WmTlft nkEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH e, 1991, PAGEM EN VOGUE EN, VOGUE EN VOGUEr-EN VOGU! -!'N VOGU! The. language Of cdiamonds The important qualities that deter- mine the value of a diamond are easly remnembered as the "4 Cs." A jew- eler knows this stands for cut, color, clarity and carat. But what exactly do these designations 'mean? e* Cut - The -shape of a diamond as well as the process transforming a rough diamond into a sparkling, light- tilled gem- cornes under the term e Cor - Diamonds can be kiss- ed witîa faint tinge oflcolor: yellow, brown, green,,b.'ue,. pink, even black. And their ability to refleet light gives themn the tireybrdliance of a rainb ow. However, most engaging diamonds arep referred crystal cléar arýd white ý,,-sa drop of pure rain water. q-Çl~Carity -,This refers to the dia- mond's freedomn from such inclusions as internai. cracks -and tiny bubbles.> Aproduet of nature, a diamond na- trally possesses some degree of im- perfection. The less er the degree, the smaller the flaws, the more valuable the. diamond. For commercial pur- poses, a government standard has been set whereby a diamond may be termed "perfect". or "flawless" if no inclusions or blemishes can be detected by a trained çye using a. 1-power jeweler's magnifying glass. a Carat - The weight of a dia- mond is measured in carats. The word cornes from the "carob" seed of the Orient, a seed so uniform -in weight that it becamne the standard measure for diamonds. A carat is divided into 100 points. Thus, a 10-point diamond weighs one-tenth of a carat. PNTODUC1NG DONNA HISCOCK Hair Stylist Precision Haircuts $7,00 Beauty Louag '4 rm language means a special gift from a husband to his wife. In the United States, Canada, Latin America and across Europe, a diamond anniversary band is often given on anniversaries during the first ten years of marriage. The ring is a circle of diamonds that represent enduring, timeiess love, and to many, it is as important in symbolizing a successful marriage as is the diamond engagement ring in symbolizing engagement. AIl shapes of diamonds are used in diamond anniversary bands, with the most popular being a single row of matched round stones either haif way or al around the band. r- - In Japan, no anniv'ersary gift' giving tradition existed until recentiy. However, as in s0 many cultural areas, the Japanese are adopting Western traditions by recognizing diamnonds as a gift of love which celebrates w'edding anniversaries as well as betrothal. The "Sweet Ten" Anniversary, in which a Japanese wife receives a piece of diamond jewellery that has ten diamonds on the lOth wedding anniversary is becoming. popular. Each diamond represents a year of marriage., Perhaps a twentieth-century poet might ask, "How do I love thee, let me count the carats!" HAIR STUDIO is pleased to introduce ANITA. RIDING St ran ifs)' Speciaizing Easy-Mesh Highlights Make your next "wash & blow dry" appointment with Anita, Lisa, Carol or Mauren and receive your second "lwash & blow dry" visit for only $1.00. 1413 Dundas St.E, Unit #3, Whitbye 430-8787J ~'4~IeV ring have now arrived!. Ail winter stock now on sale! Join our frequent ~ ~; <~ buyer club for'Super FUN FASHIONS AND ACCESSORIES - BURTH TO TEENS XVOpen: Mon.-Thurs. 10-6, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 9:30-5:30 e Durham's only certified professional photographer e Affordable family portraits & weddings 0 Durhain's largest indoor &- outdoor studio (NC)-When Elizabeth -Barrett Browning asked, "How' do i love thee, let me count the ways," she could neyer have. counted ail the traditions of love around the world. Nor could shehave guessed the common thread that would bind themn together in 1990. The worid is made up of many, mnany cultures, but one tradition that. practicaliy every country shares is the celebration of wedding anniversaries. In Hong Kong, signiticant wed- ding anniversaries are celebrated with a big party, where'the couple presents each- of their friends with ivory chopsticks with the celebrants' namne engraved on them. Austrians celebrate benchmark anniversaries by iepeating their entire wedding ceremony, reception and honeymoon. Wedding anniversary in any The four Cs of dcia monds NC Dianne >s Bidai *Couture -CUSTOM CREATIONS !Brida(owLs e Bdesmai&s MvO tfer's amfSpeciof Occasion Any custom made bridai gown ordered before April 3Oth, 1991 will include a- headpiece and veil of their choice. No Alteration Charges On Custom Made Orders. -Il' Jn f >rMC: J NK : 413 Dundas St.E.,atH3LX8985in&F ~T I.. SF DISCOT-UE Paradiseý Island yTanning and Swimweair» 20% OFF AU. NEW ARRI VAL SWIMWEAR