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Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNEBDAY, MARCH 6, 1991« Brooklin Concret e. hold s open house By Chrls Bovie Although esteblished in 1952, it was just one week ago thet Brooklin Concret. Products flrst opened its doors te landscapers and contracters te view company facilities. John MeCoy, vice-president 'of OFperations for the company, one of the largest manufacturers of concrete products in Canada, feels that open communication is important to clients. "The con sumer teday is very Budget-,for recovery By RosSteveni Durham MP Lest weekes federal budget dealt head-on with major problemes fecing Canada toa: the recession, shaky confidence ini our nation's future' and the complaint by Canadians that they're already over-taxed. The 1991 budget is a blueprint for econoinic recovery, powered by lower interest rates and reduced inflation. Lower interest rates that stay low will stimulate spending by business and consumers. To keep interest low, the federel governinent hbas set two per cent as the inflation target for comxg yers.This also will be a great help to seniorctzn :ndohesnflxed mcomes.- 1 1Over the peut 15 years, Canadians learned that more governinent spending only leads eventuaily te more taxes. So, while the 1991 bugt didn't touch established- progreres for veterens, »the eider y, the unemployed end native peoplesi overail spending increases are liniited te three per cent for the next five years. New laws wiil ensure these spending limite are folowed, s0 that the federel govertnment - like other Cenadians - will have to live within its income. Fim sure ail of you wiil be pleesed te know that Ottawa's entire income from the-new goods and services tex wii be used exclusively for, reducing the federal deficit and the, national debt. Canada beceme à financiel, cripple between 1975 and 1984 when the government in office borrowed and spent nearly $200 billion more then it took in. By 1984, compounding interest on that debt had increased it by another $120 billion. Today the total accumulated debt is ebout $380 billion - qieett $14,00 for every man, woman and child in Canada ett So, for example, if the entire federal government wes shut down today - ail offices'closed, ail spendirig'end progrems cenceiled, ail bureaucrats, MPs and senators were*firediend al federal building and properties were sold,-- thered stiil be a $13 billion operating deficit this year because of the interest charges "on the niational debt. Even- without those interest charges, the government in 1984 had a $16 billion deficit on its operations and programs. Today, aside from interest, there is a $12 billion surplus. So this government has already echieved a significent $28 -billion turnaround. But more restreint is needed and this budget provides it. Salaries of the prime niinister end cabinet are frozen. The entire wage budget of the federal government is te be frozen next year, and ini the foilowing years wil l e liniited to three per cent. Government operating budgets and capital spending are frozen, end management wiil be reduced ten per cent. Theresé no money for such things as Toronto's propoeedbellet-opera house or the cultural centre in Montreal. Signiflcantly, thisbudget contained only two increeses in federal revenues - an added tex on tebecco and a riue in unemployment insurance. contributions te keep that program self-sufficient.'i' Concern Ias been expressed that federal restreints will reduoe Ottawals ebility te regulate medicare. However, the *government wil. shorly introduce new legislation te ensure there is no erosion of the national medicare standards that Canadiens expect. The theme of this budget- is recovery and prosperity. Our pr .prty was risked bP previous government htgv Canadiens programs and benefits without reising the money te pay for them. Recovery is on the way, and by acting now the government is ensuriftg our economy end the socal progrems we cherish will lie strong end remein sein the future. sophisticated. If the contracters don't have the answers te their questions the% don't look feel posiive ut he contractor. We went te give them as much information about our prodluct,'oB we can.» Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. also announced new product limes in the landscaping field. Three such breakthrough in- clude -the Milestene Designer Seriesi, Circle Pak and iAnk- SThe Milestone Seies sdsg ned te -allow- various sizes of stones te be used. The Circle Pak allows the creation of interlock- ing circle, haîf circles, quarters or fans without wide joints. Theë Link-Wall allows fo rming shepes from curved toestraight- walls to piliers.Ï 2nd Brooklin scouts i.yil pick Up newspapers for reéylingo Saturdey, March 9, 9:30 eam. Noespapers should b.ed,, s3hiny --peper- (maggazi) ýand heevy bmdings- ( telephonie books) should be avoided. Wheels to MealsMarch 13 The. next Wheels te, Meals in thé ,Brooklin-Myrtle-Ashburn area will b. held on Wednesdey, March 13,. noon et St. Thomas Memorial hall Iirooklin., Seniors, anâ shut-ins or dis- abled people of,, ail ages, are welome. Cost ia $2.50 per per- son for lunch. If transportation is needed, cail 655-4284. Proceeds from 1990 were done- ted -te St. VinoetsKitchen in Oshawa where hot meals are serv'ed every evening except Sun- day. Homecraft entries begIn Entry forms for the homecraft secti of theý 1991 -Brookliù S5j»ia Fair will b. available by id-March et the Wluitby and Brooklin public libraries. .This year's feir will b. held fromn Thursday, May 30 te, Sun- Mtailing deadline for homecraft entries is May 21, but personel registration wilLbe accepted et Br;ooklin United <Jhurcéh on Saturday, May 25 and Monday, My 27, 2 to5p.m. or more entry information, or te volunteer te, assist With regfist- ration ceil Meureen, Jackson et ±maI estate servie. hALlaL. U~ Think aboutthé' MONEY you'II save with SUBARU® Itàr. A EII-qM:KT_ P ARI1 If you think about it, you'II own one [c&c MOTORS S 1705 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY d430-6666 *Not exacdy as illustrated. Plus taxes. freight and PDlI - J" JOHN MCCOY, vice president of opeations for Brook- Uin Concreto Products Ltd., led a tour of the, plant facilty laët week as the company held an gpOfl houe for contractors and landscapers. CWin .Bovi. photo %P r P% u m-rp i i iy - v L. F ii i IP 4F l.L.IiI.L. ip 6,ÂDURABLE $ DEPENDABLE 1 777TTrM

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