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Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 3

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WHTBY MWeE PU&%S WEDNESDAY, MARCH Bi, 1991o PAE 8 Roisnrmnde onfr odechare M I Operations Committee Th at agrant of upto $750 be given ta the Whtby Iroquois Swim Club ta defray transportation costs involved ln participating ln a national swim competition held ln Gaigary last month. Recome etocouncil That a fee structure for use of the swlmming pool and fltness rooms in Whftby's new recmeation compiex on' Rossiand Rd. Ibe approved. Public swim fees for September 1991 through ta, March,1 993 are children $2; aduits $4; seniors $2 and famnily $10. A yeaiy fitness znerrbershipfee will be $325. Itm-Sfrom W,-hitby ,ý,Counc: ..agenda(s), Mondayl,âwMarch 4,1991i Rec.oi»mendal tionsfromthE Planning an Developmient Cemittee, that a rezoning application Aram, Durham Heights Partnershlp.Ltd. for a- commercial-rôsidentlal- îdeveiopment'at the northwest coneraof Rossland Rd. and Gardon St.,be referred back ta planning, staff for iurther comment. The developer has modliied the original proposaI *In a. number of areas lIncludlng reduclng the overaîl size ai the shopping plaza framf 30,000 sq., metres ta 18,8q50sq. metres.. Reèrdto planning staff' Thatapplicationstram the, Orlando Covp.-ta permît prestige IndustrIal develop- ment on a. 0.81 -acre site on the west aide of Thickson Rd., north of Wentworth St., bedenied. Commtte e fat iurther development ln -the area would be detrimental ta the environmentallysongitive Corbett Creek and nearby mârsh. RécoIMmended to counci That n application from St; e Valley Developments« Ltd. ta add 25 more unîts toaa previously approved subdivision on the sauth aide aio Taunton Rd. E... west ai Garrard Rd., be appraved. Planning staff recmmended against the additional units because, when ca'mbined wth. other subdivisions planned nearby, it would, represent a 13.8 per cent lncrease aboDve-acceptable, populationdenity levelsfo r the area. The committee, with the exception ai councIllor Marcel Brunielle, did flot agree and ýpermltted the extra- unité on thé basîs that Ir would flot adversely affect the area. The commttee also feft the request was dfferont tram ather recently'tejected dsvelopment Proposais seeklng ta add more units, because those weme for subdivisions already ln exlsti~ residential amas. ReoOmiended to counoil Recommenda-, agenda MARCH, Robinsonl a certiicatofaproval v ýiolafin, qison 'as ai for bis dump unùtil li',e c'^oniýplies ben caredwh peratinig a with al municçipàa sd fîiecode ava yard, Without a' vald, regulations. lcne . ...... j~~PECIAL Sprng int Sape aExclusive 4 Luxuiu for' Spéca Twlce the warkout! Twice thé fun! --For a limhited time oniy-two can loin for the'price 0f- one., Hurry-in today ... you stili have tîme ta get i nto. g reat shape for summer. bL 4-- w-.ITbFO complex onNolmtNocun sehedule- ONE HOUR and within MO-0TOPHO TO budget 80 Thickson- Rd. S., Whitbv 430-' A Whitby autom obile scrap dealer wili appear ini court this month:,ta face charges underthe Ontano Pire Code. ,Art Robinson, owner of Art's Auto Wreckers, must return ta court, March 28 ta. set a date for trial on'20 charges relating ta, a used tire dumip- located-at the scrap yard. Hée appeared* in provincial. offences, court-in Oshawa lait Thursday and was ,remanded ta the new date. - Robinson' and -bis companýy, 447871 Ontario Ltd. reJoiktl named 'on, ten Of te chargesp, wbile Robinson ýhimself faces an, additional ten chare .The Town of Wib aid the charges lait month i coénnection with the storage of approxi- mately 100 000, used tires at the Taunton Rd. E.;wrekingyard.-' The charges pertain ta lack of access for, emergency vehicles ta the' site, infjuffêient watèe up- ply' on the premises and, proper starage of tires. Robinson's yard was one of aine Ontario sites which, -had 24-hour seurty guards posted. by the provincia1 government fol. lowing last year's Hagersville tire fire disaâster. A fire burned for almost one month at a Hagersville, Ont. dump containing 14 million tires. A group of younig offenders were Char e i connection with the incdEt. As, a resuit, the province pas- ted guards at .othér dumps and tightened «the miles governing tire storage. Thie Ã"Otario Ministry Of By MikeKowalski Whitby's new 'recreation cern- plex is expected ta be built on time snd at no extra cost ta taxpayers. Gouncilor Joe Bugelli, chair- man of the Town's parks and recreation departinent, confir- med.that the Rossland Rd. faci- litylis within its original $10.5 million budget. 'Town officiais are lanig on the oentre being read for use by the first week of¶SepembwoS, said Athugth complex was in- itially forecast ta' be. completed this spriug, construction, startéd> a- few montha later. than anti-. ^e ducionof design -drawings took longer than expected and meaut work could not'begiu by November, 1989, but was delyedunil utFébruary.. - We e entre stcould couceiv- a!bly be ready for use sooner, Bugelli said, Towu- officiais feit it was ]prudent ta wait until al work is completed. %'i essence it probably could be sabe i Jujutthere is no "Tihere 'are things we cau't contraI like supply and delivery of material. lIt may be a bit earlier, but the latest is Septern- ber.» - ' The recreation centre is being built in two p haies. It wiil be located immediately'ta the west of Whitby's municipal office. Iuciuded iu the first phage are a swinmmg pool, fitniess area and multi-purpose room. The 25-metre pool wiil have a children's ares, terapeutic Pool with jets ta provide a whirlpo efect snd an 80.ft. water alie Thè second phaie of the cern- plex, will feature a library, 200- seat banquet hall, gyrnnaiiurn, squash and racquetbàll courts. Tlhere will be an, interval, bet- weeu compietion of the first phase snd commencement of the second, but the tirne frame invol. yod is not yet known. Fiuancing wiil corne from three sources - a $5.7 million deben- ture, $3.8- million from the Towu's reserve fundsansd an *886,M4 grant from the Ontario- government. tions fromù the L 1 Recreation - - ~1' I~bbEXTRA SEJOFPRINIW I Pr i cssn h nyaujnauclb I Wth this coupon, receive a duplicate set o i I meberslp IcIu~:, gprints FREE when presenting one ral of color 25% MF'ROCHASNI5(for 1full year) CIuon f lesma ot.be combined. 15% OFFI ExpireApril 15,19911 Nullsos. . - AND NOW for a lImtd time only ExiesAri* -,91.N dss IFRE PROCESSING On your f irst rail oa ifllm* O 9Ims epeene ttmo eeolg si 16.56 value for a roll af 24. The valtué of the affer exceede lubmmbers dls pcounîedtomdtinl . 'A$the cost of membarship. Expires April 15th, 1991 . Lmt2tosprcuo/soe.M I pT~*~FF~ On Film Deveoping9 mômTWOFR l E I !r m I Good o 1,i6ad3m imC4 process) U With Every- Roll Processe f $4.0 OFF on 24 Exp. or $2..00 OFF on 12 Exp. CI41* ope irnly diss ar ctercopn. t Copnmust accompany order. Club members discount limied. ny oeer rmtn i 2olsprutme/uo. * 10additionai 10%. Expires April 15 h, 1991. Limit 2 rails peri Club members ciscaunt imited to 10%/. *couparVcustamer. Expires April 15th, >1991 W IN ?Src U Lglg 4,"No limit No coupon, required.

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