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Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 15

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WIIITY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6e,1991, PAGE 15 Handwoven items byMargaret' Otto will, hoexhibitod in the display case othe Whitby Public Library, main branch, from Marchý 1 to March 28. Items to be on dispiay include fine weaving -- a pair wail hangings entitled yarageinMerino wool, and a étale i mohair GO .NATURAL WORKSHOPS Three workshops will be hold at. Go Natural, 121 rock St. N. WhitbY. ¶Dream Interpretat;ion"ý wiill ho on Saturday, March 9, il a.m. to 4epm.- 'Beyond Stress' on Friday,Marc1 15, 12:30 to 2 p.m.; on Wednesday, March 20, %l your child (age 6to 16)hbaving emotional, learning or communi- cation problems.' Find out why with Rayad Iris analysis. For i ndividual appointments, cal 668-2661. THEOS MEETING Theos, a self-help group. for widowed people wiil hold their regular- monthy meeting on Sunday, March 10 at st. AndroW's Proshyterian. Church, Cochrane St., Whithy t 2-pm Al widowed monn andwomon are wolcomo to attend. For more information, cal 668-2648.' PANEL DISCUMION Thé Durham Coalition Against the War in theGulf will.sponsor an..oducational, pro-peaoe forum at theoVWhty Lbray vauditorium on Thuyrsday, March 7 at 7:30 yM. Guest seakers wil include oFlexor (CAW chairman, Local 112 and momber of Jows"for -àa- Just Peaco), and Hellen ,Armstronýg .,rom -Greenpeace. Admission ià free. For more »r orm in oil668-1832 or 435-0497. AOTFUNDRISMING Nôrma. Bandier will discuse 'Fudraiii' and anslwer ques- tions about fundraising aivui-A» ties, on Monday, March il noon, at McGinnis Landing - Res- tauranýt, Brock Rd. and Hwy 401, Pickering Home and 1Desn Centre. Cost is $15, inclu es lunchoon and boverage. Caîl 428- 6383 te, reserve. Epilepsy Oshawa & Area Chapter will hold its monthýy meeUn on Tuosday, March1, 7:30 p.., t the Kinsmen Com- -munit Ceýntre, 109 Colborne St. W.,' Oshawa, to celebrate National -Epilepsy Month. Guest speaker will ho Marvin Witter, regionial director speaking on huiman regts. Oier guesta in- -vited are mayors i the region RUSHSTEW SUPPER. St. Mark's United Church j Social Club wiil hold its 34th annual Irish Stew Sup r onc Wodnosday, March 20, 6:0 Pm., at the church, 201 Centre St. S.,t Whitby. Ail-you-can-oat stew 1 salad, nie and entertainmnentwf h6o offore. Coat is $6.50 forc adulta, $3 for thoso under age 3.1 For ticket information, c4,1 434 8722,,668-2844or 668-3991.,' atI& ;-KIDNEY WEEK Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley wiil proclaim March 3-9 as 'Kidney Wèeek'with a flag-raising ceremony at Town hall on March 3 et 9:30 a.m. The ovont promotes The Kidnoy Foundation .of Canada's annuel March door-to-door cavassng campaign, in Whitby. ÂBMSTYInYTERNATIONAL The Oshawa-Whitby chapter of Amnesty International wiil meet on Wednosday, March 6, 7:30 p.m., at St.. Lukos -Church, Rossland and Park Rds., Oshawa. Everyone is'welcome.- Free admis- sion. For further information oel 579-1943. WEEKEND TOURS 0F, SUGARBUSK The maple. syrup demonstration program at urpe Woods Conservation Area continues with woekend tours for public and community groupa. Tours will ho available' on. tho weekends of March 9 an~d 10, 16 and'17, 219,' 30, 31 and- April 1. The. annual pancake weekend will h held in co-operation with tho Durham AM.KYiwanis Club on March 23 and 24. Purpie, Woods Conservation Arée is located north of Oshawa at the southeast corner of Simcoe St. at the lOth Concession Rd. Admission, parking and guided tours- are free. For further information, contact the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority at (41P 579-0411. MAYOR Bob Attersley raises the flag to- recognize March as Kidney Month in Whitby-. Shown with Attersley 18 Muriel Sillen, malnager of the fun- draising campa@g. for the Wbitby branch of the KinyFoun ation of Canada. frlesPr...photo By Maureen Quinlan Whitby Kidney Foundation volunteers have begun thoir fun- drasing caxnpaign- for March, Kdneyonth. It ishope that the TJight For Life willraise $7,00 te su p por resoarch, promoto public oua tion and patient services. Without these new funds the foundation may not ho aide te provide some of the services pro- viously* offered te kidney kida and adulte in Whitby Past funds have Len usod te crate fun locations such as Camp Dialysun a summer camp designed for kida usually rostric- ted to a strict medical routine. The camp gives every kid a chanoe te ho «normal," and offers ail of the usuel activities of a aummer camp with the honefit of Camp Dorset for both -kidneY patien ts and tieir --familles, ls also developed from Kidny Fouindation funds..- * And, of course, funds are also committed te finding a- cure for the disease that affects more than one million Canadians. Kidney transplants and dialy- ais treatments are not solutions te the problem, only temporary cures. The Kfidney F oundation alo supporta a pubulc awarenoss po gram, mvolving a puppt show that travels from gatering te gathering. . Thisia19an entertaining way of educating children. about kidney disease détection,' so that. serious disordera may ho prevented. Tho unique teaching aid already reaches 6,000 childron a year. i .Non.profit community group which are basedin Whltby or have a substantial Whitby membershlp may place their upeomin g meetings or activifies on this page at no cost. %ftm ngo 1xw>W I Friday as Bp.m. CANADIAN CLUB Th e Canadian Club of Durhm Region' will ho meeting on Tuesday, March 12, at tho Holiday Inn, Oshawa, comxnencing with dinner at 6:30 p.m. AloxiHill, educator and xilitary leader, wiil ho gust speaker. - Ail welcomne. -For reservrations, call - 668-4522 or 668-4335.' THE CO'RPORATION 0F YTHE TOWN 0F -WHITBY PARKS AND REC.REATION DEPT. RIENT ATOWN FACIUTY FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION Available in a ranîge of capacitios and settings, Brooklin Commun Contre Centennial Building 1 RloM Heydenshore Pavilion: Whitney Hall ROOM S11LL AVNILABLE FOR 1991. CALJ..608-7765 INQUIRIES INVITED FOR 1992 4o~$CAN « THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOUC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD invites' ALI INTERESTED PARENTS & RATEPAVERS to an INFORMATION MEETING regarding registration for THE IMMERSION FRENCH PROGRAM: GRADE 4 (entry point> DATE: Tuesday March 19, 199 1 LOCATiON:-School of the HoIy Redeemer 747 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario TIME: 7:30Pm DATE: Wednesday, March 20,1l991 LOCATION: HoIy C ross Catý ollo School 357 Simcoe Strëet-South Oshawa, Ontario TIME: <7:3Opmn Parents may attend either presentation. The presentations will include a description of the Board's Immersion French Program, the established, procedures for application, recommendation' and. registration of pupils, and offer an opportunity for questions and *answers. Information bookiets and application forms wiîl beavailable at both meetings. S-~-"..,,-.,...........~.... STUDENT OFFICERS FROM TORONTO WILL BEUN WHITBY, MARCH 9-179-1991, " Providing Children's Entertainment March 11- 16 Winter Break "Providing Special Worship Meetings Sundays Mardi 10 and 17 122 Kent Street', Whitby 668-7477 For More 1--e-nmaq on

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