e Kitchona eCustom Trim Docks Gazebos GET RID 0F THE WINTER BLAHSI Cail AL'S DRY WALL Specializing in: Home Renovations - Reo Rooms Designed Ceings - Plaster Mouldlngs Cali AI at 666-1657 or 668-0535 IFOR FREE QUOTATION CA LL IHERB TRAN I725-6564 NEW$ U SWE DO HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. Intetock Paving And Fencing 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE -LsLB R 4 04 1 ' BOOKSHELF, WALL UINIT 100 o. Brass floar Iam p $30. Antiqu ;Tle- rocker $75. Student d=s .Bistro table, 2- matchlng chairs $100. 728-5742. BASEBALL, HOCKEY CARDS. Upper deck sets, foul box, score sets ls wax boxes. 416-430-830Ol8. Dealers welcome. FIRST MORTGAGE available under il per cent. Debt consolidation and f inancial advico specialist. - residential and commercial. Home Guard Funding. 430-8362. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the plwa o go whon your bank says " .0Sorving Whitby since193 668-7200. ANBI INVESTMENTS. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6:900; 40x60ft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. CALL MURRAY Quality home repairs, renovations, -custom conrete work, & mobile welding. REASONABLE RATES. REFERENCES AVAILABLE. 668-8220 or 372-0797 UPHOLSTERY R ljpostering of antiques. oi kld trecovoring. Vour fabric or mine. e Free estimates. 40 yoars xpelnce. 430-7568 - Whitby PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICES COMPLEUE HOME RENOVATIONS DANNYsS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Protect Yowr Investiont Wlth Quality Repaire and Improvenmonts Basement Apadtmenta Réca Rooms - Painting Skylites - French Doors Water Proofing Kitchens' - Bathrooms FRE EsTImmATS 6U66-2827 PERCALE SHEET SETS, comforters, mattress pads, pillows. Everyday low prices. Decor- Agency Interiors Mt., 88 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax. 428-0937. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Faeo cords/bush cords. Dry hardwood. Plckup or delivered. Pruning trees and evergreens, scrubs.Gardenl basement cleanups. Cail 69-3183. DOG OWNERS. Supe.r Scooper - pickinq and bagging in a .single operation without bending or stooping. Only $34.95 from J.M. Industries. For free literature cal (416) 986-5417. 1985 MERCURY LYNX, 70,000 km. Lady driven, very good condition, $1,800. 3-pieco twin bedroom suite, new box/mattress, $250 or best offer. 430-0029. COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE and accessorles for IBM, Amiga, 064- Sega Genesis gamoes and accessories with over 100 cart- ridges to buy or ront. Entire set of Amiga Fred Fish disks available. 1 to 440. Computer Creat ions, 259 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa. 576-2023. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionais, loss than haif prc.Large 'selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. ULTRAMATIC electric bed, wfth vibrator. Head and foot raises and Iowers. 6- months old. Asking. $1,900 or best offer. 666-0482. MATTRESSES and box springs at half price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. PLANNING TO SELL your homo? Interview David Roney of NRS Roaty One lnc. 8 yoars experienco and full-timo commltmont. 436-1800. GERMAN SHORT-HAIRED Pointers. 0KG registerod. 3 years. 1-61l3-473-5186. CROSS CAN ADA MARKETPLACE ITs FAST - irS EASY! ON! cALL, ONE BILL DOES-IT AL THINK 810 - CAL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMINO EVENTS ARTS. CRAFT5, COUNTRY COLLECTIBLES Show And Sala presented by CraftWorld and Cryderman Productions ina. Motre Eut Trade Centre, Pickering. Match 8.10. Information eaii CraftWorid <519) 351.8344. CAREER TRAINING FREE oarser guide te home-etudy cerrespondance Oilima courses: Accauniing, Alrconditonn, Bookkeeplng, Busines, c:rneti y, a hgTvi. Granton (SA) 263 Adeimide est, Tronto, 1.800-950-10972. SALES HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE: Need ta rogister your licence? No board tées, province wide part.tlme nstworl ($aail surcharge>. John F. CampbellReal Estai* Ltd. (418) 588-2878 (24 hra) (Save ihis ad). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworme ln your basement or garae. dorloes operation. Low investment. Mark. guaranteedi Free Information. Emriy Bird Ecoiogy. RR#1 Smithviiie. Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4252. THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV. I'm looking for people whe need up Io $2.000 to $3,000 par month part.time. Ciii Garth (705> 835-2967. I4ELP WANTED SENIOR THERAPIST for new mentai heaith centre ln acenlc rural community. Appiy Haliburton Counti Couneelling Contre, Box 687. Heliburton, Ontario, KOM 150. 705) 467- 1209. AREA SALES MANAGER. Commetice. /Fragrances career opportunity. PreatIg. loue/Eabliahe.J campany. Prefor bemuty- /aoametio experience. Ambitieus individuae appiy. Rasuma: 66 Firetons Bivd., Lendon. ON, N5W 514. lPax 519) 452- 188. SELLINO PASHIONS le an axcilng way te make money Choose your heure. Earn top commissaIn. Frae training. Genarous incentives. C ar n.csary. Management opportunilles. The Fashion Networkc, 1.800.1 661.5501.9 OUT7 OF TOWN PROFERTES CROWN/.LAND avallabliity and Ontario prrties to: e oId for unpald ltaxes.Fo 5M8. Stn. F. Ottawa, X2C03M. WANTED FOR THOSE WHO LIVE In harmeny wlth naturel iaoiated woodiots urgentiy needed for rlais. et rehabilltated raccoona. Water nearby, Hunting. trapping prohIbited. Pisme cmii (519) 979-8398. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY SACRIFICING THREE LOTS In 14kelieid area. future 30 Lot Estate Plan. Seurs Investment $15,000. depouit par lot. Act Nowi Cali teflfrue (tram 416, 519, 705) Pager 1-559-8784. ADOPTION PREGNANT? Happy, caring coupie wishes te adopt and provide very boat cire for your unborn ohild. Soeurs, iovIng home, tuii.timne mom. Cil Pat colaect (416) 482-6024. VACATIONSITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five day. aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on ecenie Trent- Severn Waterway or Rideau Canai; privais state-reome, menis, frae broohure. Write Cmçtain Marc, Box 1640, Peterborough, XgJý COMPUTERS FOR SALE OR RENTI New and reconditioned IBM compatible computers. prInters. and peripharale. Terme avîliabis. Trade-ins iccptedi Cmii M.R Technoloiges it <519) 392- 8300 weekdaym ". 1 .USCELLANEOUS SECRET 0F YOUTH Anti Aging Proese. Produots centain finesalingradienta frcm eclantifo bremkthrough. Send for literaure. 38 Ciareviiie Cree., llowdale. M2J 2C1. SERVICES NEED CREOIT? Instant 1.500 lins et credit. Guaranteed approvai. Cash idvenc.s avîliabie OAC. Catalogue shopping. Application send SASE: AdvantageCmrd, Box 43830, SIn. O, Hamilton. LSV 4LS. STEEL BUILDINGS 1991 FARM EOIJIPMENT SHOW. Specimi on ail Modela. ag. S301ff0'. 10'x11 deoàr $4.693. Quoneet 30'x40' $4.589. Siza. trom 20W te 100OW. Cmli Future 1.-8004688653. STEEL BUILDING SURPLUS Inventory Pricec tram 82.50 a square foot. Buy now, tîke doiivary within 8 menthe ine extra cast. PONEEVEONSPAN 1-800-68-85422. (24 heure). BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL typa - net quensat.- 32x48 84.983; 40x84 $8,079;, 50x96 $14,908.- non- expundabie ends, other eizes avaUMbIe - GST lnciuded. Piragen - 24 Heurs.; 1.800-263- 8490. IY our ad could appoar Ii communlly nespm1sln Ontaio, or rlaht mros Canada, i or îny Individuel province. Space la Limifed, so Cmli This emwpuler Todoyi BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reid a wier maitef. adveftse thmugho<* the regnal membershp dihe On&* and Canadien Community NewsPp«eAssocùfflôns CnriOiie55 nswspmpers - $1601for 25 worda -*AM Ontaro 171 n.wsmpars - $MO0for 25 werdsý Ail Canada 572 n vsas- $9741for 25 words« For further Information please oeil the WVhitby Free Press Ciassltieds - 668-0594 TWO, ROOMS - kitchen 'and bedsit ting rmom,ý plus bathrocm. Fumlshod main floor. Non-drinker, non-smoker. No pets. $375 a month,. heat & 'hydro and one Farkl st included. First and rsmonth req ulrod. Close to downtown.* Cail Betty 930-6000 or 668-4141, after 6 p.m. at 668-2233. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for rent. $90 weekly. Bathroom & kitchen facilities. Student or viorker preforrod. Walk to ail amentitios. 666-3776 after 6 p.m. 3BERO HOUSE - 2 people Ioaking for third p orson to share north Whitby home. Warking poison a must. 430-2420. WHITBY '- CLEAN, QUIET furnishod room for ront ln private home. Includes- parking, phono, cablo, imited kitchon'use. Close ta Brack/Duncas, GO, shopping Prefer mature working maie. Available lmmediately. 668-364. LARGE, BR IGHT one bedroomn basoment apartmont., Laundry, parking. $490 Inclusive. 666-87.14. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT kq Whitby. Parkin,' c yard. $700 per month, plus utiltios. <70.5) 484-0831. BROOKUN - 1 BEDROOM apartmont available now, $495, al utilities .-incîuded. 3- bedroom apartmiant for April 1, $845 peor month, all utilities includied. 985-0856 or 430-734t Herb or Dave Visser. WEST LYND.E WeIi mulntgal 5 bedlroom spllt level 4UvIng and diffn rig m, do pjece, 2 place, famiiy room, duble drlvoway, largo fenced yard. 1 year lems. References. $1.300 per monlh fuliy fumlshed or $1.150 par mn nmlhod. 668-3640' WIIITBY BACHELOR apartment., Searato entrance, nice ktchen, larg bath. March 1. $525. 430-8395. WHITBY - 1 BEDROOM avail- able Immoditoly. $450 monthly (neotable)includes fridgo, stovo, pang utiaiti) Sutable for 1 persn. For more Information catI 623-4782. WHITBY - Largo I bedroom apartment availablo March 1 $575 monthly. 'incudes fridge, stove, parking, tilities andbalcon 'Aply -at 110 Victoria St. W 666-271, 9 to 5 dally.. BRAND NEW 2. beclroom spart- mont. Broadioom, 2 appliances, pring. Uilitios included. First & last.No pets. Avallable March i. 430-7104. LARGE ONE BEDROOM apaatmont, 1722 Duffeuin St. $644 opr month. Furniture incîudod. oear40 and GO bus. No pets. 263-4104, 430-7327. j~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... . ...... . 6859 .O..... . M... à Pkay~ :0 tno.500pm*Fa 88054

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